上海交通大学:《医学影象学》(英文版)第二讲 Breast Imaging

Breast Imaging Basic Course For Medical College Student WANG Deng-bin MDPh. D Dept. of Radiology, RuiJin Hospital SSMU, P.R. china 可7
Breast Imaging Basic Course For Medical College Student WANG Deng-bin MD,Ph.D Dept. of Radiology,RuiJin Hospital SSMU,P.R.China

工 ntroduction Breast cancer is one of the best studied human tumors, but it remains poorly understood As in all medical endeavors, the practitioner should, whenever possible, use the results of scientific studies to guide clinical decision
Introduction “Breast cancer is one of the best studied human tumors, but it remains poorly understood” “ As in all medical endeavors, the practitioner should, whenever possible, use the results of scientific studies to guide clinical decision

And the imaging modalities implemented in clinical practice for breast care must be served as the tools for detection and characterization of breast lesions. As we expect, they are very important for diagnosis and treatment RJ
And the imaging modalities implemented in clinical practice for breast care must be served as the tools for detection and characterization of breast lesions. As we expect, they are very important for diagnosis and treatment

Imaging Modalities AmImllIun E RJ
Imaging Modalities

SIMRI GE Signa gemsow O5T MRI GE signa SyS#MRS Shanghai 2nd Medical Universit Rui Jin Hospital
1.5T MRI GE signa gemsow 0.5T MRI GE signa Sys#MRS Shanghai 2nd Medical University Rui Jin Hospital

X-ray Examination Mammograpy 口Ⅹ ray radiography( molybdenum X rays, rhodium X rays): MLO, CC, etc a Galactography -demonstrates the ducts and ductule or their abnormalities RJ
X-ray Examination Mammograpy ❑X-ray radiography (molybdenum X rays, rhodium X rays):MLO,CC,etc. ❑Galactography --demonstrates the ducts and ductule or their abnormalities



galactogram RJ ①②ag D
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