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复旦大学:《医学信息检索与利用》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第三章 外文数据库及检索系统 第三节 美国化学文摘数据库 SciFinder

复旦大学:《医学信息检索与利用》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第三章 外文数据库及检索系统 第三节 美国化学文摘数据库 SciFinder

Explore Scifinder? Explore References 0 Substances 4 Reactions Welcome xIi Sign Out 第三章外文数据库及检索系统 第三节美国化学文摘数据库 SciFinder 2021/9/19 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室

2021/9/19 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室 第三章 外文数据库及检索系统 第三节 美国化学文摘数据库 SciFinder

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确定检索语句: Nanoparticle for aspirin O SciFinder. Explore References ··口·页面·安全(S·工具O) ◇ SciFi Saved Answer Se Inder References Substances Reactions KMP Alert Resuts History ScPlanner Preferences Welcome xl iI Sign Out What,s New 4 Add KMP Alert Research Topic "Nanoparticle for 选择检索途径 Explore References o Saved Answer Sets 9 Autosaved Reference Set Research Topic 2 Nanoparticle for aspirin Search Author Name View A The erred af an Company Name Import Document Identifier Keep Me Posted Results 2 Journal Patent 输入课题语句 No profiles exist Publication Year(s) les:1995199519991995-1995 Document Type(s) d Biography L Dissertation a Patent □Book Editorial 西 Clinical trial a Historical 高级检索更 a Commentary a Journal 多选项 □ Conference a Letter Chinese a Polish

2021/9/19 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室 确定检索语句: Nanoparticle for aspirin 选择检索途径 输入课题语句 高级检索更 多选项

确定检索语句: Nanoparticle and aspirin O SciFinder-Research Topic Candidates ··口·页面·安全S·工具0)· Scifinder Explore Saved Answer Sets Hep NEW. References n。4 Reactions KMP Alert Resuts History Welcome x iI Sign Out What's New KAdd KMP Alert Research Topic"Nanopartide for aspirin" Research Topic Candidates O Nanoparticle and aspirin"were present 5T Topics 1 Selected anywhere in the Select All Deselect All reference表示在同一篇 Research Topic Candidates 文献中出现 3 references werefound containing"Nanoparticle for aspirin"as entered a 138 referances were found containing the two concepts"Nanopartide"and"aspirin"dosely 138 ated with one another 309 references were found where the two concepts"Nanoparticle"and "aspirin"were present anywhere in the reference d 374663 references were found containing the concept"Nanopartide. 374663 D 119502 references were found containing the concept"aspirin 119502 Get references 2021/9/19 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室

2021/9/19 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教研室 确定检索语句:Nanoparticle and aspirin “Nanoparticle” and “aspirin” were present anywhere in the reference.表示在同一篇 文献中出现

O SciFinder. Reference Answer Set ·同·□·页面·安全(S)·工具(O) Preferences SciFnder Help Sign Out Scifinder Explore v Saved searches v SciPlanner Save 分析/限定 Research Topic"Nanopartide and aspirin"> references(380) REFERENCES 3 Get Related Tools v Reactions k Posted Keel Mew Refin Citing References↓ NEW- Display Option 0 of 380 References Selected H4Poge:10f19}川 analyze by: e 引文排序 Author name a 1. Nanoparticle-induced platelet aggregation and vascuar thromBosis Q BFull Text By Radomski, Anna; Jurasz, Paul; Alonso-Escolano, David; Drews, Magdalena: Morandi, Maria; Malinski, Tadeusz; Radomski, Marek W. Prabhu sunil From British Journal of Pharmacology(2005), 146(6), 882-893. I Language: English, Database: CAPLUS Wang Jeffrey Ever increasing use of engineered carbon nanoparticles in nanopharmacol. for selective imaging, sensor or dru delivery systems has increased the potential for blood platelet-nanoparticle interactions. We studied the effects of engineered and combustion-derived carbon nanopartides on human platelet aggregation in vitro and rat vascular Chaudhary Abhishek thrombosis in vivo. Multiple-wall(MWNT), single-wall(SWNT) nanotubes, C60 fullerenes(C60CS), and mixed carbon nanoparticles(MCN)(0.2-300 ug ml)were investigated. Nanoparticles were compared with std. urban Maharramov abel particulate matter(SRM1648, av. size 1. 4 um Ramazanov d 2. Magnetic hollow spheres of periodic mesoporous organosilica and Fe304 nanocrystals: fabrication and structure control a回 Full Text By Zhang, Ling: Qiao, Shizhang; Jin, Yonggang: Chen, Zhigang: Gu, Hongchen; Lu, Gao Qing Saboktakin From Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany)(2008). 20(4), 805-809. I Language: English, Database: CAPLUS Mohammad Reza Periodic mesoporous organosilica magnetic hollow spheres(PMo-MHS) are synthesized. The particle size, shell wall thickness and satn. magnetization value of pMo- MHS are tunable by varying the ratio of templating agent to magnetic Tabatabaie Roya M nanoparticles. The high satn. magnetization ensures that these functional mesoporous hollow spheres can be efficient materials for targeted drug delivery assisted by magnetic fields Zhang qiang Bascomb Newell Rattle- Type Fe304@SiO2 Hollow Mesoporous Spheres Using Colloidal Carbon Spheres Templates + 101 复旦大学图书馆文献检索教爱获取全文 ck. Emanuel: ikoma. To m2029/19

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