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Fluent:《GAMBIT建模教程》教学资源(PPT讲稿)Geometry Operations in GAMBIT

Fluent:《GAMBIT建模教程》教学资源(PPT讲稿)Geometry Operations in GAMBIT

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Cente Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Geometry Operations in GAMBIT 2-1

2-1 © 2006 Fluent Inc. Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Geometry Operations in GAMBIT

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Introduction Objective Create and mesh the fluid region for flow problems and solid regions for heat transfer(and structural analysis for FIDAP Users) Typically accomplished by constructing and working with lower order entity objects and volume primitives ◆ Terminology: Lowest order Vertex -A point in space Edge -a curve that is defined by at least 1 vertex(in the case of 1 vertex, the edge forms a loop Face-A surface(not necessarily planar) bounded by at least 1 edge (except for sphere and torus) Highest order Volume-A geometric solid, can be thought of as an air-tight set of connected faces 2006 Fluent Inc

2-2 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Introduction ◆ Objective: ⚫ Create and mesh the fluid region for flow problems and solid regions for heat transfer (and structural analysis for FIDAP Users). ⚫ Typically accomplished by constructing and working with lower order entity objects and volume primitives. ◆ Terminology: ◼ Vertex – A point in space. ◼ Edge – A curve that is defined by at least 1 vertex (in the case of 1 vertex, the edge forms a loop). ◼ Face – A surface (not necessarily planar) bounded by at least 1 edge (except for sphere and torus). ◼ Volume – A geometric solid, can be thought of as an air-tight set of connected faces. Lowest order Highest order

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Introduction Color by entity Vertices and edges are colored according to the highest order entity to which they are connected Coloring scheme Vertex: White Edge Yellow ■Face Blue Volume: Green Color by connectivity Vertices and edges are colored according to the number of edges and faces to which they are connected White: Connected to O parent entities Orange: Connected to 1 parent entity Blue Connected to 2 parent entities Magenta: Connected to 3 or more parent entities

2-3 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Introduction ◆ Color by entity ⚫ Vertices and edges are colored according to the highest order entity to which they are connected. ⚫ Coloring scheme: ◼ Vertex: White ◼ Edge: Yellow ◼ Face: Blue ◼ Volume: Green ◆ Color by connectivity ⚫ Vertices and edges are colored according to the number of edges and faces to which they are connected: ◼ White: Connected to 0 parent entities ◼ Orange: Connected to 1 parent entity ◼ Blue: Connected to 2 parent entities ◼ Magenta: Connected to 3 or more parent entities

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Introduction Undo/ redo Undo 10 levels of undo by default Applies to all geometry, meshing, and zoning commands Rolling the mouse over any button provides a description of any command This also applies to the Undo/Redo buttons Number of undo/redo levels controlled by the variable global undo LEVEL Left-click to execute the visible button operation Right-click to select between undo/redo

2-4 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Introduction ◆ Undo/Redo: ⚫ 10 levels of undo by default. ◼ Applies to all geometry, meshing, and zoning commands. ◼ Rolling the mouse over any button provides a description of any command. This also applies to the Undo/Redo buttons. ◼ Number of undo/redo levels controlled by the variable global.undo.LEVEL ⚫ Left-click to execute the visible button operation. ⚫ Right-click to select between undo/redo

器 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 The Right Answer in CFD Real, Virtual, and Faceted Geometry Three kinds of geometry in GAMBIT Real Defined by the acis library of geometry creation/modification routines s geometry defined by mathematical formulae Virtual A library of routines(created by FLUEnt which provides additional functionality by redefining the topology Geometry is defined using references to one or more real entities(referred to as host entities) Two objects that share the same underlying geometry but have different topology Faceted geometry Treated like virtual geometry Derived from importing a mesh or faceted geometry into GAMBIT

2-5 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Real, Virtual, and Faceted Geometry ◆ Three kinds of geometry in GAMBIT: ⚫ Real ◼ Defined by the ACIS library of geometry creation/modification routines. ◼ Geometry defined by mathematical formulae. ⚫ Virtual ◼ A library of routines (created by FLUENT) which provides additional functionality by redefining the topology. ◼ Geometry is defined using references to one or more real entities (referred to as host entities). ⚫ Faceted geometry ◼ Treated like virtual geometry. ◼ Derived from importing a mesh or faceted geometry into GAMBIT Two objects that share the same underlying geometry but have different topology

