复旦大学:《大学生健康教育》课程教学资源(PPT课件)人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV、获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病 AIDS)

HNVIAIDS 人类免疫缺陷病毒/ 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 一 Dehong xu The Hospital of Fudan University
HIV/AIDS 人类免疫缺陷病毒/ 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 Dehong Xu The Hospital of Fudan University

Introduction AIDS is a life threatening disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.orHⅣVIⅣ Makes it difficult for the body to fight off infections(击退感 染)
Introduction AIDS is a life threatening disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. HIV makes it difficult for the body to fight off infections(击退感 染)

There is no cure( 治愈) for aIds. However, there are new treatments that can slow down its progression
There is no cure(治愈) for AIDS. However, there are new treatments that can slow down its progression

There are about 33 million people in the world who have hiv or aids. in the united states about 1.2 million people have Hiv or AlDs. More than 2 million people die each year from AIDS-related illnesses
There are about 33 million people in the world who have HIV or AIDS. In the United States, about 1.2 million people have HIV or AIDS. More than 2 million people die each year from AIDS-related illnesses

This reference summary is about hiv and Alds. first it describes the hiv infection and how that turns into AIDS. This summary stresses risk factors, screening and prevention. Symptoms(hEv)and treatment are also reviewed
This reference summary is about HIV and AIDS. First it describes the HIV infection and how that turns into AIDS. This summary stresses risk factors, screening and prevention. Symptoms(症状) and treatment are also reviewed

What is hllv HIV is the virus that causes aids. when a person has HiV it means the hiv virus is in his or her body
What is HIV? HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. When a person has HIV it means the HIV virus is in his or her body

When a person has aids it means hiv has made it so the body cannot fight off infections The person may get infections or tumors(+E)that the body can no longer fight off
When a person has AIDS it means HIV has made it so the body cannot fight off infections. The person may get infections or tumors (肿瘤) that the body can no longer fight off

Everyone who has alds also has hiv True or false True Since aids is an advanced form of an hiv infection. everyone who has aids also has hiv. hiv causes alds
Everyone who has AIDS also has HIV. True or false True. Since AIDS is an advanced form of an HIV infection, everyone who has AIDS also has HIV. HIV causes AIDS

How is hiv transmitted(传染3)? HIV enters the body through blood, semen(精液) vaginal fuid(阴道液体) or breast milk(乳液) from an infected person
How is HIV transmitted (传染)? HIV enters the body through blood, semen (精液), vaginal fluid (阴道液体) or breast milk(乳液) from an infected person

The body depends on the immune(免疫) system to fight infections the same way it depends on the digestive system(消化系统) to digest food The immune system also keeps some types of cancer from taking over the bod With no immune system(免疫系统),a person would die from a simple infection such as a cold or flu(流感)
The body depends on the immune (免疫) system to fight infections the same way it depends on the digestive system (消化系统) to digest food. The immune system also keeps some types of cancer from taking over the body. With no immune system (免疫系统), a person would die from a simple infection such as a cold or flu (流感)
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