《教与学》研修班教学资源(学习资料)Learning Goals
Day 1 Handouts: 1)Bloom's taxonomy 2)Learning goal checklist 3)Course-scale goal slide 4)Tactics 5)Question Goals 1
1 Day 1 Handouts: 1) Bloom’s taxonomy 2) Learning goal checklist 3) Course-scale goal slide 4) Tactics 5) Question Goals
Are your students learning the main concepts? Defining learning goals and assessing as you go. Carl Wieman Value of explicit learning goals: 1)better define and guide what you want to teach. 2)define for students what they should be learning (and why). 3)essential for measuring what students are learning-- to guide improvement of instruction 2
2 Value of explicit learning goals: Carl Wieman Are your students learning the main concepts? Defining learning goals and assessing as you go. 1) better define and guide what you want to teach. 2) define for students what they should be learning (and why). 3) essential for measuring what students are learning -- to guide improvement of instruction
Plan of attack Wk 1:Developing and using topic and lecture learning goals Developing questions to assess learning goals Wk 2:More on assessing learning goals. Examining broader(course-scale)and longer term goals, better assessment through homework and exams Have found no substitute for discussion with peers and iteration. general and small group discussion and revisions. 3
3 Plan of attack Wk 1: Developing and using topic and lecture learning goals Developing questions to assess learning goals Wk 2: More on assessing learning goals. Examining broader (course-scale) and longer term goals, better assessment through homework and exams Have found no substitute for discussion with peers and iteration. ⇒ general and small group discussion and revisions
Explicit learning goals Basic definition:What should students be able to do after completing course? (How general attitudes or thinking are changed by course?) 。 Requirement of a learning goal:Must be measurable assessment and goals tightly linked Wide range of possible goals: From memorizing terminology to complex problem solving skills transferring ideas to new contexts thinking like a scientist (including interest and see relevance) (Reflection of what you want students to learn and at what level) 4
4 Explicit learning goals • Wide range of possible goals: From memorizing terminology to complex problem solving skills transferring ideas to new contexts thinking like a scientist (including interest and see relevance) (Reflection of what you want students to learn and at what level) • Basic definition: What should students be able to do after completing course? (How general attitudes or thinking are changed by course?) • Requirement of a learning goal: Must be measurable ⇒ assessment and goals tightly linked
Syllabus/Topic list Vs.Learning Goals Familiar >expand into learning goals. …good place to start Syllabus/Topic List Learning goals: Material covered (and time Outcome and student oriented: spent) Identifies what students will be able to do as a result of learning Defines what students are expected to learn 5
5 Learning goals: Outcome and student oriented: • Identifies what students will be able to do as a result of learning • Defines what students are expected to learn Syllabus/Topic list Vs. Learning Goals Syllabus/ Topic List • Material covered (and time spent) Familiar … good place to start expand into learning goals
From Syllabus/Topic list To Learning Goals Familiar ..good place to start .expand this into learning goals Learning goals: Course-scale learning goals (~5 to 10 per course) Syllabus/Topic List-Topic-scale learning goals (~2-5 per topic) Lecture-scale learning goals (~2-3 per class period) (~learning objectives) Consistency,Alignment 6
6 Learning goals: Course-scale learning goals (~5 to 10 per course) Topic-scale learning goals (~2-5 per topic) Lecture-scale learning goals (~2-3 per class period) (~learning objectives) From Syllabus/Topic list To Learning Goals Syllabus/ Topic List Familiar … good place to start … expand this into learning goals Consistency, Alignment
Course-scale learning goals (5-10) One Lecture-scale Learning CONTENT Goal could touch upon SKILLS several course-level goals HABITS OF MIND AFFECTIVE BELIEFS Course-scale learning goals Lecture-scale learning goals Recognize that the behavior of the Be able to design a fluorescent world around you is not magical and light bulb and to explain and mysterious,but rather can be justify the requirements on the understood and predicted using various basic components. certain fundamental principles. Understand the properties and motion of electric charges and use this knowledge to predict and explain various aspects of electricity. 7
