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《有机化学》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Keynotes in Organic Chemistry 2003, Andrew F. Parsons, Blackwell Science

《有机化学》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Keynotes in Organic Chemistry 2003, Andrew F. Parsons, Blackwell Science

Keynotes in Organic Chemistry Andrew F. Parsons Blackwell Science

CONTENTS 1.Structure and Bonding 1 bonds d pi()bonds 12234 cts,hyperconjugation and 1.7 7.2 Bases Acid-base reactions 00255667 Problems roups 890034 3.Stereochemistry ethane (CH,CH,) CH.CH.CH) 324 l isomers 13661280001 31

Content 3.3 gold-Prelog (Rand 5) Fischer projection 3415567 Problems 4.Reactivity and Mechanism % 42 4212 hile osandcartonradical 49.1 ynamies and kineties 1.9.3K contro 7788194901122234456786 5.Alkvl Halides 5.21 H 5.3 5.3.1 Nucleophilic substitution 5 53.12 890701 71 53.18 icipation 5325319 723 52 The,bimolecular) 5.3.22 reactions e)rea ction 6.Alkenes and Alkynes 62 gen halides n of bromi ein the presence 62.24 domtw (): 6225 Ad 6.226 乡 6.2.27 f1.2- 6.2.28 Re 6.3

Content ion): nions Problems 7.Benzenes 2 32 the Friedel-C 0Q000 7.3 7.3.2 effects 7.4 3671319 of su benzene and thiophene 出8 8.Carbonyl Compounds:Aldehydes and Ketones n 83.3 e:eion crwein-Ponndorf-Verlev 124

2 125 125 of carbon mucleophiles: 12s 23 cetal and sulfur pucleophiles 色 pfaminenucleophilesg tion o mine oximes and Formation of enamines 8.4 842.1 enation of aldehydes and 843 Acid ogen atoms 金 4.42 Alkylatis ofe 85 alde hydesand dol Problems ounds:Carboxylie Acids 143 93 931

Content 9.33 的 ketones on of acid chloride 95 146 ilie substitution reactions of acid 48 cleophi 9.9 der 9.11.3int Clais condensations 多 S场 copy 159 10.1.3 10.5. spectroscopy n-spin splitting or couping 666666600111 NMR spectro copy 1.Natural Products and Synthetis Polvmer rates

Contents ix Waxes.fats and oils 52 tcnsolmen Problems Further Reading Appendix I Bond Dissociation Energies Appendix 2 Bond Lengths 20 Appendix 3 Approximate pK Values(Relalive to Water) Appendix4 Useful Abbreviations Appendix 5 Infrared Absorptions 213 Appendix6 ApproximateH NMR Chemical Shifis 21 Index 216

PREFACE With the adven on and an ever-increasing humber o of a subiect inm sion pro che (inc) placed onpr there are re h ed to s and defi on m an h h studie of Alkyl halide (ele and ons are i at th nof the whom I would like to thank for thei Gilbe

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