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香港科技大学:Overviewof the Internet of Things(IoTs,PPT课件讲稿)

香港科技大学:Overviewof the Internet of Things(IoTs,PPT课件讲稿)

Overview of the Internet of Things(loTs) Fa‖|2013 Qian Zhang FYTGS HKUST

Overviewof the Internet of Things(IoTs) Fall 2013 Qian Zhang FYTGS, HKUST



Course info Instructor: Qian Zhang Course web site ex html contains all notes, announcements etc Check it regularly! Lecture schedule Wednesday 18: 30-21: 20 Rm 2406

Course Info • Instructor: Qian Zhang • • Course web site ex.html contains all notes, announcements, etc. Check it regularly! • Lecture schedule • Wednesday 18:30-21:20 Rm 2406

Course info The reading materials online for paper reading and student presentation Check recent research papers from high quality conferences and transactions Experience networking research through team projects (1- 2 students) Understand what is good research Hands-on experience in lot related research Appreciate team work / collaborations

Course Info • The reading materials online for paper reading and student presentation • Check recent research papers from high quality conferences and transactions • Experience networking research through team projects (1- 2 students) • Understand what is good research • Hands-on experience in IoT related research • Appreciate team work / collaborations

Course Info ° Grading scheme Homework 20 points Project 25 points Presentation 20 points Final Exam 35 points ° Paper presentation Everyone reviews and presents 1 paper Email me ids of 3 papers that you'd like to present by Sept. 28 Submit a review for one paper of your choice before you present the paper(1-2 pages)

Course Info • Grading scheme • Homework 20 points • Project 25 points • Presentation 20 points • Final Exam 35 points • Paper presentation • Everyone reviews and presents 1 paper • Email me ids of 3 papers that you’d like to present by Sept. 28 • Submit a review for one paper of your choice before you present the paper (1-2 pages)

Course schedule Introduction of the Internet of Things (lot)(1 week RFID: technology and applications (1 weeks Wireless and mobile communications 3.5 weeks) Sensors and wireless sensor networks 3.5 weeks) Localization technologies (1 week) Project preparation(1 week) Student presentation (2 weeks)

Course Schedule • Introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) (1 week) • RFID: technology and applications (1 weeks) • Wireless and mobile communications (3.5 weeks) • Sensors and wireless sensor networks (3.5 weeks) • Localization technologies (1 week) • Project preparation (1 week) • Student presentation (2 weeks)

Outline 1 What's Internet of Things(loT) ● State of the art of lot 3 Challenges and limitation of lot 4 Future of lot

Outline 1 What’s Internet of Things (IoT) 2 State of the Art of IoT 3 Challenges and Limitation of IoT 4 Future of IoT

Starting from the Internet Q00 Internet appears everywhere in the world but it is still a connection between people and people

Starting from the Internet • Internet appears everywhere in the world • but it is still a connection between people and people

What is the Internet of Things? Internet connects all people, so it is called "the Internet of people loT connects all things, so it is called"the Internet of Things

What is the Internet of Things? • Internet connects all people, so it is called “the Internet of People” • IoT connects all things, so it is called “the Internet of Things

What's the Internet of Things Definition (1) The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects, refers to a wireless network between objects, usually the network will be wireless and self-configuring such as household appliances Wikipedia (2) By embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a wide array of additional gadgets and everyday items enabling new forms of communication between people and things and between things themselves WS|S2005

What’s the Internet of Things ▪ Definition (1) The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects, refers to a wireless network between objects, usually the network will be wireless and self-configuring, such as household appliances. ------Wikipedia (2) By embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a wide array of additional gadgets and everyday items, enabling new forms of communication between people and things, and between things themselves. ------WSIS 2005
