北京航空航天大学:Weyl Semimetals and Holography(讲稿)

中国辩学我术大草 University of Science and Technology of China Weyl Semimetals and Holography Yan Liu Beihang University Based on work with K.Landsteiner,Y.W.Sun and in progress 北京航空航天大学 BEIHANG UNI V E RS I YT
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Based on work with K.Landsteiner, Y.W. Sun and in progress Yan Liu Beihang University

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Gravitational theory
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Gravitational theory

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Gravitational theory
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Gravitational theory

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Gravitational theory Physics
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics Gravitational theory

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Gravitational theory Physics
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics = Gravitational theory

Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Gravitational theory Physics Gravity Holograpiny CMT
Weyl Semimetals and Holography Condensed Matter Physics = Gravitational theory Gravity Holography • CMT

Holography with lasers Components of a Hologram Beam Splitier Film Plale Encoded on a two Three dimensional dimensional image photographic plate
Holography with lasers Three dimensional image Encoded on a two dimensional photographic plate

Holography in Quantum Gravity 黑洞是个热力学体系, 是理解量子引力的窗口 hk T- 2π Area S=- (Hawking,1974) (Bekenstein,1973) 4G五
Holography in Quantum Gravity S = Area 4G~ ⿊洞是个热⼒学体系, 是理解量⼦引⼒的窗⼝ T = ~ 2⇡ (Hawking,1974) (Bekenstein,1973)
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