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耶鲁大学:A Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Compression, Editing and Rendering

• Background • Challenges • Our SPMM – Fitting Algorithm • BTF Compression, Editing & Rendering • Conclusions & Future Work

Eurographics 2011 LLPNDUD口L angor unIversity School of Computer Science 11-15 April 2011 A Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Compression, Editing and Rendering Hongzhi wi Julie dorsey LUX ET VERITAS Holly rushmeier Yale University

A Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Compression, Editing and Rendering Hongzhi Wu Julie Dorsey Holly Rushmeier Yale University

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Outline Background Challenges · Our SPmm Fitting Algorithm BTF Compression, Editing rendering Conclusions future Work

Outline • Background • Challenges • Our SPMM – Fitting Algorithm • BTF Compression, Editing & Rendering • Conclusions & Future Work

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Background Bidirectional texture function Lighting- and view-dependent textures (6D) Represents appearance of various materials Plastic Carpeting

Background • Bidirectional Texture Function – Lighting- and view-dependent textures (6D) – Represents appearance of various materials • Plastic • Carpeting

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Background ° Capturing a btf Take pictures( spatial domain)with different lighting and view directions camera light material Sattler et al. efficient and realistic visualization of cloth EgSr 2003

Background • Capturing a BTF – Take pictures (spatial domain) with different lighting and view directions Sattler et al. Efficient and realistic visualization of cloth. EGSR 2003. camera light material

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Background ° Capturing a btF Presentation slides: Mulleret al Acquisition, synthesis and rendering of bidirectional texture functions. EG 2004

Background • Capturing a BTF Presentation slides: Müller et al. Acquisition, synthesis and rendering of bidirectional texture functions. EG 2004

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Background · Using a BTF Produces realistic looking rendering

Background • Using a BTF – Produces realistic looking rendering

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Background Bidirectional reflectance distribution function f(c;,o):4D Matusik et al. a Data-Driven Reflectance Model. siggrAPH 2003

Background • Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function – : 4D Matusik et al. A Data-Driven Reflectance Model. SIGGRAPH 2003

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Background Analytical models for BRDFs e.g. Anisotropic Ward model H·X H. x exp-2 ay (N·D(N·R)4ax 1+(H·N) Usually very compact Intuitively editable No analytical models for general btFs

Background • Analytical models for BRDFs – e.g. Anisotropic Ward model – Usually very compact – Intuitively editable • No analytical models for general BTFs

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Challenges Challenges for using btes Bulky storage(6D) Bonn Database: 1.2GB/LDR sample Lack of intuitive editing Lack of efficient rendering

Challenges • Challenges for using BTFs – Bulky storage (6D) • Bonn Database: 1.2GB / LDR sample – Lack of intuitive editing – Lack of efficient rendering

Eurographics 2011 LLHNDLJDNO LK Challenges Significant research effort has been made Efficient Intuitive Efficient Accuracy/Gen Compres Editing Rendering erality sIon Daubert et al. Cloth Modeling X Rendering [DLHS01]/Menzelet al Editable BTF [MG09] Kautz et al. Interactive bte X Editing [KBD07] Ruiter et al. Sparse Tensor X Decomp [RK09 Havran et al. Multi-Level vQ X [HFM10 But no previous work tackles all challenges at once

Challenges • Significant research effort has been made – But no previous work tackles all challenges at once Efficient Compres sion Intuitive Editing Efficient Rendering Accuracy/Gen erality Daubert et al. Cloth Modeling & Rendering [DLHS01] / Menzel et al. Editable BTF [MG09] √ √ √ X Kautz et al. Interactive BTF Editing [KBD07] X √ X √ Ruiter et al. Sparse Tensor Decomp [RK09] √ X X √ Havran et al. Multi-Level VQ [HFM10] √ X √ √
