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《Computer Networking:A Top Down Approach》英文教材教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,4th edition)Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge ❑ end systems, access networks, links 1.3 Network core ❑ circuit switching, packet switching, network structure 1.4 Delay, loss and throughput in packet-switched networks 1.5 Protocol layers, service models 1.6 Networks under attack: security 1.7 History

Computer Networking Chapter A Top-Down Approach Introduction KUROSE ROSS a note on the use of these ppt slides We re making these slides freely available to all(faculty, students, readers) Computer delete slides(including this one)and slide content to suit your needs. They and They re in PowerPoint form so you see the animations and can add, modify Networking: A Top bviously represent a lot of work on our part. In return for use, we only ask the following Down Approach If you use these slides (e.g, in a class) that you mention their source(after all, we d like people to use our book!) th edition . If you post any slides on a www site, that you note that they are adapted from(or im Kurose, Keith ross rhaps identical to)our slides, and note our copyright of this materiaL. Addison-Wesley Thanks and enjoy! JFK/KWR March 2012 All material copyright 1996-2012 F Kurose and K.W. Ross. All Rights Reserved Introduction 1-1

Introduction 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach 6 th edition Jim Kurose, Keith Ross Addison-Wesley March 2012 A note on the use of these ppt slides: We’re making these slides freely available to all (faculty, students, readers). They’re in PowerPoint form so you see the animations; and can add, modify, and delete slides (including this one) and slide content to suit your needs. They obviously represent a lot of work on our part. In return for use, we only ask the following: ❖ If you use these slides (e.g., in a class) that you mention their source (after all, we’d like people to use our book!) ❖ If you post any slides on a www site, that you note that they are adapted from (or perhaps identical to) our slides, and note our copyright of this material. Thanks and enjoy! JFK/KWR All material copyright 1996-2012 J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1: Introduction Our goal: a get feel"and terminology a more depth detail later in course approach: ☆ use internet as example Introduction 1-2

Chapter 1: Introduction Our goal: ❑ get “feel” and terminology ❑ more depth, detail later in course ❑ approach: ❖ use Internet as example Introduction 1-2

Chapter 1: roadmap 1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge end systems, access networks, lInks 1.3 Network core a circuit switching, packet switching, network structure 1.4 Delay, loss and throughput in packet-switched networks 1.5 Protocol layers, service models 1.6 Networks under attack securi 1.7 History Introduction 1-3

Introduction 1-3 Chapter 1: roadmap 1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge ❑ end systems, access networks, links 1.3 Network core ❑ circuit switching, packet switching, network structure 1.4 Delay, loss and throughput in packet-switched networks 1.5 Protocol layers, service models 1.6 Networks under attack: security 1.7 History

1.1 What is the internet? 口将从以下两个角度描述因特网是什么 因特网的具体构成 因特网的功能 Introduction 1-4

1.1 What is the Internet? ❑将从以下两个角度描述因特网是什么: ❖因特网的具体构成 ❖因特网的功能 Introduction 1-4

1.1,1因特网的县体构成 桌面机·终端: Mobile network 可服务器 称主机(host)或端系 Global isp 统( end system) 习笔记本 运行应用程序 手持设备 Home network 通信链路: Relgiona) ISP 无线链路·光纤,铜线,电磁波 x 主要指标为传输速率, Institutional network 有线链路也称带宽( bandwidth) 交换设备 路由器 转发分组( packet) 路由器和交换机 概述1-5

概述 1-5 1.1.1 因特网的具体构成 • 终端: • 称 主机(host)或端系 统( end system) • 运行应用程序 Home network Institutional network Mobile network Global ISP Regional ISP 路由器 桌面机 服务器 笔记本 手持设备 有线链路 无线链路 • 通信链路: • 光纤,铜线,电磁波 • 主要指标为传输速率, 也称带宽(bandwidth) • 交换设备: • 转发分组(packet) • 路由器和交换机

因特网的具体构成(续) 口路径( route,path Mobile network 分组从源主机到达目的主机 Global IsP 经过的链路及交换设备序列 Home network O Internet service Provider Regional ISP 令由交换设备和通信链路组成 的网络 Institutional network 为终端提供因特网接入服务 本地ISP,地区ISP,全球 ISP 每个ISP是自治的

