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复旦大学:《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)01 医学遗传学绪论 introduction to medical Genetics

• Introduction • What is Medical Genetics? • Genetic disease • Role of Medical Genetics in Medical Education.

Medical Genetics 01医学遗传学绪论 intuoduction ta edical emetic

Medical Genetics 01 医学遗传学绪论 introduction to medical Genetics

Medical Genetics Arrangement Teacher Liu Wen phd associate prof ( David saffen phd Prof ( Wang Hao PhD Engineer (

Medical Genetics Arrangement Teacher: Liu Wen PhD associate prof ( David Saffen PhD Prof ( Wang Hao PhD Engineer (

Medical Genetics Week Date Day Course Content Teacher 10 11.12 Thu 3-4 Introduction of Genentics /Gene Mutation Liu Wen 11 11.19 Thu 3-4 Single Gene Disorder Alexander endler 11 11.20 Fri 5-8 Preparation of chromosome samples Liu xiaoyu 12 11.26 Thu 3-4 Polygene Disorder/Mitochondrial Disease lu wen 12 11.27 Fr 5-8 Gbanding Liu xiaoyu 13 12.3 Thu 3-4 Chromosomal Disease Alexander endler 13 12.4 Fri 5-8 Extraction of Genomic DNA Liu Xiaoyu 14 12 10 Thu 3-4 Genetics and Cancer/Birth defect lu Wen 1412. 11 Fri 5-8 Detection of gene mutation by PCR Liu xiaoyu 15 12.17 Thu Students Presentation Liu Wen 16 12.24 Thu 3-4 Students presentation Liu Wen 17 12.31 Thu 3-4 Students presentation Liu Wen 18 Thu 3-4 Liu Wen Classroom: 2608 Lab:13-214

Medical Genetics Week Date Day Course Content Teacher 10 11.12 Thu 3-4 Introduction of Genentics / Gene Mutation Liu Wen 11 11.19 Thu 3-4 Single Gene Disorder Alexander Endler 11 11.20 Fri 5-8 Preparation of chromosome samples Liu Xiaoyu 12 11.26 Thu 3-4 Polygene Disorder / Mitochondrial Disease Liu Wen 12 11.27 Fri 5-8 G banding Liu Xiaoyu 13 12.3 Thu 3-4 Chromosomal Disease Alexander Endler 13 12.4 Fri 5-8 Extraction of Genomic DNA Liu Xiaoyu 14 12.10 Thu 3-4 Genetics and Cancer/ Birth defect Liu Wen 14 12.11 Fri 5-8 Detection of gene mutation by PCR Liu Xiaoyu 15 12.17 Thu 3-4 Students Presentation Liu Wen 16 12.24 Thu 3-4 Students presentation Liu Wen 17 12.31 Thu 3-4 Students presentation Liu Wen 18 1.7 Thu 3-4 Liu Wen Classroom:2608 Lab:13-214

Medical Genetics Exam Presentation Review Lab report

Medical Genetics Exam: Presentation Review Lab report

Medical Genetics Introduction What is medica genetics? o Genetic disease Role of medical genetics in Medical education

Medical Genetics • Introduction • What is Medical Genetics? • Genetic disease • Role of Medical Genetics in Medical Education

Medical Genetics Introduction

Medical Genetics Introduction

Medical Genetics Introduction

Medical Genetics Introduction

Medical Genetics Introduction Disease caused by(or related to) environmental stress Bird Flu(upper) SARS (right)

Medical Genetics Introduction Disease caused by (or related to) environmental stress. Bird Flu (upper) SARS (right)

Medical Genetics Introduction Duchenne muscular dystrophy, (DMD) Down syndrome Disease caused by(or related to) genetic factors

Medical Genetics Introduction Down syndrome Disease caused by (or related to) genetic factors. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, (DMD)

Medical Genetics Introduction Duchenne muscular dystrophy caused by a gene mutation

Medical Genetics Introduction Duchenne muscular dystrophy caused by a gene mutation