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Coordinate Systems Create coordinate system. Cartesian cylindrical, and spherical are possible with either Offset/Angle or Vertices for Create Coordinate System location/orientation Cartesian Location and orentation Modify a user-created coordinate system v Offset/Angle ◆ Vertices create Coordinate system Vertices Cartesian ++I Set the active coordinate system. The Location and onentation J selected coordinate system will be used in XY plane all panels Vertices Reference Sys ic_sys. 1 Offset Snap vertex creation onto grid Label (recommended only for simple geometries Y Creation of rulers Label Reset Close 2006 Fluent Inc

2-6 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Coordinate Systems ◆ Create coordinate system. Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical are possible with either Offset/Angle or Vertices for location/orientation. ◆ Modify a user-created coordinate system. ◆ Set the active coordinate system. The selected coordinate system will be used in all panels. ◆ Snap vertex creation onto grid (recommended only for simple geometries) ◆ Creation of rulers

器 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 The Right Answer in CFD General Operations-Move/Copy Move/Copy is available for all geometric entities Translate Rotate Move i Copy volumes Volumes Pick彐 Ax,△y,4 v Move ◆copy Transl v Rotate y Reflect v Scale Coordinate Sys. c. sys. ◆ Reflect: Vector Scale Cartesian Global Local Plane normal to vector 」 Copy mesh linked ◆Opio J Copy mesh unlinked ons 」 py zone types Move connected geometry(Move tool only Reset dose Copy mesh and/or zone types(either linked or unlinked)

2-7 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 General Operations – Move/Copy ◆ Translate ◆ Reflect ◆ Rotate ◆ Scale Plane normal to vector Vector x,y,z ◆ Options: ⚫ Move connected geometry (Move tool only) ⚫ Copy mesh and/or zone types (either linked or unlinked) ◆ Move/Copy is available for all geometric entities

器 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 The Right Answer in CFD General Operations -Define Vector Vector definition form is used int Vector Definition Rotate and Reflect (in Move/Copy) Active Coordinate System vector Sweep and Revolve(in Edge/Face/Volume Create) Start:(0,0, 0) Methods (0,0,1) Coordinate system axis J Magnitude Edge 2 Vertices Method: Coord. Sys. AXis 2 Points 2 Vertices Direction: Screen view 2 Points Magnitude option allows size of vector to be defined.Y vPi view Reset

2-8 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 General Operations – Define Vector ◆ Vector Definition form ⚫ is used in: ◼ Rotate and Reflect (in Move/Copy) ◼ Sweep and Revolve (in Edge/Face/Volume Create) ⚫ Methods: ◼ Coordinate system axis ◼ Edge ◼ 2 Vertices ◼ 2 Points ◼ Screen View ⚫ Magnitude option allows size of vector to be defined

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 General Operations - align The align tool combines one translation and two rotation commands into one tool Align Face aces Pick Can operate on any geometric entity Translation vertex Pair: It uses vertices on the start and end position to move the object Rotation vertex pair. Method of increased alignment with the use of Start vertex pairs Pane Alignment Vertex Pair Start Connected geometry can be included 3 」 Connected Geometry s Reset dose Plane Translation R otation Alignment

2-9 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 General Operations – Align ◆ The align tool combines one translation and two rotation commands into one tool. ◆ Can operate on any geometric entity. ◆ It uses vertices on the start and end position to move the object. ◆ Method of increased alignment with the use of vertex pairs ◆ Connected geometry can be included Plane alignment Translation Rotation Plane Alignment 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 3

养 FLUENT Fluent User Services Center Introductory GAMBIT Training vww. fluentusers com GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Connectivity It is very important to understand the concept of connectivity In order for flow to pass from one face /volume to another the two entities must be connected Conformal mesh Nodes are shared at the interface between entities Non-Conformal mesh -nodes are not shared at the interface 米关 关关关 Conformal Interface Non-Conformal Interface (Faces are connected) (Faces are not connected 2-10

2-10 Fluent User Services Center © 2006 Fluent Inc. Introductory GAMBIT Training GAMBIT 2.3 June 2006 Connectivity ◆ It is very important to understand the concept of connectivity. ◆ In order for flow to pass from one face/volume to another, the two entities must be connected. ◆ Conformal mesh – Nodes are shared at the interface between entities ◆ Non-Conformal mesh – Nodes are not shared at the interface. Non-Conformal Interface (Faces are not connected) Conformal Interface (Faces are connected)
