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上海交通大学:《计算机控制技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第一章 计算机控制系统概述 Computer Control Technology

1. Course objectives and tasks 2. The main content 3. The main References 4. The concept of computer control system 5. Computer Control System ‘s Structure 6. Typical Forms 7. Control law

Chapter 1 Overview 上潇通大

Chapter 1 Overview

Outline Course objectives and tasks 2. The main content 3. The main References 4. The concept of computer control system 5. Computer Control Systems Structure 6. Typical Forms 7. Control law 上潇大孝

Outline 1. Course objectives and tasks 2. The main content 3. The main References 4. The concept of computer control system 5. Computer Control System ‘s Structure 6. Typical Forms 7. Control law

1 Course objectives and tasks( 1/2) Industrial control is an important application field of computer, the computer control is developed in order to meet the needs of this field and a professional technology Task: it mainly studies how to apply computer technology and automatic control theory in industrial production process, and designed a computer control system that is needed Purpose: it is to make students understand and master the single-chip as the core of the control system of hardware software the basic knowledge and basic application technology 上潇大孝

1 Course objectives and tasks(1/2) ◼ Industrial control is an important application field of computer, the computer control is developed in order to meet the needs of this field and a professional technology 。 ◼ Task: it mainly studies how to apply computer technology and automatic control theory in industrial production process, and designed a computer control system that is needed. ◼ Purpose: it is to make students understand and master the single-chip as the core of the control system of hardware, software, the basic knowledge and basic application technology

1 Course objectives and tasks(2/2) This course is one of the professional basic courses and professional backbone course of the automation What course? The automatic control theory modern control theory, computer theory and interface technology computer control technology motion control systems, process control systems HOME 上潇通大

1 Course objectives and tasks (2/2) ◼ This course is one of the professional basic courses and professional backbone course of the automation. ◼ what course? ◼ The automatic control theory, modern control theory, computer theory and interface technology, computer control technology, motion control systems, process control systems

2 The main content (1 /4) The main contents of the course indlude The composition and classification of the computer control system Computer control system design method of the process channel Digital process control technology i Digital PID algorithm Direct digital control algorithm i Model predictive control algorithm Distributed Computer Control System Fieldbus technology 上潇大孝

2 The main content(1/4) ◼ The main contents of the course include: ◼ The composition and classification of the computer control system ; ◼ Computer control system design method of the process channel ; ◼ Digital process control technology ; ◼ Digital PID algorithm ; ◼ Direct digital control algorithm ; ◼ Model predictive control algorithm; ◼ Distributed Computer Control System ; ◼ Fieldbus technology

2 The main content (2/4) Overview and process channel modules An overview of the computer control system Process channel and data acquisition system Process control and numerical control 上潇大孝

2 The main content (2/4) Overview and process channel modules ◼ An overview of the computer control system ◼ Process channel and data acquisition system ◼ Process control and numerical control

The main content (3/4) Algorithm module Digital Pid control algorithm Direct digital controller design method Model predictive control algorithm 上潇大孝

The main content (3/4) Algorithm module ◼ Digital PID control algorithm ◼ Direct digital controller design method ◼ Model predictive control algorithm 2

2 The main content (4/4) Advanced control module Microcomputer control system design and application examples Distributed computer Control System Fieldbus technology and applications 上潇大孝

2 The main content (4/4) Advanced control module ◼ Microcomputer control system design and application examples ◼ Distributed Computer Control System ◼ Fieldbus technology and applications

3 The main references Author Title Press Year XIE Jianying Micro-computer control technology(3rd National defense 2001 et a edition) Industry press XI Yu-Geng et Predictive Control National Defense 1991 Industry Pr Jin Yihui et al. I Process Control Tsinghua University1995 Press Yu Haisheng Microcomputer control technology Tsinghua University1999 et al Press Zeng-Qi Sun Computer Control Theory and ApplicationsTsinghua University et al Press 上潇通大

3 The main References Author Title Press Year XIE Jianying et al. Micro-computer control technology (3rd edition) National Defense Industry Press 2001 XI Yu-Geng et al. Predictive Control National Defense Industry Press 1991 Jin Yihui et al. Process Control Tsinghua University Press 1995 Yu Haisheng et al. Microcomputer control technology Tsinghua University Press 1999 Zeng-Qi Sun et al. Computer Control Theory and Applications Tsinghua University Press

Modern computer control system 难皇 上潇通大

Modern computer control system
