《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(双语版)Digestive glands

Digestive glands
Digestive glands

General outline small digestive glands distributed in the wall of digestive tract V esophageal glands, gastric glands and Intestine glands large digestive glands v outside the wall of digestive tract salivary glands, liver and pancreas
General outline ▪ small digestive glands ✓ distributed in the wall of digestive tract ✓ esophageal glands, gastric glands and ✓intestine glands ▪ large digestive glands ✓ outside the wall of digestive tract ✓ salivary glands, liver and pancreas

Large salivary glands Include parotid submandibular and sublingual glands are compound tubuloacinar glands are composed of acini and ducts
Large salivary glands ▪ Include parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands ▪ are compound tubuloacinar glands ▪ are composed of acini and ducts

Acinus acinar epithelium: simple Structure. cuboidal or pyramidal cells myoepithelial cell basal membrane Serous acini Be divided into Mucous acini Mixed acini
Acinus : ▪ acinar epithelium: simple cuboidal or pyramidal cells ▪ myoepithelial cell ▪ basal membrane Structure: Be divided into Serous acini Mucous acini Mixed acini

Serous aint cytoplasma are deep stained nucleus are spherical in shape and near the base secretion is thin, contains salivary amylase and a little mucus
Serous acini ▪ cytoplasma are deep stained ▪ nucleus are spherical in shape and near the base ▪ secretion is thin, contains salivary amylase and a little mucus

Serous acini and striated duct
Serous acini and striated duct

Mucous acini cytoplasma are light-blue stained nucleus are flattened ovoid shaped and close to the base secretion is thick; contains mucoprotein
Mucous acini ▪ cytoplasma are light-blue stained ▪ nucleus are flattened ovoid shaped and close to the base ▪ secretion is thick; contains mucoprotein

Mucous acini
Mucous acini

Mixed acini consist of above two kinds of cells a demilunes: several serous cells are attached eccentrically to the mucous acini
Mixed acini ▪ consist of above two kinds of cells ▪ demilunes: several serous cells are attached eccentrically to the mucous acini

Mixed acini △
Mixed acini
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