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无线网络应用 浙江大学信电系 0011111000000110000100111110000001100000 00111110000001100001001 ∩000100 n00000

无线网络应用 浙江大学信电系

网线制作实验 0011111000000110000100111110000001100000 00111110000001100001001 ∩000100 n00000


√网线制作实验(直通线、交叉线、反转线) ◆有线网络是无线网络的基础 ◆制作网线是网络操作的实用基本技能

✓ 网线制作实验(直通线、交叉线、反转线) ◆有线网络是无线网络的基础 ◆制作网线是网络操作的实用基本技能

Unshiel ded Twisted Pair (UTP) 非屏蔽双绞线的三种接法 ←本页中四图均为水量头的小塑 料卡片朝下的俯视图,最易看 出符合标准的线对颜色顺序! TAEA568A和568B标准 因以的无45 Tw tah ufb aM 568B568B 568B568A 568B Straight-through Cross-over Rollover htp/的尾 00 00001100 巴或小子” 0011111000000110000 n00000

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) 非屏蔽双绞线的三种接法 Straight-through Cross-over Rollover 568B 568B 568B 568A 568B 本页中四图均为水晶头的小塑 料卡片朝下的俯视图,最易看 出符合标准的线对颜色顺序! TIA/EIA 568A和568B标准 像“翘起的尾 巴或小辫子

UTP Straight- through Cable直通线 The cable that connects from the switch port to the computer NIC port is called a straight-through cable Straight-through Cable Hub or switch Host or router Pin 1- Pin 1 Pin 2- Pin 2 Pin 3- 。Pin3 Pin 4- Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 5 Pin 6- Pin 6 Pin7- Pin 7 001 Pin 8 Pin 8 0011111000000

UTP Straight-through Cable直通线 The cable that connects from the switch port to the computer NIC port is called a straight-through cable. Hub or Switch Host or Router

UTP Straight- through Cable直通线 Straight-through Cable Hub or switch Host or Router 00

UTP Straight-through Cable直通线 Hub or Switch Host or Router

UTP Cross- over Cable交叉线/跨接线 The cable that connects from one switch port to another switch port is called a crossover cable. (or host to host Crossover Cable An Ethernet(10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX)cross-connect cable has only four active wires 1.2.3. and 6 Pin 1 Pin 3 Pin 6 Pin 1 Pin 5 Pin 5 Pin 2 001 Pin 7- Pin 7 Left ino chapel Right ou 13,245 001111 Pin 8-e- Pin 8 Tu tah uf in IMS

UTP Cross-over Cable交叉线/跨接线 The cable that connects from one switch port to another switch port is called a crossover cable. (or host to host!)

UTP Cross- over Cable交叉线/跨接线 Crossover Cable Hub(MDI-X Switch(MDI-X 1= a RX: Receiving End 1(RX+ 18X7×: Transmitting End 2(RX-) 2(RX-) RX+<TX+ 3(TX+) 3(TX+) 6(TX) 6(TX) RXTX 4 Not used 4 Not used TX+ 5 Not used 5 Not used TX 9- Ry 7 Not used 7 Not used 8 Not use 8 Not used 00 00UooO

UTP Cross-over Cable交叉线/跨接线 RX: Receiving End TX: Transmitting End RX+  TX+ RX-  TX￾TX+ ➔➔ RX+ TX- ➔➔ RX-

UTP Rollover Cable反转线 The cable that connects the RJ-45 adapter on the COM port of the computer to the console port of the router or switch is called a rollover cable.(注: console por用于接受对路由器或交换机 进行配置的命令行界面即C命令的输入!) Device with Console RJ-45-to-RJ-45 CLI=Command Rollover Cable Line In RJ-45-to-DB-9 Adapter terrace labeled TERMINAL PCs require an RJ-45 to DB-9 or RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter. COM port settings are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control GUl=Graphical This provides out-of-band console access AUX switch port may be used for a modem-connected console Pin 1 User Interface 2---------=Fin7 Pin3----------Pin6 图形化用户界面 Pin4-----------Pin5 Pin 5- Pin6---=-= C凵|与GU|相对 Pin7-----------Pi2 Pin8-----------Pin1 wtMU和

UTP Rollover Cable反转线 The cable that connects the RJ-45 adapter on the COM port of the computer to the console port of the router or switch is called a rollover cable. (注:console port用于接受对路由器或交换机 进行配置的命令行界面即CLI命令的输入!) CLI=Command Line Interface; GUI=Graphical User Interface 图形化用户界面; CLI与GUI相对

UTP Rollover Cable反转线 Router/Switch 网络设器的量端口m Terminal or a Pc with terminal Rollover cable→ RJ-45-10-DE emulation software R45恰DE25 eader (e.g. HyperTerminal 超级终端,位于程序 少件→通讯中 COM1 or CoM2 serial por rt 计算机的串口(串行口) RJ-45 to DB-9/DB-25 adapters RJ45转串口的转接头(适配器) 001 Rollover cable有时也称为 Console Cable 001111100000011000

UTP Rollover Cable反转线 Rollover cable Console port COM1 or COM2 serial port Terminal or a PC with terminal emulation software (e.g. HyperTerminal 超级终端,位于程序 →附件→通讯中) Router/Switch Rollover Cable有时也称为Console Cable 计算机的串口(串行口) RJ-45 to DB-9/DB-25 adapter指 RJ-45转串口的转接头(适配器) 网络设备的配置端口
