上海交通大学:《局部解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)胸部 THE THORAX


主要内容 Main Contents Summarization概述 Thoracic wa胸壁 Pleura and pleural cavity 胸膜与胸膜腔 Lungs肺 Mediastinum(1)纵隔
• Summarization 概述 • Thoracic wall 胸壁 • Pleura and pleural cavity 胸膜与胸膜腔 • Lungs 肺 • Mediastinum(1) 纵隔 主要内容 Main Contents

概述 Summarization 境界 The boundary 分部 The regions 表面标志 The surface landmark 胸部标志线 The lines of orientation on the thorax
一 、概述 Summarization • 境界 The boundary • 分部 The regions • 表面标志 The surface landmark • 胸部标志线

l 1. Boundary External occipital Costal cartilage Clavicle Clavicle Greater tubercle Scapula Infraspinous fossa Vinous process Ribs Lateral epicondyle Iliac crest Vertebral column Ulna Sacrum Hip bone Radius Greater sciatic notch Hip bone Coccyx Carpus Greater trochanter Carpus Ischial tuberosity Femur Femur Obturator foramen Lateral femoral condyle 胸部是躯干的上部,位于颈部与腹部之 间。 The thorax( chest) is the upper part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen
•胸部是躯干的上部,位于颈部与腹部之 间。 The thorax (chest) is the upper part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen. 1. Boundary

l 1. Boundary External occipital Costal cartilage Clavicle Clavicle Greater tubercle Scapula Infraspinous fossa Vinous process Humerus Lateral epicondyle Iliac crest Vertebral column Ulna Sacrum Hip bone Radius Greater sciatic notch Hip bone Coccyx Carpus Greater trochanter Carpus Ischial tuberosity Femur Obturator foramen .Its upper boundary is formed by a line al co drawing from the suprasternal notch along the superior margins of the clavicles to the acromion, and then to the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra
•其上界是从颈静脉切迹沿锁骨上 缘至肩峰,然后至第七颈椎棘突的 连线。 1. Boundary •Its upper boundary is formed by a line drawing from the suprasternal notch, along the superior margins of the clavicles to the acromions,and then to the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra.

l 1. Boundary External occipital Costal cartilage Clavicle Clavicle Greater tubercle Scapula Infraspinous fossa Vinous process Ribs Lateral epicondyle Iliac crest Vertebral column Ulna Sacrum Hip bone Radius Greater sciatic notch Coccyx Carpus Greater trochanter Carpus Pubic symphysis Ischial tuberosity Femur Obturator foramen The lower boundary is formed by a line drawing from the xiphoid process, costal archs, anterior extremity of 11th ribs inferior margin of 12th ribs to spinous process of 12th thoracic vertebra
•下界为剑突、肋弓、第11肋前端、 第12肋下缘和第12胸椎棘突的连线。 1. Boundary •The lower boundary is formed by a line drawing from the xiphoid process, costal archs, anterior extremity of 11th ribs, inferior margin of 12th ribs to spinous process of 12th thoracic vertebra

1。 Bounda Clavicle Clavicle Greater tubercle Vinous process Lateral epicondyle Iliac crest Vertebral column Ulna Sacrum Hip bone Radius Greater sciatic notch Hip bone Coccyx Carpus Greater trochanter Carpus The lateral boundaries of the thorax separating from the upper limb are the anterior and posterior margins of the deltoid
•两外侧界为三角肌的前、后缘。 1. Boundary •The lateral boundaries of the thorax separating from the upper limb are the anterior and posterior margins of the deltoid.

2. Region Thoracic wall and cavity Superior vena cava● Internal thoracic artery o Left at Right phrenic nerve o Transve rdial sinus Pectoralis major● monary trunk 3rd rib Middle lobar bronchus o Left phrenic nerve Right lung, middle lobe Middle lobar bronchus Left lung, supe Mammary Long thoracic nerve ddes Inferior lobar arteries o Oblique fissure Right lu Pleural cavity inferior Serratus anterior●一 bronchus [B X Latissimus dorsi ● Left inferior Right inferior pulmonary vein e External intercostal muscle e ● Descending aorta Thoracic duct The thoracic cavity, surrounded by the thoracic wall, contains the lungs, pleura and pleural cavity and mediastinum
2.Region Thoracic wall and cavity The thoracic wall consists of skin, fascia, nerves, vessels, muscles, and bones. The thoracic cavity, surrounded by the thoracic wall, contains the lungs, pleura and pleural cavity and mediastinum

3表面标志 Surface Landmarks ①颈静脉切迹 The jugular notch ②胸骨角 The sternal angle( of louis) ③剑突 The xiphoid process ④肋弓 The costal margin( costal arch) ⑤胸骨下角 The infrasternal angle ⑥锁骨 The clavicle ⑦肩胛骨下角 The inferior angle of scapula ⑧乳头 The nipple
① 颈静脉切迹 The jugular notch ② 胸骨角The sternal angle (of Louis) ③ 剑突The xiphoid process ④ 肋弓The costal margin (costal arch) ⑤ 胸骨下角The infrasternal angle ⑥ 锁骨 The clavicle ⑦ 肩胛骨下角The inferior angle of scapula ⑧ 乳头The nipple 3.表面标志 Surface Landmarks

颈静脉切迹 Supra Acromion of scapula ernum Coracoid prc [of scapula Glenoid cavity [of scapula Manubrium of sternum Sternal angle Neck of scapula Body of sternum Subscapular fossa (of scapula True ribs Xiphoid process of sternum Floating ribs Costal cartilages
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