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广州医科大学(广州医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPP课件,英文版)Chapter 4 INFLAMMATION

OUTLINE Definition 2 Causes 3 Basic pathological changes 4 Local signs and general reaction Histological types 6 Inflammatory mediator and chemotaxis 7 Sequels

Chapter 3 INFLAMMATION Xu ruobing

INFLAMMATION Chapter 3 Xu ruobing

OUTLINE 1 Definition 2 Causes 3 Basic pathological changes 4 Local signs and general reaction 5 Histological types 6 Inflammatory mediator and chemotaxis 7 Sequels

OUTLINE 1 Definition 2 Causes 3 Basic pathological changes 4 Local signs and general reaction 5 Histological types 6 Inflammatory mediator and chemotaxis 7 Sequels

INFLAMMATION Definition Inflammation is a dynamic processes by which livin tissue reacts to injury. They concern vascular and connective tissue particularly

Definition Inflammation is a dynamic processes by which living tissue reacts to injury. They concern vascular and connective tissue particularly. INFLAMMATION

Local signs and general reaction Local signs 尺 edness(rbor) Heat (calor)----m-hyperemia Swelling(tumor)-------hyperemia and edema Pain(dolor)-----nerve ending irritated by exudates and inflammatory mediators Dysfunction

Local signs and general reaction Local signs: Redness (rubor) Heat (calor)------hyperemia Swelling (tumor)-------hyperemia and edema Pain (dolor)-----nerve ending irritated by exudates and inflammatory mediators. Dysfunction

General reaction (1)Fever % (2)Increased leukocyte count

General reaction: (1) Fever (2) Increased leukocyte count

(2)-----releasing leukocytes from bone marrow by IL-1 and TNF immature neutrophils(rod nucleus) increased in peripheral blood(left divert) Depending on the duration inflammation is divided into acute and chronic inflammation

(2) ------releasing leukocytes from bone marrow by IL-1 and TNF, immature neutrophils (rod nucleus) increased in peripheral blood (left divert). Depending on the duration , inflammation is divided into acute and chronic inflammation

2 Causes Physical agents: mechanical trauma: over heat or cold ultra-violet or ionising radiatio门 Chemical substances: simple chemicals eg acids, alkaline and organic poisons, toxins from various bacteria

2 Causes Physical agents: mechanical trauma; over heat or cold; ultra-violet or ionising radiation. Chemical substances: simple chemicals eg. acids, alkaline and organic poisons, toxins from various bacteria

涵斑 日光中引起红斑反应的 光谱为305mm,可在照 射几小时后,皮肤出现 边缘清楚的红斑,伴有 烧灼感和剌痛,严重时 出现水泡

烫伤 火、热水、热器等高热 可造成组织损伤,轻度 局部红肿,严重时出现 水泡,甚至组织坏死。 这是手的烫伤

痤疮 Acne 痤疮多发生于青年人的 面部、胸背部,形成多 数黑头粉刺、白头粉刺 丘疹,继发细菌感染等, 形成脓疱
