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上海交通大学:《局部解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第二讲 股前内侧区解剖

一、股前内侧区解剖 1、浅层结构 2、深层结构

局部解剖学(二) 股前内侧区 小腿前外侧区

局部解剖学(二) • 股前内侧区 • 小腿前外侧区

股前内侧区解剖 浅层结构 深层结构

一、股前内侧区解剖 • 浅层结构 • 深层结构

(一)浅层结构 皮肤 Cutaneous branches (extrator arwen ·浅筋膜 浅筋膜内结构 1. great saphenous vein 起始、行程、瓣膜 e owering genk 交通关系、属支 流注 knee; anterior aspecT

• 皮肤 • 浅筋膜 • 浅筋膜内结构 1. great saphenous vein 起始、行程、瓣膜、 交通关系、属支、 流注 (一)浅层结构

旋髂浅静脉 腹壁浅静脉 阴部外静脉 吸外側浅静脉 股内侧静脉 25.6 18.3% 紧 1.14 s,66% 8.7% 7,73% 大隐静脉上段属支的类型


2.浅动脉 ·旋髂浅动脉 superficial iliac circumflex artery Cutaneous branches (extrator arwen 腹壁浅动脉 superficial epigastric artery e owering genk 阴部外动脉 external pudendal artery knee; anterior aspecT

2. 浅 动 脉 • 旋髂浅动脉 superficial iliac circumflex artery • 腹壁浅动脉 superficial epigastric artery • 阴部外动脉 external pudendal artery

Psoas major --- Internal iliac nodes External iliac nodes Internal iliac artery and vein lateral nodes External iliac nodes Rectum medial nodes External iliac artery and vein Superficial inguinal nodes, superolateral nodes Urinary bladder al Superficial inguinal nodes superomedial nodes Saphenous opening Inguinal lymph (deep inguinal no Superficial inguinal nodes. Fig. 1329 Tributaries of right inguinal nodes in the female; general survey; anterior aspect 3.腹股沟浅淋巴结 superficial inguinal nodes 位置、分群、收集区、流注

3. 腹股沟浅淋巴结 superficial inguinal nodes 位置、分群、收集区、流注

皮神经 cutaneous nerve 股外侧皮神经 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 2)股神经前皮支 anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve 3)股神经内侧皮支 Cutaneous branches (extrator arwen medial cutaneous branches of femoral nerve 4)闭孔神经皮支 cutaneous branches of obturator nerve e owering genk 5)髂腹股沟神经 ilioinguinal nerve 6)生殖股神经股支 femoral branch of genItoFemoral nerve knee; anterior aspecT

4. 皮神经 cutaneous nerve 1)股外侧皮神经 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 2)股神经前皮支 anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve 3)股神经内侧皮支 medial cutaneous branches of femoral nerve 4)闭孔神经皮支 cutaneous branches of obturator nerve 5)髂腹股沟神经 ilioinguinal nerve 6)生殖股神经股支 femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve

G M E 皮神经分布模式图 L C OBI 缝匠肌 M、G L.C.股外侧皮神经 l.C.股中间皮神经 M.C.股内侧皮神经 OBT.闭孔神经 INFRAPAT IING髂腹股沟神经 SADH. GENFEM生殖股神经的股支

皮神经分布模式图 缝匠肌 • L.C. 股外侧皮神经 • I.C. 股中间皮神经 • M.C. 股内侧皮神经 • OBT. 闭孔神经 • I ING 髂腹股沟神经 • GEN.FEM 生殖股神经的股支

noe (二)深层结构 g amsc cor o Psoas major iliacus e(Psoas minor), tendon Iliopectineal arch ●● Femoral artery and vein (Medial lacunar node) acunar ligament" Fascia lata e Superficial circumflex iliac vein SuI Superior horn e Superficial epigastric vein Falciform margin Fascia lata Inferior horn Great saphenous vein e e External pudendal veins 隐股点 Fig.1264 Right saphenous opening and vascular space Also: ROSNEMUELLER'S gland [node. anterior abdominal wall, contents of abdomen, iliac fascia, and Also: GIMBERNAT's ligament femoral septum(CLOQUET's septum)removed; anterior aspect

(二)深层结构 1. 股前区深层结构 • 大腿深筋膜deep fascia of thigh (阔筋膜 fascia lata) – 厚而致密 – 髂胫束 iliotibial tract – 隐静脉裂孔saphenous hiatus – 股内侧、外侧、后肌间隔 Saphenous Hiatus 隐静脉裂孔 隐股点

Rectus femoris Vast Fascia lata Vastus lateralis垂 Anteriorosseofascial sheath Femur [thigh bone ● Great saphenous vein (long saphenous vein Iliotibial tract一 Medial Lateral intermuscular intermuscular septum Medial osseofascial sheath septum vvhA wwvr Vy 0u o Gracilis Posteriors osteofascial sheath posterior intermuscular e Add septum ◆骨筋膜鞘的 Fig. 1368 Right thigh; cross-section through middle of thigh; distal aspect 构成及其内容 Intermuscular Septum and Osseofascial Sheath of Thigh

Intermuscular Septum and Osseofascial Sheath of Thigh posterior intermuscular septum Lateral intermuscular septum ❖骨筋膜鞘的 构成及其内容 Medial intermuscular septum Posterior osseofascial sheath Medial osseofascial sheath Anterior osseofascial sheath
