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上海交通大学:《数字图像处理 Digital Image Processing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,第三版)Chapter 9 Morphological Image Processing

• Preliminaries • Erosion and Dilation • Opening and Closing • The Hit-or-Miss Transformation • Some Basic Morphological Algorithms • Gray-Scale Morphology

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY Digital Image Processing, 3rd ed Chapter 9 Morphological Image Processing ept. Computer Sclence EngIneering热园回 Hongtao Lu 1/312021

Chapter 9 Morphological Image Processing Dept. Computer Science & Engineering Hongtao Lu 1/31/2021 Digital Image Processing, 3rd ed

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY Outline Preliminaries Erosion and dilation Opening and closing The Hit-or-Miss Transformation Some Basic Morphological Algorithms Gray-Scale Morphology

• Preliminaries • Erosion and Dilation • Opening and Closing • The Hit-or-Miss Transformation • Some Basic Morphological Algorithms • Gray-Scale Morphology Outline

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY Mathematical Morphology Used to extract image components that are useful in the representation and description of region shape such as boundaries extraction skeletons convex hul‖ morphological filtering thinning pruning

• Used to extract image components that are useful in the representation and description of region shape, such as ▪ boundaries extraction ▪ skeletons ▪ convex hull ▪ morphological filtering ▪ thinning ▪ pruning Mathematical Morphology

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY 9.1 Preliminaries Sets in mathematical morphology represent objects in an image binary image(0=white, 1= black): the element of the set is the coordinates(x, y of pixel belong to the object Z2 gray-scaled image: the element of the set is the coordinates(x, y) of pixel belong to the object and the gray levels→Z3

9.1 Preliminaries • Sets in mathematical morphology represent objects in an image: ▪ binary image (0 = white, 1 = black): the element of the set is the coordinates (x, y) of pixel belong to the object Z2 ▪ gray-scaled image: the element of the set is the coordinates (x, y) of pixel belong to the object and the gray levels Z3

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY 9.1 Preliminaries A: A set in Z2 with elements of a=(a,, a2) 廷A ●AcB C=A∪B D=A∪B A∩B= A=wwE A A-B={w∈A,wgB=A∩B

9.1 Preliminaries • A: A set in Z2 with elements of a = (a1 , a2 )

上海定大 9.1 Preliminaries Operators by examples a b FIGURE 9.1 a) Two sets A d B (b)The AUB A∩B union of a and B (c)The intersection of A and B (d)The complement of A The differe between a and B A

9.1 Preliminaries • Operators by examples:

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY 9.1 Preliminaries A: A set in Z2 with elements of a=(a,, a2) B∈{ww=-b,forb∈B, Reflection (A)∈{c=a+,fra∈A}, Translation

9.1 Preliminaries • A: A set in Z2 with elements of a = (a1 , a2 )

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY 9.1 Preliminaries Reflection and Translation by examples Need for a reference point (a) Translation of a by z A 8(b)Reflection (A) of b Reference point

9.1 Preliminaries • Reflection and Translation by examples: ▪ Need for a reference point. (a) Translation of A by z. (b) Reflection of B

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY 9.1 Preliminaries Structuring elementS (SEs) Fiqure 9.2 First row: Examples of structuring elements. Second row: Structuring elements converted to rectangular arrays The dots denote the centers of the ses

9.1 Preliminaries • Structuring elements (SEs) Figure 9.2 First row: Examples of structuring elements. Second row: Structuring elements converted to rectangular arrays. The dots denote the centers of the SEs

上海大孝 SHIANCH AI JLAO IONG LNTVERSTY 9.1 Preliminaries A B a b Figure 9.3(aA set (each shaded square is a member of the set). (b)A structuring element (c)The set padded with background elements to form a rectangular array and provide a background border.(d)Structuring element as a rectangular array.(e) Set processed by the structuring element

9.1 Preliminaries Figure 9.3 (a) A set (each shaded square is a member of the set). (b) A structuring element. (c) The set padded with background elements to form a rectangular array and provide a background border. (d) Structuring element as a rectangular array. (e) Set processed by the structuring element
