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复旦大学上海医学院:《生理学》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 01 绪论 INTRODUCTION

复旦大学上海医学院:《生理学》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 01 绪论 INTRODUCTION

Physiology Da-Nian zhu

Physiology Da-Nian Zhu

Chapter l I INTRODUCT ION 8 1. Physiology its research field e Definition of physiology o The task of physiological research k How 米Wvhy *k Influence of environment k Adaptation and regulation

Chapter 1 § 1. Physiology & its research field • Definition of physiology • The task of physiological research * How * Why * Influence of environment * Adaptation and regulation INTRODUCTION

o Relationship between medicine physiology k Physiology is one of basic medical sciences o Three levels of physiological research k Cellular molecular level k Organic systemic level 米 Integrative level e Methods of physiological research k Acute and chronic animal experiment xk in vitro in vivo experiment *k molecular biological experiment

• Relationship between medicine & physiology * Physiology is one of basic medical sciences • Three levels of physiological research * Cellular & molecular level * Organic & systemic level * Integrative level • Methods of physiological research * Acute and chronic animal experiment * in vitro & in vivo experiment * molecular biological experiment

8 2. Internal environment of the body Body fluid(60% of body weight) k Intracellular fluid(40%0) k Extracellular fluid(20%) Plasma (5%) Interstitial fluid (15%) Lymph(1%) Cerebrospinal fluid(1%) Aqueous humor(1%) etc

§ 2. Internal environment of the body • Body fluid (60% of body weight) * Intracellular fluid (40%) * Extracellular fluid (20%) Plasma (5%) Interstitial fluid (15%) Lymph (<1%) Cerebrospinal fluid (<1%) Aqueous humor (<1%) etc

(占体重的40%) 胞内液 血细胞 组织液 (占体重的15%) 血浆 肠 (占体重的5%) 肾 人体外 Distribution transfusion of body fluid

Distribution & transfusion of body fluid

o Concept of internal environment (1870) By Claude bernard ( 1813-1878) milieu interne mi: Ija: into: n French Concept of homeostasis (1920) By w. B Cannon(1871-1945) e Importance of maintaining the homeostasis k Enough nutritional substances & o2 k Low level of metabolic products co2 k Water, electrolyte, acid-base balance k Temperature, osmotic pressure, etc. o Homeostasis is a dynamic equilibrium o Regulation of homeostasis k Involve all systems, especially the lung kidney

• Concept of internal environment (’1870) By Claude Bernard (1813-1878) milieu interne [`mi:lj: `int:n] [French] • Concept of homeostasis (’1920) By W. B. Cannon (1871-1945) • Importance of maintaining the homeostasis * Enough nutritional substances & O2 * Low level of metabolic products & CO2 * Water, electrolyte, acid-base balance * Temperature, osmotic pressure, etc. • Homeostasis is a dynamic equilibrium • Regulation of homeostasis * Involve all systems, especially the lung & kidney

8 3. Regulation of physiological function ● Nervous regulation *k Definition the characteristics *k Reflex reflex arc ● Humoral regulation * k Definition the characteristics k hormone its secretory forms Telecrine, paracrine, neurosecretion, etc ● Autoregulation *k Definition the characteristics

§ 3. Regulation of physiological function • Nervous regulation * Definition & the characteristics * Reflex & reflex arc • Humoral regulation * Definition & the characteristics * Hormone & its secretory forms Telecrine, paracrine, neurosecretion, etc. • Autoregulation * Definition & the characteristics

传入神经元 突触 传入纤维 中间神经元 感受器 突触 传出神经元 传出纤维D---效应器 图10-13反射弧 Reflex reflex arc

Reflex & reflex arc

8 4. Automatic control system in the body o Non-automatic control system Open loop system o Feedback control system k Closed loop system, Automatic control ck Negative feed back system k Positive feedback system o Feed-forward control system More quickly, less oscillated foresighted

§ 4. Automatic control system in the body • Non-automatic control system Open loop system • Feedback control system * Closed loop system, Automatic control * Negative feedback system * Positive feedback system • Feed-forward control system More quickly, less oscillated & foresighted

Feed-forward signals Receptor Center Effector Feedback signals

Receptor Center Effector Feed-forward signals Feedback signals
