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上海交通大学:《局部解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第十一章 颈部的局部解剖与操作(三)

一、体表投影 The surface projection 二、颈外侧区 The lateral region of the neck 三、枕三角The occipital triangle 四、锁骨上三角The supraclavicular triangle 五、颈根部 The root of the neck

局部解剖学(+一) 颈部的局部解剖与操作(3)

局部解剖学(十一) ➢ 颈部的局部解剖与操作(3)

主要内容 Main Contents 体表投影 The surface projection 颈外侧区 The lateral region of the neck >枕三角 The occipital triangle >锁骨上三角 The supraclavicular triangle 颈根部 The root of the neck

主要内容 Main Contents • 体表投影 The surface projection • 颈外侧区 The lateral region of the neck ➢枕三角 The occipital triangle ➢锁骨上三角 The supraclavicular triangle • 颈根部 The root of the neck

、体表投影 Surface Projection

一 、体表投影 Surface Projection

面横动脉 腮管 二腹肌后 1锁骨下动脉 一购锁乳突肌 面神经颊支 subclavicular a 颈外静脉 面动脉 颈外动脉 甲状软骨 副神经 环状软骨 颈内静脉 气管 颈总动脉 锁骨下动脉

1.锁骨下动脉 subclavicular a

面横动脉 腮管 2.臂丛 brachial plexus 二腹肌后 一购锁乳突肌 面神经颊支 颈外静脉 面动脉 颈外动脉 甲状软骨 副神经 环状软骨 颈内静脉 气管 颈总动脉 锁骨下动脉

2. 臂丛 brachial plexus

3胸膜顶 cupula of pleura 肺尖 apex of lung Figure 1.5. Projections of heart(red lines) and lungs(blue lines) on anterior chest wall

3.胸膜顶 cupula of pleura 肺尖 apex of lung

二、枕三角 Occipital Triangle 境界 boundary 内容 contents

二、枕三角 Occipital Triangle • 境界 boundary • 内容 contents

1.境界 boundary Parotid region SCM Digastric, posterior belly Submandibular triangle Digastric, anterior belly Occipital triangle Submental triangle Accessory n (CN XI Carotid triangle Superior belly of omohyoid Inferior belly of omohyoid Muscular trian Supraclavicular triangle 令枕三角 occipital triangle,又称肩胛舌骨肌斜方肌三 角,位于胸锁乳突肌后缘、斜方肌前缘与肩胛舌骨肌下 腹上缘之间

1. 境界 boundary ❖枕三角 occipital triangle,又称肩胛舌骨肌斜方肌三 角,位于胸锁乳突肌后缘、斜方肌前缘与肩胛舌骨肌下 腹上缘之间

顶 roof is formed by the: EE Floor is formed by the: 皮肤skin 椎前筋膜 Prevertebral fascia 浅筋膜 Superficial fascia 椎前肌 Prevertrbral musc|es 封套筋膜 vesting fascia 斜角肌 Scalene muscles

顶roof is formed by the: 皮肤skin 浅筋膜Superficial fascia 封套筋膜Investing fascia 底 Floor is formed by the: 椎前筋膜Prevertebral fascia 椎前肌Prevertrbral muscles 斜角肌Scalene muscles

2.内容 contents 副神经 Accessory nerve 副神经淋巴结 Lymph nodes of the accessory nerve 颈丛分支 Branches of the cervical plexus 臂丛分支 Branches of the brachial plexus

2. 内容 contents • 副神经 Accessory nerve • 副神经淋巴结 Lymph nodes of the accessory nerve • 颈丛分支 Branches of the cervical plexus • 臂丛分支 Branches of the brachial plexus
