
Disease of digestive system Deng Hao, Liu lijiang Department of Pathology and Pathophysiology, Medical and Life Science College, Jianghan University
Disease of digestive system Department of Pathology and Pathophysiology, Medical and Life Science College, Jianghan University Deng Hao, Liu lijiang

Esophagus Stomach Liver Gall Blad der Pancreas Small Large Intestine Intestine Appendix Rectum

o Digestive Tube e.g. Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, et al o Digestive Gland: e.g. Liver, Pancreas, Mucosal gland, et al
Digestive Tube: e.g. Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, et al Digestive Gland: e.g. Liver, Pancreas, Mucosal gland, et al

Transverse Small intestin stomach Duodenum Jejunum Ascendi cenang colon Mesentery e r colon Lleocecalvahve ecum Cecum Vermiform appendix Sigmoid colon Rectum Lleum- Anal canal

中 Gastritis 中 Peptic Ulcer Disease 4 Inflammatory bowel disease 中 Viral Hepatitis 中 Liver Cirrhosis 4p Carcinoma of Digestive System
Gastritis Peptic Ulcer Disease Viral Hepatitis Liver Cirrhosis Carcinoma of Digestive System Inflammatory bowel disease

gAstritis 中 Peptic Ulcer Disease 4 Inflammatory bowel disease 中 Viral Hepatitis 中 Liver Cirrhosis 4p Carcinoma of Digestive System
Gastritis Peptic Ulcer Disease Viral Hepatitis Liver Cirrhosis Carcinoma of Digestive System Inflammatory bowel disease

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