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航空航天(PPT课件讲稿)Mechanics——Particle Motion

航空航天(PPT课件讲稿)Mechanics——Particle Motion

Part 1 Mechanics Space shuttle09101星期三上,神舟五号截人飞在中国语泉成功发射升空

Space shuttle Part 1 Mechanics

MECHANICS Kinematics Dynamics How does the Why does the matter move? matter move? 1. Kinematics: description of motion 1.1 Frame of reference and coordinate system 1.2 Physical quantities 1.3 deal model and motion Particle Motion Rotation Oscillation

MECHANICS Particle Motion Rotation Oscillation 1. Kinematics: description of motion 1.1 Frame of reference and coordinate system 1.2 Physical quantities 1.3 Ideal model and motion How does the matter move? Why does the matter move? Kinematics Dynamics

MECHANICS Kinematics Dynamics How does the Why does the matter move? matter move? 2. Dynamics: relation of motion to its causes 2.1 Newton's laws of motion 2.2 Work and energy 2.3 Momentum and impulse

2. Dynamics: relation of motion to its causes 2.1 Newton’s laws of motion 2.2 Work and energy 2.3 Momentum and impulse MECHANICS Kinematics Dynamics How does the matter move? Why does the matter move?

Particle motion Structure Reference of frame quantities to describe motion method to describe motion linear quantities Angular quantities calculate method Project circular curve motion motion motion

Reference of frame quantities to describe motion method to describe motion linear quantities Angular quantities calculate method Project motion circular motion curve motion Particle motion

Chapter1-3 Particle Motion Key word scalar positive vector negative unit vector scalar product magnitude vector product direction time interval leng ith instant coordinate axis curved line displacement line-segment distance arrow vector addition origin point component parallel vectors perpendicular components

Chapter1-3 Particle Motion scalar vector unit vector magnitude direction length coordinate axis displacement distance vector addition component vectors components positive negative scalar product vector product time interval instant curved line line-segment arrow origin point parallel perpendicular Key word:

Key word particle frame of reference position displacement average(instantaneous) velocity average ( instantaneous )acceleration speed free fall acceleration due to gravity projectile trajectory derivative normal component 个公的 tangential component

particle frame of reference position displacement average (/instantaneous) velocity average (/instantaneous ) acceleration speed free fall acceleration due to gravity projectile trajectory derivative normal component tangential component Key word:

1. Basic Concepts 1.1 Ideal model Particle: It is the body that has only the mass, but not its shape and size a pingpong the earth Which one is a particle? Ideal Models: Simple pendulum, rigid body, point charge, harmonical oscillator

1.1 Ideal Model ◼ Particle: It is the body that has only the mass, but not its shape and size. Which one is a particle? a pingpong the earth Ideal Models: Simple pendulum, rigid body, point charge, harmonical oscillator… 1. Basic Concepts

1.2 Frame of reference and coordinate axis Frame of Reference: relative, usually refer to earth X Moon Earth Venus Sun Mars

1.2 Frame of Reference and Coordinate Axis ◼ Frame of Reference: relative, usually refer to earth o x

The Coordinate System: math conception attached to the real-word bodies Q Path Cartesian natural Other coordinates: polar, spherical, cylindrical elliptical

◼ The Coordinate System: math conception attached to the real-word bodies Cartesian natural Other coordinates: polar, spherical, cylindrical, elliptical…

1.3 Scalars and vectors Scalar: described by a single number with a unit, such as 1kg(mass), 105kg/m (density), 1A(electrical current Vector: has both magnitude and a direction such as E B/N Represe nt by: A: Unit vector A=/42=A1 B=A.C=-A

1.3 Scalars and Vectors ◼ Scalar: described by a single number with a unit, such as 1kg(mass), 103kg/m3 (density), 1A(electrical current). ◼ Vector: has both magnitude and a direction, such as r v a E     , , , Represe nt by: A  A A A ˆ AA ˆ = =   M N A  A ˆ B  C  A :Unit vector ˆ B A C A     = , = −
