广州医科大学(广州医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPP课件,英文版)Chapter 3 Disorders of vascular flow
Chapter 3 Disorders of vascular flow Department of pathology longjie
Chapter 3 Disorders of vascular flow Department of pathology longjie
其 Hyperemia 充血) 其 Hemorrhage(出血) 其 Thrombosis(血栓形成) 其 Embolism (栓塞) 其 infarction (梗死)
Hyperemia (充血) Hemorrhage (出血) Thrombosis (血栓形成) Embolism (栓塞) infarction (梗死)
Hyperemia(充血) i Local increased volume of blood in an affected tissue or organ 其 Arterial-( lactive-)今 hyperemia(充血) 其 Venous~( passive)≯ congestion(淤血)
Local increased volume of blood in an affected tissue or organ. Arterial ~ (active ~) hyperemia (充血) Venous ~ (passive ~) congestion (淤血) Hyperemia (充血)
Arterial hyperemia Active process resulting from augmented blood flow due to arteriolar dilation ypes 1. Physiological: muscle exercise 2. Inflammatory 3. decompressing: Morphology. redder hotter mild turgid
Arterial hyperemia Active process resulting from augmented blood flow due to arteriolar dilation. Types: 1. Physiological: muscle exercise 2. Inflammatory : 3. decompressing: Morphology: redder hotter mild turgid
阑尾充血 Hyperemia af appendicitis 阑尾肿胀、增粗,血管 扩张,脓性分泓物覆盖, 可见局灶出血
congestion Passive process resulting from block(obstruction of venous drainage(outflow) auses 1. Compression of veins 2, Obstruction of venous lumen: thrombi 3. Heart failure
congestion Passive process resulting from block (obstruction)of venous drainage (outflow). Causes: 1. Compression of veins 2. Obstruction of venous lumen: thrombi 3. Heart failure
Cut surface: excessively bloody Body surface: cyanosis(nail, lip) lower temperature Gross. Morphology swollen heavier blue- red Micro: engorgement of capillaries and venules, minute hemorrhage
Morphology Micro: engorgement of capillaries and venules, minute hemorrhage. Cut surface: excessively bloody Body surface: cyanosis (nail, lip) lower temperature Gross: swollen heavier blue-red
正常 局部缺血静脉性充血
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