
Disease of Cardiovascular System 舒细记劍丽江 江误大 Jianghan Niven AIgE department of pathology
Disease of Cardiovascular System 舒细记 刘丽江 department of pathology

Atherosclerosis Production a Coronary atherosclerosIs coronary heart disease Hypertension a Rheumatism Infective endocarditis Cardiac valve Cardiomyopathy(myocardiopathy) Myocarditis 溪大摩 HgtHsape. department of pathology Jianghan UnivErsity
▪ Atherosclerosis ▪ Coronary atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease ▪ Hypertension ▪ Rheumatism ▪ Infective endocarditis ▪ Cardiac valave ▪ Cardiomyopathy(myocardiopathy) ▪ Myocarditis Production department of pathology

概述 口疾病谱一发病率死亡率高 口疾病死因一第一位 日1985年城市冠心病标准化死亡率437/10万, 接近法国;农村20.5/10万,接近日本,仍低于发 达国家。 口大多数心血管病一多基因异常 江说大。时时 department of pathology
概述 ❑ 疾病谱 — 发病率死亡率高 ❑ 疾病死因 — 第一位 ❑ 1985年城市冠心病标准化死亡率43.7/10万, 接近法国;农村20.5/10万,接近日本,仍低于发 达国家。 ❑ 大多数心血管病 — 多基因异常 department of pathology

Atherosclerosis (AS, ATH) 江误大重时 Jianghan Niven department of pathology
Atherosclerosis (AS, ATH) department of pathology

A muscular artery from a young child 江误大重时 Jianghan Universi department of pathology
department of pathology A muscular artery from a young child

Artery from a 70-year-old man 江误大重时 Jianghan Universi department of pathology
department of pathology Artery from a 70-year-old man

ATH is characterized by intimal lesions called atheromas, or atheromatous or fibrofatty plaques, that protrude into and obstruct vascular umina weaken the underlying media 江误大 Jianghan Niven AIgE department of pathology
department of pathology ATH is characterized by intimal lesions called atheromas,or atheromatous or fibrofatty plaques,that protrude into and obstruct vascular lumina, weaken the underlying media

ATH primary affects elastic arteries and large and medium-size muscular arteries 江误大 Jianghan Niven AIgE department of pathology
department of pathology ATH primary affects elastic arteries and large and medium-size muscular arteries

Subtypes: Atherosclerosis Arteriolosclerosis Medial calcification 江误大 Jianghan Niven AIgE department of pathology
department of pathology Subtypes: Atherosclerosis Arteriolosclerosis Medial calcification

Subtypes: Atherosclerosis Arteriolosclerosis Medial calcification 江误大 Jianghan Niven AIgE department of pathology
department of pathology Subtypes: ✓ Atherosclerosis ✓ Arteriolosclerosis Medial calcification
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