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同济大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(电子教案,英文版)第九章 机械波(上)

同济大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(电子教案,英文版)第九章 机械波(上)


Agenda today 1 Transverse waves and longitudinal waves 2 The speed of waves, 3 wavelength,frequency,phase 4 wave function

Agenda today 1 Transverse waves and longitudinal waves 2 The speed of waves, 3 wavelength, frequency, phase 4 wave function

Particle and waves Type of waves: Mechanical Waves(机械波) Electromagnetic waves(电磁波) Matter waves (物质波)

Particle and waves Type of waves: Mechanical Waves(机械波) Electromagnetic waves(电磁波) Matter waves(物质波)

Transverse waves and longitudinal waves 波和纵波) 横波的产生 0 族馆: 波长:因 play Ostop ■C■么4 Transverse waves the direction of the particle's motion is perpendicular to the direction that waves propagate

Transverse waves and longitudinal waves(横 波和纵波) Transverse waves : the direction of the particle’s motion is perpendicular to the direction that waves propagate

纵播的产生 族福: 波长: play stop ■C值”- Longitudinal waves:the direction of particle's motion is the same direction that the waves travel

Longitudinal waves: the direction of particle’s motion is the same direction that the waves travel

Surface waves(表面波): Water wave breaks when it approach the beach

Surface waves(表面波): Water wave breaks when it approach the beach

The function for sinusoidal wave: 4o时 (x±ut)+p] Where means waves travel left; means waves travel right with speed u

( ) ] 2 ( , ) cos[    y x t  A x  ut  The function for sinusoidal wave: Where + means waves travel left; - means waves travel right with speed u

Some concepts about waves: Amplitude(振幅):the maximum displacement that a particle can make in the medium. Peak and Valley(波峰与波谷): Wavelength(波长):the minimum distance between any identical point along the direction of wave propagation Period(周期):the period of the particle in oscillation

Some concepts about waves: Amplitude(振幅): the maximum displacement that a particle can make in the medium. Peak and Valley(波峰与波谷): Wavelength(波长):the minimum distance between any identical point along the direction of wave propagation Period(周期):the period of the particle in oscillation

Frequency(频率):the number of peaks(valleys)that pass a given point in a unit time interval. Angular frequency: Angular wave number: 2元 2π 0= k= T Speed of waves:the distance that waves travel in unit time. y=

Speed of waves: the distance that waves travel in unit time. T 1   T k u        Frequency(频率):the number of peaks (valleys) that pass a given point in a unit time interval. Angular frequency: T   2  Angular wave number:  2 k 

Phase: Wave surface(波阵面):the surface on which all the particles have the same phase Wave front(波前):the first wave surface that the wave propagates Spherical Plane waves waves

Phase: Wave surface(波阵面):the surface on which all the particles have the same phase Spherical waves Plane waves Wave front(波前): the first wave surface that the wave propagates
