郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学 Vertebral Region》(双语版)Chapter two Arthrology

Chapter two Arthrology Department of Anatomy 王配军
Chapter two Arthrology Department of Anatomy 王 配 军

Classification There are two major types of articulations or joint a Continuous ioints fibrous joints bones are united by fibrous connective tissue Cartilaginous joints: bones are united by cartilage Synosteosis Discontinuous ioints synovial joints
Classification There are two major types of articulations or joint. ◼ Continuous joints ◼ Fibrous joints : bones are united by fibrous connective tissue ◼ Cartilaginous joints : bones are united by cartilage ◼ Synosteosis ◼ Discontinuous joints - synovial joints

S synovial joints Basic structures Articular surface: covered by y articular cartilage ■ Articular capsule Fibrous membrane Synovial membrane Articular cavity: containing a trace of synovial fluid; subatmospheric pressure in it
Synovial joints Basic structures ◼ Articular surface: covered by articular cartilage ◼ Articular capsule ◼ Fibrous membrane ◼ Synovial membrane ◼ Articular cavity: containing a trace of synovial fluid; subatmospheric pressure in it

Accessory structures Ligaments (lig. ):extra- and intracapsular ligaments Articular disc and articular labrum a Synovial fold and synovial bursa se es
Accessory structures ◼ Ligaments(lig.): extraand intracapsular ligaments ◼ Articular disc and articular labrum ◼ Synovial fold and synovial bursa

Movements of joints Translation Flexion and extension Adduction and abduction ■ Rotation Medial and lateral rotation ■ Pronation ans supination Inversion and eversion ■ Circumduction
Movements of joints ◼ Translation ◼ Flexion and extension ◼ Adduction and abduction ◼ Rotation ◼ Medial and lateral rotation ◼ Pronation ans supination ◼ Inversion and eversion ◼ Circumduction

Classification of synovial joints Uniaxial joints 车轴关节 ■ Biaxial joints 酸状关节 球窝关节 椭圆关节 ■ Multiaxial ioints 情车关节
Classification of synovial joints ◼ Uniaxial joints ◼ Biaxial joints ◼ Multiaxial joints

Articulations of Bones of trunk The vertebral column consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx
Articulations of Bones of Trunk The vertebral column consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx

Joints of the vertebral bodies Intervertebral discs between bodies of adjacent vertebrae, composed of: Nucleus pulposus,an inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic structure (gelatinous core ■ Annulus fibrosus an outer fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilage
Joints of the vertebral bodies Intervertebral discs between bodies of adjacent vertebrae, composed of: ◼ Nucleus pulposus, an inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic structure (gelatinous core ) ◼ Annulus fibrosus an outer fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilage

Hemination of nucleus pulposus 髓核脱出
Hemination of nucleus pulposus 髓核脱出

Anterior longitudinalligament Maintains stability of the intervertebral disc and prevents yperextension of the vertebral column Posterior longitudinal ligament Prevents hyperflexion of the vertebral column and posterior protrusion of the discs
Anterior longitudinal ligament ◼ Maintains stability of the intervertebral disc and prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column Posterior longitudinal ligament ◼ Prevents hyperflexion of the vertebral column and posterior protrusion of the discs
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