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Robust Networking Architecture and Secure Communication Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Research Background and Challenges Problem Statement Research Goal and Objectives Key Related Work Conceptual and Preliminary Design Detailed Design and Implementation Robust networking architecture Secure communication scheme System Evaluation and Test Results Evaluation of robust networking architecture Analysis of secure communication scheme Benchmarking Conclusion & Recommendations

Robust Networking Architecture and Secure communication scheme for Heterogeneous wireless sensor Networks McKenzie mcneal ll Ph. D Candidate for Computer Information Systems Engineering Advisor: dr. Wei chen College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science March 15th 2012

Robust Networking Architecture and Secure Communication Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks McKenzie McNeal III Ph.D. Candidate for Computer & Information Systems Engineering Advisor: Dr. Wei Chen College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science March 15th, 2012 1

Outline o Research Background and challenges 口 Problem statement a Research Goal and objectives 口 Key related Work a Conceptual and Preliminary Design a Detailed Design and Implementation Robust networking architecture Secure communication scheme a System Evaluation and Test results Evaluation of robust networking architecture Analysis of secure communication scheme 口 Benchmarking o Conclusion recommendations

Outline ❑ Research Background and Challenges ❑ Problem Statement ❑ Research Goal and Objectives ❑ Key Related Work ❑ Conceptual and Preliminary Design ❑ Detailed Design and Implementation ➢ Robust networking architecture ➢ Secure communication scheme ❑ System Evaluation and Test Results ➢ Evaluation of robust networking architecture ➢ Analysis of secure communication scheme ❑ Benchmarking ❑ Conclusion & Recommendations 2

Research Background Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNS a Large collection of small wireless devices with the ability to sense, process, and transmit data Low-end node L-node ow cost solution to distributed applications Milita CiⅤ ilian Limited resources 88=2(: Power 9: Storage Processing H-node Communication Unreliable communication Unattended operation Operate autonomously Heterogerkhousoyaneleas Sisde Nesermsdr NEWSk O Homogeneous or Heterogeneous

Research Background – Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) ❑ Large collection of small wireless devices with the ability to sense, process, and transmit data. ➢ Low cost solution to distributed applications • Military • Civilian ➢ Limited resources • Power • Storage • Processing • Communication ➢ Unreliable communication ➢ Unattended operation • Operate autonomously ❑ Homogeneous or Heterogeneous 3 Low-end node (L-node) Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Network H H H High-end node (H-node) Low-end node (L-node) Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (HWSN)

Research Background Security concerns for WsNs a General security concerns for communication networks Data needs to be protected Unauthorized access Protection against various attacks a Specific security concerns for WSNs Resource constraints do not support traditional security methods Attacks can drain network resources Uncontrollable/hostile environment

❑ General security concerns for communication networks ➢ Data needs to be protected ➢ Unauthorized access ➢ Protection against various attacks ❑ Specific security concerns for WSNs ➢ Resource constraints do not support traditional security methods ➢ Attacks can drain network resources ➢ Uncontrollable/hostile environment 4 Research Background – Security Concerns for WSNs

Research Challenges a Network Infrastructure Reliability and availability High performance Leverage security tasks a Secured data communication Data confidentiality, integrity, freshness authentication WSNS do not support traditional security methods Function in presence of node compromise

Research Challenges ❑ Network Infrastructure ➢ Reliability and availability ➢ High performance ➢ Leverage security tasks ❑ Secured Data Communication ➢ Data confidentiality, integrity, freshness & authentication ➢ WSNs do not support traditional security methods ➢ Function in presence of node compromise 5

Key Related Work Reference Network Security Model Limitations Arc hitecture LIGER Flat hws Hybrid key management scheme .Large numbers of (LIGER) keys stored and key .Unbalanced key distribution exchanges LION-standalone key mgmt Increased node .TIGER-KDC based key mgmt compromise with increased key storas Kejie lu Flat hWsn 2 key management schemes Large numbers of Random key pool-based pre keys stored and key distribution exchanges Polynomial-based pre-distribution enei Du-Scheme Hierarchical Key management scheme .Location dependent egion-based .C-neighbor concept network architecture HWSN ECC supports exchange of symmetric No energy analysis for secure routing

Key Related Work 6 Reference Network Architecture Security Model Limitations LIGER Flat HWSN Hybrid key management scheme (LIGER) •Unbalanced key distribution •LION-standalone key mgmt. •TIGER-KDC based key mgmt. •Large numbers of keys stored and key exchanges •Increased node compromise with increased key storage Kejie Lu Flat HWSN 2 key management schemes •Random key pool-based pre￾distribution •Polynomial-based pre-distribution •Large numbers of keys strored and key exchanges •No analysis for energy usage Du-Scheme Hierarchical Region-based HWSN Key management scheme •C-neighbor concept •ECC supports exchange of symmetric key •Location dependent network architecture •No energy analysis for secure routing

Key Related Work(cont d) Summary of limitations a No security oriented network hierarchy a Random key pre-distribution schemes encounter the key exchange Issue Large storage of pre-loaded keys Large number of key exchanges O Localization information needed for establishing network architecture O No energy analysis for secure routing a Resilience against node compromise w/o tamper resistant hardware

Key Related Work (cont’d) Summary of Limitations ❑ No security oriented network hierarchy ❑ Random key pre-distribution schemes encounter the key exchange issue ➢ Large storage of pre-loaded keys ➢ Large number of key exchanges ❑ Localization information needed for establishing network architecture ❑ No energy analysis for secure routing ❑ Resilience against node compromise w/o tamper resistant hardware 7

Problem statement Novel security methods and models are needed for hwsns to function in the presence of an attack. Heterogeneity provides hierarchy that leverages resource efficient security tasks This dissertation research focuses on developing a robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme with an efficient key management system and secure routing protocol

Problem Statement Novel security methods and models are needed for HWSNs to function in the presence of an attack. Heterogeneity provides hierarchy that leverages resource efficient security tasks. This dissertation research focuses on developing a robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme with an efficient key management system and secure routing protocol. 8

Research Goal and obiectives Goal Address security challenges and develop a robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme for HWSNS with resource saving key management system and provide secure data communication and resilience against node compromise Obiectives a Define and develop robust hierarchical heterogeneous networking architecture a Design secure communication scheme based on the defined hierarchical hws Key management system Cryptographic algorithms Secure and efficient routing protocol a Test and evaluate robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme

Research Goal and Objectives Goal Address security challenges and develop a robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme for HWSNs with resource saving key management system and provide secure data communication and resilience against node compromise. Objectives ❑ Define and develop robust hierarchical heterogeneous networking architecture ❑ Design secure communication scheme based on the defined hierarchical HWSN ➢ Key management system ➢ Cryptographic algorithms ➢ Secure and efficient routing protocol ❑ Test and evaluate robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme 9

Conceptual Design Security system that integrates a robust networking architecture an d secure communication scheme for hwsns Securit System for HWSNS Robust Secure Networking Communication Architecture Scheme

Conceptual Design Security system that integrates a robust networking architecture and secure communication scheme for HWSNs 10 Security System for HWSNs Secure Communication Scheme Robust Networking Architecture
