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香港科技大学:Introduction to Software Defined Network(SDN)

• Introduction. • What is Software-Defined Network? • OpenFlow. • Research Problems in SDN.

Introduction to Software Defined Network (SDn) Hengky "Hank"Susanto, Sing Lab, HKUST

Introduction to Software Defined Network (SDN) Hengky “Hank” Susanto, Sing Lab, HKUST

Outline Introduction What is Software-Defined Network? Open Flow Research problems in Sdn

Outline • Introduction. • What is Software-Defined Network? • OpenFlow. • Research Problems in SDN

Once Upon a time at&T eyes Flexibility Cost Savings With New Network Design", Wall Street journaL, 2014 Upgrade their internal network infrastructure(routers and switches) every 18 months to keep up with the current demands for network Cost billions USd to upgrade Cisco top of the line switch cost $27K USD Other high cost: Involved many men power to upgrade the network In Summary: at&T was eyeing for SDN capable switches(only $11K USD each)

Once Upon a Time • “AT&T Eyes Flexibility, Cost Savings With New Network Design”, Wall Street journal, 2014. • Upgrade their internal network infrastructure (routers and switches) every 18 months to keep up with the current demands for network. • Cost Billions USD to upgrade. • Cisco top of the line switch cost $27K USD • Other high cost: Involved many men power to upgrade the network. • In Summary: AT&T was eyeing for SDN capable switches (only $11K USD each)

The networking Industry (2007) Routing, management, mobility management, access control, VPNs App Million of lines Manage by 5400 RFCs source code Operati System Specialized Packet 500M gates Power hungry Forwarding Hardware 10Gbytes RAM Many complex functions baked into the infrastructure OSPE, BGP, multicast, differentiated services, Traffic Engineering, NAT, firewalls, MPLS, redundant layers An industry with a"mainframe-mentality

Million of lines of source code Manage by 5400 RFCs 500M gates 10Gbytes RAM Power Hungry Many complex functions baked into the infrastructure OSPF, BGP, multicast, differentiated services, Traffic Engineering, NAT, firewalls, MPLS, redundant layers, … An industry with a “mainframe-mentality” The Networking Industry (2007) Specialized Packet Forwarding Hardware Operating System App App App Routing, management, mobility management, access control, VPNs, …

Reality.!(AS 2015) App Appi,,,. App Operating System Operating System Specialized Packet Specialzed Packet Forwarding Hardware Forwardinghtardware Closed equipment Software bundled with hardware Operating a network is expensive Vendor-specific interfaces More than half the cost of a network Yet, operator error causes most outages Over specified: Slow protocol standardization Buggy software in the equipment BuGs Few people can innovate Routers with 20+ million lines of code Equipment vendors write the code Cascading failures, vulnerabilities, etc Long delays to introduce new features

Operating System Reality…!!!! (As 2015) App App App Specialized Packet Forwarding Hardware Specialized Packet Forwarding Hardware Operating System App App App Closed equipment • Software bundled with hardware. • Vendor-specific interfaces. Over specified : Slow protocol standardization. Few people can innovate • Equipment vendors write the code. • Long delays to introduce new features. Operating a network is expensive • More than half the cost of a network. • Yet, operator error causes most outages. Buggy software in the equipment • Routers with 20+ million lines of code • Cascading failures, vulnerabilities, etc

Traditional Network router Router can be partitioned into control and data plane Management plane/configuration Control plane /Decision: OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) Data plane /Forwarding Adjacent Router Router Adjacent Router Management/Policy plane Configuration/CLI/GUI Routing Control plane Control plane Staticroutes Control plane I OSPF Link state IP routing table database Switchi Data plane Data plane Data plane Forwarding table

Traditional Network Router • Router can be partitioned into control and data plane • Management plane/ configuration • Control plane / Decision: OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) • Data plane / Forwarding Adjacent Router Router Management/Policy plane Configuration / CLI / GUI Control plane Static routes OSPF Neighbor table Link state database IP routing table Forwarding table Data plane Data plane Control plane OSPF Adjacent Router Data plane Control plane OSPF Routing Switching

Traditional network Router In Summary Typical Networking Software Management plane Control Plane-The brain/decision maker Data plane-Packet forward $$$$ Ethernet Switch Control Path (Software) 证证证证H证 面高 平吧里 Data Path(Hardware) BuGs

Traditional network Router In Summary • Typical Networking Software • Management plane • Control Plane – The brain/decision maker • Data Plane – Packet forwarder

Imagine IF The network Control plane SDN Concept Logically-centralized control Separate Control Smart plane and data API to the data plane plane Separated Dumb fast Switches Data plane

Imagine IF The Network is……..!!! API to the data plane Logically-centralized control Switches Smart Dumb, fast Control Plane Data Plane SDN Concept: Separate Control plane and Data plane. Separated

Software-Defined Network with key abstractions Network Well-defined API Virtualizati Traffic Application Plane Network m Abstract Control plane Network Operating System struction struction struction struction Forwarding Separation of Data d control plane Forwardi Data Plane Forwarding Forwarding

Software-Defined Network with key Abstractions Network Operating System Routing Traffic Engineering Other Applications Well-defined API Network Map Abstraction Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding Separation of Data and Control Plane Network Virtualization Security Data Plane Control Plane Application Plane Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions

Sdn Basic concept Separate Control plane and Data plane entities Network intelligence and state are logically centralized The underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the applications Execute or run Control plane software on general purpose hardware Decouple from specific networking hardware Use commodity servers and switches Have programmable data planes Maintain, control and program data plane state from a central entity. An architecture to control not just a networking device but an entire network

SDN Basic Concept • Separate Control plane and Data plane entities. • Network intelligence and state are logically centralized. • The underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the applications. • Execute or run Control plane software on general purpose hardware. • Decouple from specific networking hardware. • Use commodity servers and switches. • Have programmable data planes. • Maintain, control and program data plane state from a central entity. • An architecture to control not just a networking device but an entire network