因特网的具体构成(续) ❑ 路径(route, path): ❖ 分组从源主机到达目的主机 经过的链路及交换设备序列 ❑ Internet Service Provider: ❖ 由交换设备和通信链路组成 的网络 ❖ 为终端提供因特网接入服务 ❖ 本地ISP,地区ISP,全球 ISP ❖ 每个ISP是自治的 Home network Institutional network Mobile network Global ISP Regional ISP

因特网的具体构成(续) 口协议规定了设备之间通信需 Mobile network 要遵循的规则: Global ISP 终端与终端之间 终端与交换设备之间 Home network 交换设备与交换设备之间 Regional ISP 口因特网协议标准 Institutional network 由ITF组织统一管理,以 RFC XXX文档的形式发布 因特网中最核心的两个协议是 TCP和IP,因特网协议统称为 TCP/IP协议族 Introduction 1-7

Introduction 1-7 因特网的具体构成(续) ❑ 协议规定了设备之间通信需 要遵循的规则: ❖ 终端与终端之间 ❖ 终端与交换设备之间 ❖ 交换设备与交换设备之间 ❑ 因特网协议标准: ❖ 由IETF组织统一管理,以 RFC xxx文档的形式发布 ❖ 因特网中最核心的两个协议是 TCP和IP,因特网协议统称为 TCP/IP协议族 Home network Institutional network Mobile network Global ISP Regional ISP

因特网的具体构成(续) 口因特网定义一: Mobile network 由一群遵循TCP/IP协议的 Global ISP IsP,按照松散的层次结 构组织而成的网络 Horle network Regional ISP 口因特网的几个特点: 因特网是“网络的网络” Institutional network 因特网不存在严格的层次 结构 因特网没有统一的管理机 构

因特网的具体构成(续) ❑ 因特网定义一: ❖ 由一群遵循TCP/IP协议的 ISP,按照松散的层次结 构组织而成的网络 ❑ 因特网的几个特点: ❖ 因特网是“网络的网络” ❖ 因特网不存在严格的层次 结构 ❖ 因特网没有统一的管理机 构 Home network Institutional network Mobile network Global ISP Regional ISP

1,1,2因特网的功能 口因特网定义二: 因特网是为分布式应用提供 通信服务的基础设施 口服务接口: 电话系统:拨号,振铃 冷邮政系统:写有通信地址的 信封,邮筒,信箱 口因特网提供给应用程序的服 务接口: 一组用于在因特网上发送和 接收数据的应用编程接口API Introduction 1-9

Introduction 1-9 1.1.2 因特网的功能 ❑ 因特网定义二: ❖ 因特网是为分布式应用提供 通信服务的基础设施 ❑ 服务接口: ❖ 电话系统:拨号,振铃 ❖ 邮政系统:写有通信地址的 信封,邮筒,信箱 ❑ 因特网提供给应用程序的服 务接口: ❖ 一组用于在因特网上发送和 接收数据的应用编程接口API

小结 口因特网定义一: 口因特网定义二: 由一群遵循TCP/IP协 为分布式应用提供通 议的ISP,按照松散的 信服务的基础设施 层次结构组织而成的口对于服务接口的定义 网络 有指导作用: 口对于通信功能的实现 有指导作用: 有序、可靠的数据交 付服务 ISP内部实现 不可靠的数据交付服 冷ISP之间互联 务 本课程介绍因特网服务接口及服务的实现 Introduction 1-10

小结 ❑ 因特网定义一: ❖ 由一群遵循TCP/IP协 议的ISP,按照松散的 层次结构组织而成的 网络 ❑ 对于通信功能的实现 有指导作用: ❖ ISP内部实现 ❖ ISP之间互联 ❑ 因特网定义二: ❖ 为分布式应用提供通 信服务的基础设施 ❑ 对于服务接口的定义 有指导作用: ❖ 有序、可靠的数据交 付服务 ❖ 不可靠的数据交付服 务 Introduction 1-10 本课程介绍因特网服务接口及服务的实现
