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复旦大学上海医学院:《生理学》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 06 消化和吸收 DIGESTION & ABSORPTION

§ 1. Introduction § 2. Digestion in the mouth & esophagus § 3. Digestion in the stomach § 4. Digestion in the intestine § 5. Digestion in the colon § 6. Absorption in the small intestine

Chapter 6 diGesTioN ABSORPTION §1. Introduction Concept of digestion absorption k Mechanical chemical digestion o Characteristics of digestive smooth muscles *k General characteristics k Electrophysiological characteristics Resting potential (rP) Slow wave or basic electrical rhythm (BEr) Action potential (AP)

Chapter 6 DIGESTION & ABSORPTION § 1. Introduction • Concept of digestion & absorption * Mechanical & chemical digestion • Characteristics of digestive smooth muscles * General characteristics * Electrophysiological characteristics Resting potential (RP) Slow wave or basic electrical rhythm (BER) Action potential (AP)

g 5 mv 0 (I) 35 Electrical activities contraction of digestive smooth muscles

Electrical activities & contraction of digestive smooth muscles

o Secretion of digestive glands k Main functions of digestive fluids o Gastrointestinal innervation k Intrinsic (or enteric) nervous system Submucosal myenteric plexus k Extrinsic nervous system Parasympathetic sympathetic nerves o Gastrointestinal hormones 米 General functions 米 Brain- gut peptides

• Secretion of digestive glands * Main functions of digestive fluids • Gastrointestinal innervation * Intrinsic (or enteric) nervous system Submucosal & myenteric plexus * Extrinsic nervous system Parasympathetic & sympathetic nerves • Gastrointestinal hormones * General functions * Brain-gut peptides

AAAUWM! 黏膜层 黏膜肌层 黏膜下层和 神经丛 ?环形肌层 肌间神经丛 }纵形肌层 传入纤维 浆膜层 交感神经 节后纤维 脊髓传入纤维 迷走神经传入 Intrinsic 和传出纤维 (or enteric nervous 节衔纤维 systen

Intrinsic (or enteric) nervous system

副交感神经系统 延 髓 交感神经系统 胸段 腹腔神经节 肠系膜下 神经节 腰段 分 骶段 Extrinsic nervous system

Extrinsic nervous system

8 2. Digestion in the mouth esophagus ● Saliva& its function k Nature composition of saliva pH6.6~7.1,99% water Salivary amylase, lysozyme, salt, etc. *k Functions of saliva Moisten the cavity solve food; keep the mouth clean; anti-bacteria; digest starch k Regulation of salivary secretion Pure neuroregulation Conditioned unconditioned reflex

§ 2. Digestion in the mouth & esophagus • Saliva & its function * Nature & Composition of saliva pH 6.6~7.1, 99% water Salivary amylase, lysozyme, salt, etc. * Functions of saliva Moisten the cavity & solve food; keep the mouth clean; anti-bacteria; digest starch * Regulation of salivary secretion Pure neuroregulation Conditioned & unconditioned reflex

e Mastication or chewing its effects 米 Definition 米 Effects Break up large food particles; mixes the food with saliva; aid swallowing o Deglutition or swallowing *k Definition k Process Ist, 2nd 3rd phase Peristalsis lower esophageal sphincter

• Mastication or chewing & its effects * Definition * Effects Break up large food particles; mixes the food with saliva; aid swallowing • Deglutition or swallowing * Definition * Process 1st, 2nd & 3rd phase Peristalsis & lower esophageal sphincter

收缩波 舒张波 Peristalsis of the esophagus

Peristalsis of the esophagus

83. Digestion in the stomach e Gastric juice its secretion k Nature Compositions functions pH 0.9-1.5, colorless, 1.5-2.5 L/day Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Secreted by parietal cells Basic secretion: 0.5 mmol/h Max secretion: 20-25 mmol/h Mechanism of hcl secretion Functions: see next page

§ 3. Digestion in the stomach • Gastric juice & its secretion * Nature, Compositions & functions pH 0.9~1.5, colorless, 1.5~2.5 L/day Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Secreted by parietal cells Basic secretion: 0~5 mmol/h Max secretion: 20~25 mmol/h Mechanism of HCl secretion Functions: see next page

40 30 鎰长 20 10 0.5 1.0 1.5 壁细胞数(109细胞 Relationship between max volume of HCl secretion the number of parietal cells

Relationship between max volume of HCl secretion & the number of parietal cells
