《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程授课教案(PPT课件讲稿)chapter 3 基因突变 Gene Mutation

Medical Genetics 03基因突变 Gene mutation
Medical Genetics 03 基因突变 Gene Mutation

Medical Genetics Gene Mutation Change in genes caused by change in structure of the dna
Medical Genetics Gene Mutation Change in genes caused by change in structure of the DNA

Medical Genetics 1. Base s)in DNA is(are)changed to other(s), or a base(s) is(are) added or removed 2. Rearrangements of the chromosomes occur and are also considered
Medical Genetics 1. Base(s) in DNA is (are) changed to other(s), or a base(s) is (are) added or removed. 2. Rearrangements of the chromosomes occur and are also considered

Medical Genetics Mutations are heritable changes n genetic materia
Medical Genetics Mutations are heritable changes in genetic material

Medical Genetics 1. Mutagens or Mutagenic Agents These are substances conditions and forms that significantly increase the frequency of mutations
Medical Genetics 1. Mutagens or Mutagenic Agents These are substances, conditions and forms that significantly increase the frequency of mutations

Medical Genetics Mutations can occur at a spontaneous rate or a far greater ate when there is exposure to mutagenic agents
Medical Genetics Mutations can occur at a spontaneous rate, or a far greater rate when there is exposure to mutagenic agents

Medical Genetics Exposure to too high a level of mutagens can threaten the survival of a species; e. g,, frog species in the states of Washington and Oregon are facing extinction. This appears to be caused by reduced atmospheric ozone, and the resulting increased level of ultraviolet radiation
Medical Genetics Exposure to too high a level of mutagens can threaten the survival of a species; e.g., frog species in the states of Washington and Oregon are facing extinction. This appears to be caused by reduced atmospheric ozone, and the resulting increased level of ultraviolet radiation

Medical Genetics A forms of energy Examples of a forms of energy are ultraviolet light, x-rays, cosmic energy, gamma radiation, alpha particles, beta particles and neutrons
Medical Genetics A forms of energy Examples of a forms of energy are ultraviolet light, x-rays, cosmic energy, gamma radiation, alpha particles, beta particles and neutrons

Medical Genetics Ultraviolet (Uv light UV light has shorter wavelengths than visible light. Though these waves are invisible to the human eye some insects, like bumblebees can see them!
Medical Genetics Ultraviolet (UV) light UV light has shorter wavelengths than visible light. Though these waves are invisible to the human eye, some insects, like bumblebees, can see them!

Medical Genetics Scientists have divided the ultraviolet part of the spectrum into three regions: the near ultraviolet the far ultraviolet, and the extreme ultraviolet
Medical Genetics Scientists have divided the ultraviolet part of the spectrum into three regions: the near ultraviolet, the far ultraviolet, and the extreme ultraviolet
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