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中国矿业大学:《密码学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)认证协议(Authentication Protocol)Public Key Cryptography1

Public-Key Applications can classify uses into 3 categories: – encryption/decryption (provide secrecy) – digital signatures (provide authentication) – key exchange (of session keys)

Public Key cryptography 曹天杰 Tianjie Cao College of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou China 中国矿业大学计算机科学与技术学院 2003.5.30

1 曹天杰 Tianjie Cao College of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China 中国矿业大学计算机科学与技术学院 2003.5.30 Public Key Cryptography

Public Key cryptography The inventors Whitfield diffie and martin hellman 1976 Ralph merkle 1978 Trap Door Alice Bob C f (P) B P fk(c, TB Encryption with one-way function Computation of inverse function One-way functions extremely expensive are often based on well Joe known hard problems fk(c) 2

2 Public Key Cryptography • The Inventors – Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman 1976 – Ralph Merkle 1978 C = fKB (P) Encryption with one-way function P = f-1 KB (C,TB) Joe P = f-1 KB (C) Alice Bob KB Computation of inverse function extremely expensive Trap Door One-way functions are often based on well￾known hard problems

Public-Key applications can classify uses into 3 categories encryption/decryption(provide secrecy digital signatures(provide authentication) key exchange(of session keys) some algorithms are suitable for all uses others are specific to one. only three algorithms work well for both encryption and digital signatures: RSA, ElGamal, and Rabin all of these algorithms are slow

3 Public-Key Applications • can classify uses into 3 categories: – encryption/decryption (provide secrecy) – digital signatures (provide authentication) – key exchange (of session keys) • some algorithms are suitable for all uses, others are specific to one. Only three algorithms work well for both encryption and digital signatures: RSA, ElGamal, and Rabin. All of these algorithms are slow

Security of Public-Key Algorithms Since a cryptanalyst has access to the public key. he can always choose any message to encrypt Eve can generate a database of all possible session keys encrypted with Bob's public key most public-key algorithms are particularly susceptible to a chosen-ciphertext attack In systems where the digital signature operation is the inverse of the encryption operation, this attack is impossible to prevent unless different keys are used for encryption and signatures

4 Security of Public-Key Algorithms • Since a cryptanalyst has access to the public key, he can always choose any message to encrypt. • Eve can generate a database of all possible session keys encrypted with Bob’s public key. • most public-key algorithms are particularly susceptible to a chosen-ciphertext attack • In systems where the digital signature operation is the inverse of the encryption operation, this attack is impossible to prevent unless different keys are used for encryption and signatures

The Knapsack Scheme ( Merkle and Hellman, 1978) Given X=(XI, x2, . xn)and an integer S Finding B=(b,b,,, bn)where b ;=0or such that s==∑b;x NP-Complete in general

5 The Knapsack Scheme (Merkle and Hellman, 1978) • Given X = (x1 , x2 ,…, xn ) and an integer s • Finding B = (b1 , b2 ,…, bn ) where bi = 0 or 1 such that s = =  bi xi • NP-Complete in general

Super-Increasing Sequence Ⅹ=(X12Xx2…,xn) is super-increasing if (2, 3, 6, 13, 27, 52)is super-increasing

6 Super-Increasing Sequence • X = (x1 , x2 ,…, xn ) is super-increasing if  − =  1 1 i j i j x x • (2,3,6,13,27,52 ) is super-increasing

Greedy Method Solve X=(2,3,6,13,27,52)ands=70 s>52?Yes=>b6=1,s1=70-52=18 18>27?No=>bs=0 18>13?Ye=>b4=1,S2=18-13=5 5>6?NO=>b3=0 5>3?Ye=>b2=1,s2=5-3=2 B=(1,10,1,0,1)

7 Greedy Method • Solve X = (2,3,6,13,27,52 ) and s = 70 • s > 52? Yes ==> b6 = 1, s1 = 70 - 52 = 18 • 18 > 27? No ==> b5 = 0 • 18 > 13? Yes ==> b4 = 1, s2 = 18 - 13 = 5 • 5 > 6? No ==> b3 = 0 • 5> 3? Yes ==> b2 = 1, s2 = 5 - 3 = 2 • b1= 1 • B = (1,1,0,1,0,1)

Greedy method To solve for i=1 down to 1 ·Ifs≥x S=S-X. b: =1 ·ElS b;=0

8 Greedy Method • To solve: – for i =1 down to 1 • If sxi – s = s-xi , bi = 1 • Else – bi = 0

Knapsack Based Public-Key Key generation Choose a super-increasing sequence ⅹ=( Choose randomly two numbers y and such that GCD(N,Y)=1, and Y>>x

9 Knapsack Based Public-Key • Key Generation: – Choose a super-increasing sequence X = (x1 , x2 ,…, xn ) – Choose randomly two numbers Y and such that GCD(N,Y) = 1, and =  n j j Y x 1

Knapsack Based Public-Key Public Key: K=(kI, k, .,kn)where k,=x, N modY Private Key: XNY

10 Knapsack Based Public-Key • Public Key: – K = (k1 , k2 ,…, kn ) where ki = xi N mod Y • Private Key: – X, N, Y
