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面向服务的业务流程管理(PPT讲稿)Introduction to Business Process Management(BPM)

 Businesses and Business Processes  Business Innovation and Process Improvement  Business Process Management (BPM)  Business Process Management life-cycle  Design, Modeling, Execution, Monitoring, Optimization  BPM and IBM SOA Lifecycle  Summary  References

Introduction to business process Management(BPM) Li lan fu The school of software and microelectronics Peking University No 24 Jinyuan RD, Beijing 102600, PR China 2009教育部-IBM精品课程:面向服务的业务流程管理 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

Introduction to Business Process Management (BPM) 2009 教育部-IBM精品课程:面向服务的业务流程管理 LianYu The School of Software and Microelectronics Peking University No.24 Jinyuan RD, Beijing 102600, P.R. China 1 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021

Agenda → Businesses and Business processes Business Innovation and process Improvement Business Process Management(BPM) Business Process Management life-cycle Design, Modeling, Execution, Monitoring, Optimization BPM and IBM SOA Lifecycle Summary References Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

Agenda  Businesses and Business Processes  Business Innovation and Process Improvement  Business Process Management (BPM)  Business Process Management life-cycle  Design, Modeling, Execution, Monitoring, Optimization  BPM and IBM SOA Lifecycle  Summary  References 2 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021

What does a company really care about? Deliver products, make profits Growth )a business is the sum of its processes The orchestration and refinement of those processes is critical to an enterprise s continued viability in the mar ketplace Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

What does a company really care about? 3 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021  Deliver products, make profits.  Growth  A business is the sum of its processes.  The orchestration and refinement of those processes is critical to an enterprise's continued viability in the marketplace

a typical organization in a manufacturing company Chief in Executive R& D Sales Manufacturing Logistics Managemen New products Channel 1 Planning Scheduling Purchasing Resource Quality Control Inventory Accounting Channel i Management Finance technology Equipment Management Distribution Channel n Workshop 1 Workshop m Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

A typical organization in a manufacturing company 4 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021

Cross-organization-unit Process Chief in Execut Sub-process R&D Manufacturing Logistics Management Channel 1 P & Human New prducts Scheduling ing Resource Quality Control Accounting Finance echnology Manad ement Distributio Channel n op Workshop m Sub-process Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

Cross-organization-unit Process 5 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021 Sub-process Sub-process

案例1: Assemble car process Assemble car Process Fit Interior Add Windows and trim Fabricate Install Chasis Transmission Add Engine Clean Install Suspension Fit Wheels ngine Shop Sub-process Add Engine Add Engine Introduction to Business Process 1/30/2021 anagement

案例1:Assemble Car Process Introduction to Business Process 1/30/2021 Management 6 Fabricate Chasis Install Transmission Fit Interior Add Engine Add Windows and Trim Install Suspension Fit Wheels Clean Assemble Car Process Add Engine Engine Shop Engin A e ssemble Car Sub-process: Add Engine

案例2:京能热电功能模块图 京能热电 电厂管理 采购管理验收管理财务管理业务管理设备管理目人员管理 供应商 燃料检斤 管理 风险管理 「规章制度 设备采 「员工信 理 管理 官 计划维护 「燃料化验 管理 结算管理绩效管理 设备更新 理 工资管理 合同管理仓库管理审计管理信息管理检验管理‖绩效管理 调运管理 「燃料耗用 理 成本管理缺陷管理维修管理考勤管理 风险管理燃料分堆 统计报表 职务职能 管理 管理 制粉管理风险管理 管理 税务管理 「配煤掺烧 晋升离职 管理 理 锅炉监测 管理 招聘管理 「电力生产 福利管理 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

案例2:京能热电功能模块图 7 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021

案例2:京能热电采购流程 计划部[采购部][运输部门[接卸部[检验部][仓储部][财务部 开始 采购计划 供应商 认证 合同/订单 下达「跟踪 采购单 采购单 化验 采物单要单世燃运世燃接卸 检斤 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

案例2:京能热电采购流程 8 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021

案例2:京能热电燃煤检验子流程 京能热电公司燃煤检验子流程AsJs模型 发货单 编制样品编号 1小时 样品编号单 燃煤过重磅 燃煤扣矸 小时 燃煤采样 样品编号单 燃煤分样“ 30分钟 燃煤接卸 2小时 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

案例2:京能热电燃煤检验子流程 9 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021

In addition, the market is changing Increased demand on product p > P has a feature of x, which is very attractive to customers however feature x is still in r&D Customers want more flexible discount policy Usually customer has 80% discount if he buys certain product over 100,000 at one time The customer bought $80,000 product P, last month, and he makes order for P2 about $30,000. He hope that he can still qualified for 80% discount How to create on-demand business? 10 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/202

In addition, the market is changing! 10 Introduction to Business Process Management 1/30/2021  Increased demand on product P  P has a feature of X, which is very attractive to customers, however, feature X is still in R&D.  Customers want more flexible discount policy  Usually customer has 80% discount if he buys certain product over $ 100,000 at one time.  The customer bought $80,000 product P1 last month, and he makes order for P2 about $30,000. He hope that he can still qualified for 80% discount. How to create on-demand business?
