济宁医学院:《毒理学基础》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第八章 化学致癌作用 Chemical Carcinogenesis

第八章 化学致癌作用 Chemical Carcinogenesis
第八章 化学致癌作用 Chemical Carcinogenesis

1、There are more than 100 types of cancers; any part of the body can be affected. 2、In 2005, 7.6 million people died of cancer - 13% of the 58 million deaths worldwide. 3、More than 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries. 4、Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill men are (in order of frequency): lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and oesophagus. 10 facts about cancer
1、There are more than 100 types of cancers; any part of the body can be affected. 2、In 2005, 7.6 million people died of cancer - 13% of the 58 million deaths worldwide. 3、More than 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries. 4、Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill men are (in order of frequency): lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and oesophagus. 10 facts about cancer

10 facts about cancer 5、Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill women are (in the order of frequency): breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical. 6、Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer in the world. 7、One fifth of all cancers worldwide are caused by a chronic infection, for example human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer and hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes liver cancer
10 facts about cancer 5、Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill women are (in the order of frequency): breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical. 6、Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer in the world. 7、One fifth of all cancers worldwide are caused by a chronic infection, for example human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer and hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes liver cancer

8、A third of cancers could be cured if detected early and treated adequately. 9、All patients in need of pain relief could be helped if current knowledge about pain control and palliative care were applied. 10、40% of cancer could be prevented, mainly by not using tobacco, having a healthy diet, being physically active and preventing infections that may cause cancer. 10 facts about cancer
8、A third of cancers could be cured if detected early and treated adequately. 9、All patients in need of pain relief could be helped if current knowledge about pain control and palliative care were applied. 10、40% of cancer could be prevented, mainly by not using tobacco, having a healthy diet, being physically active and preventing infections that may cause cancer. 10 facts about cancer

Based on projections, cancer deaths will continue to rise with an estimated 9 million people dying from cancer in 2015, and 11.4 million dying in 2030
Based on projections, cancer deaths will continue to rise with an estimated 9 million people dying from cancer in 2015, and 11.4 million dying in 2030

The Constitution of Causes of Death (USA,2000) Causes of death Male (%) Female (%) Disease of the circulatory system 37.19 41.09 Malignant neoplasms 24.29 21.78 Diabetes metllitus 2.63 3.08 Accidents and adverse effects 5.54 2.91 Mental disorders 1.50 2.31 Infectious and parasitic disease 2.70 2.22 others 26.15 26.61
The Constitution of Causes of Death (USA,2000) Causes of death Male (%) Female (%) Disease of the circulatory system 37.19 41.09 Malignant neoplasms 24.29 21.78 Diabetes metllitus 2.63 3.08 Accidents and adverse effects 5.54 2.91 Mental disorders 1.50 2.31 Infectious and parasitic disease 2.70 2.22 others 26.15 26.61

1957、1984、1999、2004年我国城市主要疾病死因构成比及死因顺位 顺 位 1957 1984 1999 2004 死 因 比例 (%) 死 因 比例 (%) 死 因 比例 (%) 死因 比例 (%) 1 呼吸系统 16.86 心脏病 22.65 脑血管病 22.28 恶性肿瘤 27.23 2 传染病 7.93 脑血管病 21.13 恶性肿瘤 21.66 脑血管病 18.47 3 肺结核 7.51 恶性肿瘤 21.11 心脏病 16.37 心脏病 17.23 4 消化系统 7.31 呼吸系统 8.79 呼吸系统 15.28 呼吸系统 12.77 5 心脏病 6.61 消化系统 4.32 意外伤害 6.52 损伤中毒 6.56
1957、1984、1999、2004年我国城市主要疾病死因构成比及死因顺位 顺 位 1957 1984 1999 2004 死 因 比例 (%) 死 因 比例 (%) 死 因 比例 (%) 死因 比例 (%) 1 呼吸系统 16.86 心脏病 22.65 脑血管病 22.28 恶性肿瘤 27.23 2 传染病 7.93 脑血管病 21.13 恶性肿瘤 21.66 脑血管病 18.47 3 肺结核 7.51 恶性肿瘤 21.11 心脏病 16.37 心脏病 17.23 4 消化系统 7.31 呼吸系统 8.79 呼吸系统 15.28 呼吸系统 12.77 5 心脏病 6.61 消化系统 4.32 意外伤害 6.52 损伤中毒 6.56

第一节 化学致癌物及其分类 一、Definitions: chemical carcinogen A carcinogen is an agent whose administration to previously untreated animals leads to a statistically significant increased incidence of neoplasms of one or more histogenetic types as compared with the incidence in appropriate untreated animals. 化学致癌物 能引起动物和人类肿瘤,增加其 发病率或死亡率的化合物
第一节 化学致癌物及其分类 一、Definitions: chemical carcinogen A carcinogen is an agent whose administration to previously untreated animals leads to a statistically significant increased incidence of neoplasms of one or more histogenetic types as compared with the incidence in appropriate untreated animals. 化学致癌物 能引起动物和人类肿瘤,增加其 发病率或死亡率的化合物

◼ chemical carcinogenesis The induction or enhancement of neoplasia by chemicals. ◼ 化学致癌作用 指化学致癌物在体内引起正常 细胞发生良、恶性肿瘤的过程。 Measurement of Carcinogenesis : ◼ Frequency of 1 or several types of tumors also seen in the controls ◼ Number of tumors compared to controls ◼ Development of tumors not seen in controls ◼ Occurrence of tumors earlier in time than after exposure in the controls
◼ chemical carcinogenesis The induction or enhancement of neoplasia by chemicals. ◼ 化学致癌作用 指化学致癌物在体内引起正常 细胞发生良、恶性肿瘤的过程。 Measurement of Carcinogenesis : ◼ Frequency of 1 or several types of tumors also seen in the controls ◼ Number of tumors compared to controls ◼ Development of tumors not seen in controls ◼ Occurrence of tumors earlier in time than after exposure in the controls

二、Classifications 按作用结果分类 按作用机制分类
二、Classifications 按作用结果分类 按作用机制分类
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