7 Course-scale learning goals (5-10) CONTENT SKILLS HABITS OF MIND AFFECTIVE & BELIEFS Lecture-scale learning goals Be able to design a fluorescent light bulb and to explain and justify the requirements on the various basic components. One Lecture-scale Learning Goal could touch upon several course-level goals Course-scale learning goals Recognize that the behavior of the world around you is not magical and mysterious, but rather can be understood and predicted using certain fundamental principles. Understand the properties and motion of electric charges and use this knowledge to predict and explain various aspects of electricity
Course-scale learning goals (5-10) CONTENT:Be able to analyze,explain,and predict the motion of ob jects in the world around you SKILLS:Cognitive/Process skills: Reasoning,Problem Solving,Evaluating,Critiquing.. Technical skills: Computer skills(debugging,software specific,.. HABITS OF MIND:Think like a Use alternative representations;Compare and contrast;Reflect;Strategize,justify,and plan; AFFECTIVE:Appreciate,Enjoy,Value, (e.g.Recognize that the behavior of the world around you is not magical and mysterious,but rather can be understood and predicted using certain fundamental principles.) BELIEFS:About nature of learning and doing (e.g.Believe that learning and doing physics is more about reasoning and making sense,not memorizing.) 8
8 Course-scale learning goals (5-10) CONTENT: SKILLS: HABITS OF MIND: AFFECTIVE: BELIEFS: Be able to analyze, explain, and predict the motion of objects in the world around you Cognitive/Process skills: Reasoning, Problem Solving, Evaluating, Critiquing… Technical skills: Computer skills (debugging, software specific, … Think like a _______: Use alternative representations; Compare and contrast; Reflect; Strategize, justify, and plan; Appreciate, Enjoy, Value, (e.g. Recognize that the behavior of the world around you is not magical and mysterious, but rather can be understood and predicted using certain fundamental principles.) About nature of learning and doing ______: (e.g. Believe that learning and doing physics is more about reasoning and making sense, not memorizing.)
Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (~content+skills+habits of mind) 1.Factual Knowledge:remember and recall factual information 2.Comprehension:demonstrate understanding of ideas,concepts 3.Application:apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations 4.Analysis:break down concepts into parts 5.Synthesis:transform,combine ideas to create something new 6.Evaluation:think critically about and defend a position 9
9 Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (~= content+skills+habits of mind) 1. Factual Knowledge: remember and recall factual information 2. Comprehension: demonstrate understanding of ideas, concepts 3. Application: apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations 4. Analysis: break down concepts into parts 5. Synthesis: transform, combine ideas to create something new 6. Evaluation: think critically about and defend a position
Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (~content+skills+habits of mind) 1.Factual Knowledge:remember and recall factual information Define,List,State,Label,Name,Describe 2.Comprehension:demonstrate understanding of ideas,concepts Describe,Explain,Summarize,Interpret,Illustrate 3.Application:apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations Apply,Demonstrate,Use,Compute,Solve,Predict,Construct,Modify 4.Analysis:break down concepts into parts Compare,Contrast,Categorize,Distinguish,Identify,Infer 5.Synthesis:transform,combine ideas to create something new Develop,Create,Propose,Formulate,Design,Invent 6. Evaluation:think critically about and defend a position Judge,Appraise,Recommend,Justify,Defend,Criticize,Evaluate Higher level:Require deeper conceptual understanding 10
10 Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (~= content+skills+habits of mind) 1. Factual Knowledge: remember and recall factual information 2. Comprehension: demonstrate understanding of ideas, concepts 3. Application: apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations 4. Analysis: break down concepts into parts 5. Synthesis: transform, combine ideas to create something new 6. Evaluation: think critically about and defend a position Define, List, State, Label, Name, Describe Describe, Explain, Summarize, Interpret, Illustrate Apply, Demonstrate, Use, Compute, Solve, Predict, Construct, Modify Compare, Contrast, Categorize, Distinguish, Identify, Infer Develop, Create, Propose, Formulate, Design, Invent Judge, Appraise, Recommend, Justify, Defend, Criticize, Evaluate Higher level: Require deeper conceptual understanding
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