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《软件测试 Software Testing》教学资源(PPT讲稿)Part 1 The Big Picture

1. Software Testing Background a. What is the software defect? b. Why do bugs occur? c. The Cost of bugs? d. What exactly does a tester do? e. The making of a software tester 2. The Software Development Process a. What is a software product? b. Software Project staff c. Software Lifecycle Models 3. The Realities of Software Testing a. Testing Principles b. Terms and Definitions for software testing

Software Testing & 0A Kerry Zhu

Software Testing & QA (I) Kerry Zhu

Ba ackgrouna survey e How many guys who had testing knowledge or experience? Who can tell us your experience in software testing What is Testing

How many guys who had testing knowledge or experience? Who can tell us your experience in software testing ? What is Testing? Background survey

What is the software testing ■■■ ?2? 3 3 I2 What is the software testing …

Traditional industri a Verify, check, test, 3 IQC IOC REJECTED】[ REJECTED 14 OOC OQC PASSED PASSED

Traditional industry Verify, check, test, ……

What is testing? N5天033983 It is the process of assessing software functionality and behavior at a range of architectural levels and in a multitude of situations Gosh that sounds impressively academic

What is testing? It is the process of assessing software functionality and behavior at a range of architectural levels and in a multitude of situations. ◼ (Gosh that sounds impressively academic!)

Testing also is N5天033983 1. Verification validation of software products against product specifications and customer equirements 2. Detect the software bugs

Testing also is 1. Verification & Validation of Software Products against product specifications and customer requirements 2. Detect the software bugs

Software Testing Test Consultancy Services Specialized Testing Services TOC Assessment Internationalization Texting End-to-End Test management Data warehouse Testine Test Lab Consutancy Certification Testing Security Testing Test Consultancy Specialized Usablity Testing Testing Business Process Management Testing Centers of Excellence(COE) COE Set up Testing Testing Perfor mance Performance Testing Services Managed Servces COE Service Offerings Testine Core Performance Testing Performance Consultancy Functional Test Testint Automation Functional Testing Test Automation Services Services End-to-end Testng Solutions Core Test Automation System Integration Testing Test Automation Management User Acceptance Testine

Software Testing

TESTING Space N5天033983 Level of detail system Integrat'on module unit secuRity Accessibility robustness White box black box per ormance usability reliability functional behaviour CharacteristIcs

TESTING Space unit integration system performance robustness functional behaviour white box black box Level of detail Accessibility Characteristics usability reliability module security

Test Cvcle N5天033983 Test Executi cases on o Additional cases tests Results Suspected Regression causes tests Evaluation Corrections Identified causes D bugging

Test Cycle Executi on of cases Test cases Results Evaluation Additional tests Suspected causes Identified causes Corrections Regression tests Debugging

Software Testing career path 3 achada Anul 3 (422的N mstera ems Newer anr Software Testing career path
