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厦门大学:《仪器分析》课程教学课件(PPT讲稿)第五章 色谱法 Gas Chromatography(2/2)

厦门大学:《仪器分析》课程教学课件(PPT讲稿)第五章 色谱法 Gas Chromatography(2/2)

汽器分折合奥验】 《仪器分析》课程 第五章 气相色谱法(2) Chapter Five Gas Chromatography(GC)

《仪器分析》课程 Chapter Five Gas Chromatography (GC) 第五章 气相色谱法(2) 仪器分析(含实验)

2 气相色谱法 Gas Chromatography (GC) 1941,British scientists,A.J.P.Martin and R.L.M.Synge (Biochem.J,1941,35,1358) Liquid-liquid partition chromatography A theoretical framework for the basic chromatographic process A predication,a gas might be used instead of a liquid in chromatography" 1952,A.T.James and A.J.P.Martin Gas-liquid chromatography,Biochem.1952 50,679 (volatile fatty acids)

气相色谱法 Gas Chromatography (GC) 1941, British scientists, A.J.P. Martin and R.L.M. Synge (Biochem. J., 1941, 35, 1358) * Liquid-liquid partition chromatography * A theoretical framework for the basic chromatographic process * A predication, “ a gas might be used instead of a liquid in chromatography” 1952, A.T. James and A.J.P. Martin Gas-liquid chromatography, Biochem. J., 1952, 50, 679 (volatile fatty acids) 2

Schematic Diagram of Chromatography 气相色谱流程图 Flow or pressure controller Column Detector Gas purifier Data station Injection valve (Recorder) and gasifying Carrier gas source

Schematic Diagram of Chromatography 气相色谱流程图 Detector Carrier gas source Flow or pressure controller Injection valve and gasifying Column Data station W (Recorder) Gas purifier

2.1 气相色谱仪的基本部件 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.1气路系统 载气·气路结构载气净化器载气稳压恒流阀 2.1.2进样系统 进样器:液体进样〈 气体进样 气化室

气相色谱仪的基本部件 2.1 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.1 气路系统 载气 气路结构 载气净化器 载气稳压恒流阀 2.1.2 进样系统 进样器:液体进样 气体进样 气化室

2.1 气相色谱仪的基本部件 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography Septum Column or injection liner Syringe 5 51U911 9g0k司 004990u90 ,920=2 Carrier gas Simplified injection port design

气相色谱仪的基本部件 2.1 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography Simplified injection port design

2.1 气相色谱仪的基本部件 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 流动相和试 流动相入口 流动相进色谱柱 流动相入口 样进色谱柱 试样入口 试样出口 试样入口 试样出口 (a) () 旋转式六通阀a)取样位(load)b)进样位(injection)

气相色谱仪的基本部件 2.1 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 旋转式六通阀 a)取样位(load) b)进样位(injection)

2.1 气相色谱仪的基本部件 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.3分离系统 填充柱packed column I.D.2w4mm,Length1w10m;U形/螺旋形(15w25:1) I.D. 毛细管柱capillary column or open tubular(OT)column I.D.0.2w0.5mm,Length30w300m,螺旋形 Stationary phase

气相色谱仪的基本部件 2.1 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.3 分离系统 填充柱 packed column I.D. 2~4 mm, Length 1~10 m; U形/螺旋形(15~25:1) 毛细管柱 capillary column or open tubular (OT) column I.D. 0.2~0.5 mm, Length 30~300m; 螺旋形 I.D. R Stationary phase

2.1 气相色谱仪的基本部件 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.4温控系统 气化室色谱柱箱 检测器(特别是TCD) 一般情况下,气化室的温度比色谱柱温高10~50C 检测器的温度也比色谱柱温略高 ”程序升温

气相色谱仪的基本部件 2.1 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.4 温控系统 气化室 色谱柱箱 检测器(特别是TCD) 一般情况下,气化室的温度比色谱柱温高10~50℃ 检测器的温度也比色谱柱温略高 “程序升温

程序升温 24.25 Figure 8.4.GC separation of industrial solvents on a column of the adsorbent Carbopack C modified with 0.1%SP-1000 liquid.Temperature programmed from 70 to 225C at 4/min.Flow:20 mL/min.Detector:FID.Reprinted with permission from the catalog of Supelco,Inc.,Bellefonte,PA


2.1 气相色谱仪的基本部件 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.5检测器 R 线性范围 微分型检测器:浓度型 质量型 △R m 灵敏度S(sensitivity S= △m 检出限DL(Detection limit) D RN S

气相色谱仪的基本部件 2.1 Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography 2.1.5 检测器 微分型检测器: 浓度型 质量型 灵敏度 S (sensitivity) m R S D D = 检出限 DL (Detection limit) S R D 2 N = m R 线性范围
