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广西医科大学:《计算机网络 Computer Networking》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 03 Network Management and Operation(Network Architetures and Standarts)

3-1 Introduction 3-2 Definition Architecture 3-3 Why have Architecture 3-10 3-5 Definition Architecture 3-6 The V.and X.standards 3-7 Advs and disadvs of standards 3-8 Communication Architecture 3-9 ISO Reference Model 3-4 Standards making org 3-11 Internet Architecture 3-12 Manufactures Architecture 3-13 A caveat about 3-14 Layered architecture

Chapter 3 Network Architeture and standarts Introduction 3-8 Communication Architecture 3-2 Definition Architecture 3-9 So Reference Model 3-3 Why have Architecture 3-10 TCP/IP Architecture 3-4 Standards making org 3-11 Internet architecture 3-5 Definition Architecture 3-12>Manufactures Architecture 3-6 The v and x standards 3-13 A caveat about 3-7>Advs and disadvs of standards3-14 Layered architecture network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts 3-1 Introduction 3-2 Definition Architecture 3-3 Why have Architecture 3-10 3-5 Definition Architecture 3-6 The V.and X.standards 3-7 Advs and disadvs of standards 3-8 Communication Architecture 3-9 ISO Reference Model 3-4 Standards making org 3-11 Internet Architecture 3-12 Manufactures Architecture 3-13 A caveat about 3-14 Layered architecture TCP/IP Architecture

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between architectures and standards Explain the need for network architecture and standards Identify a number of communications standards-making org Describe the osi model architecture Describe tCP/IP architecture Describe the architecture of the Internet Discuss the adV and disadv of layered architecture network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between architectures and standards. Explain the need for network architecture and standards. Identify a number of communications standards-making org. Describe the OSI model architecture. Describe TCP/IP architecture. Describe the architecture of the Internet. Discuss the ADV and DISADV of layered architecture. Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts 3.1 Introduction Definitions of architectures and standards The difference among them The need of them Specific example of them Examine adv& disadv network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation 3.1 Introduction Definitions of architectures and standards. The difference among them. The need of them Specific example of them Examine adv & disadv Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts 3.2 DEFINITION OF ARCHITECTURES AND STANDARDS Architecture: is a plan or direction that is oriented toward the needs of the user Network architecture is a set of principles used as the basic for the design and implementation of a communications network network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation 3.2 DEFINITION OF ARCHITECTURES AND STANDARDS Architecture: is a plan or direction that is oriented toward the needs of the user. Network architecture is a set of principles used as the basic for the design and implementation of a communications network. Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts It includes the organization of functions that must be performed by the network and the description of data formats and procedures Network architecture=layer protocols network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation It includes the organization of functions that must be performed by the network and the description of data formats and procedures. Network architecture=layer + protocols Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts Network architecture features May or may not conform to standards Dont provides enough detail how network to be implemented Provides a set of generic concepts Most architecture(plan) are designed for the long term use network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Network architecture features May or may not conform to standards. Don’t provides enough detail how network to be implemented. Provides a set of generic concepts . Most architecture (plan) are designed for the long term use. Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architeture and standarts Single Layer Model First Communication Between Computer Devices The communication and application software be intermingled (To mix The early networks were not flexible Single specification for all aspects of communication Hardware Hardware & Software Software DEVICE A DEVICE B network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Single Layer Model First Communication Between Computer Devices The communication and application software be intermingled (To mix). DEVICE A Hardware & Software Hardware & Software DEVICE B 1 The early networks were not flexible. Single specification for all aspects of communication Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts IBM SNA(System Network Architecture) IBM: 1974 by the first computer network architecture BM'S SNA is a proprietary architecture NOTE: Not SNA(storage area network) Most network architectures developed since use a layered approach SNA Transacton servce Application Alcains Presentation services Presentaton ata How co Transport SLc额2 Transmission control Path contr Network Data Link control Data link network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation IBM SNA(System Network Architecture) IBM : 1974 by the first computer network architecture IBM’s SNA is a proprietary architecture NOTE:Not SNA(storage area network) Most network architectures developed since use a layered approach. Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts Communication standard The rules that are established to ensure compatibility among similar communications products and services Communications standards are the flesh on the architectural skeleton They specify how a particular communications product, service, or interface will operate V,90 modem network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Communication standard The rules that are established to ensure compatibility among similar communications products and services. Communications standards are the flesh on the architectural skeleton. They specify how a particular communications product, service,or interface will operate. V.90 modem Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts

+y Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts 3. 3 why have network architectures? 1.commUnicationsystemwerebecomingtoo compleX 2. wanted to be isolated from the complexities of the network 3. Wanted to connect different types of devices to the network 4. Distributed processing and client-server processing became practical 5. Network needed to be managed network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation 3.3 why have network architectures? 1.Communication system were becoming too complex. 2. wanted to be isolated from the complexities of the network. 3.Wanted to connect different types of devices to the network. 4.Distributed processing and client-server processing became practical. 5.Network needed to be managed. Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts
