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南京大学:《面向对象技术 OOT》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)敏捷软件开发 Agile Software Development

 Introduction  Agile Development  Agile Design

Agile Software Development 敏捷软件开发 Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/2 Nanjing University

敏捷软件开发 Agile Software Development 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 1

最病 过摘要 2 a Introduction 口 Agile Development 口 Agile Design Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

摘要  Introduction  Agile Development  Agile Design 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 2

最病 过摘要 a Introduction 口 Agile Development 口 Agile Design Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

摘要  Introduction  Agile Development  Agile Design 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 3

最病 o Introduction 4 o Robert C. martin: " Agile Software Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices", Prentice Hall (October 25, 2002) acri:got T[[ Agile Software Development 叫HUMH|敏捷软件开发 Jolt Award nciples, Patterns, and Practices (影印版) 2003 Jot大奖 Robert C. Martin nstitute of Computer Software 2021/2/2 Nanjing University

Introduction  Robert C. Martin: “Agile Software Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices”, Prentice Hall (October 25, 2002) 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 4 Jolt Award 2003

最病 o Introduction 5 口 Robert o. Martin Designing Object Oriented C++ Applications using the Booch Method, 1995 Pattern Languages of Program Design 3 1997 More c++Gems”,1999 EXtreme Programming in Practice, 2003 UML for Java Programmers",2003 Uncle bob Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

Introduction  Robert C. Martin 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 5 “Designing Object Oriented C++ Applications using the Booch Method ”, 1995 “Pattern Languages of Program Design 3”, 1997 “More C++ Gems”, 1999 “Extreme Programming in Practice”, 2003 “UML for Java Programmers ”,2003 Uncle Bob

最病 Agile敏捷 6 口敏捷开发是一种面临迅速变化的需求快速开发软件的 能力。 口提供必要的纪律和反馈的实践 practice 口保持软件灵活、可维护的设计原则 principle 口针对特定问题的设计模式 pattern 适应变化和以人为中心,迭代、循序渐进 Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

Agile 敏捷  敏捷开发是一种面临迅速变化的需求快速开发软件的 能力。  提供必要的纪律和反馈的实践 -- practice  保持软件灵活、可维护的设计原则 -- principle  针对特定问题的设计模式 -- pattern  适应变化和以人为中心,迭代、循序渐进 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 6

最病 The Agile A|ince敏捷联盟 7 口 The manifesto of the agile alliance敏捷联盟宣言, 2001 We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Kent Beck alistair Cockburn robert c. Martin etc Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

The Agile Alliance 敏捷联盟  The Manifesto of the Agile Alliance 敏捷联盟宣言, 2001 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 7 We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: •Individuals and interactions over processes and tools •Working software over comprehensive documentation •Customer collaboration over contract negotiation •Responding to change over following a plan Kent Beck, Alistair Cockburn, Robert C. Martin, etc.

过敏捷联盟宣言 8 口个体和交互胜过过程和工具 口可以工作的软件胜过面面俱到的文档 口客户合作胜过合同谈判 口响应变化胜过遵循计划 Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

敏捷联盟宣言  个体和交互胜过过程和工具  可以工作的软件胜过面面俱到的文档  客户合作胜过合同谈判  响应变化胜过遵循计划 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 8

最病 P rinciples 9 口我们最优先要做的是通过尽早的、持续的交付 有价值的软件来使客户满意 即使到了开发的后期,也欢迎改变需求。敏捷 过程利用变化来为客户创造竞争优势。 口经常性地交付可以工作的软件,交付的间隔可 以从几个星期到几个月,交付的时间间隔越短 越好。 Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

Principles  我们最优先要做的是通过尽早的、持续的交付 有价值的软件来使客户满意。  即使到了开发的后期,也欢迎改变需求。敏捷 过程利用变化来为客户创造竞争优势。  经常性地交付可以工作的软件,交付的间隔可 以从几个星期到几个月,交付的时间间隔越短 越好。 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 9

最病 P rinciples 口在整个项目开发期间,业务人员和开发人员必 须天天都在一起工作。 口围绕被激励起来的个体来构建项目。给他们提 供所需的环境和支持,并且信任他们能够完成 作 口在团队内部,最具有效果并富有效率的传递信 息的方法,就是面对面的交谈。 Institute of Computer Software 2021/2/12 Nanjing University

Principles  在整个项目开发期间,业务人员和开发人员必 须天天都在一起工作。  围绕被激励起来的个体来构建项目。给他们提 供所需的环境和支持,并且信任他们能够完成 工作。  在团队内部,最具有效果并富有效率的传递信 息的方法,就是面对面的交谈。 2021/2/2 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 10
