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北京大学:烟花算法的变异算子(PPT讲稿)Mutation Operators of Fireworks Algorithm

Introductions Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) Why the Mutation Operator FWA with Differential Mutation Operator FWA with Covariance Mutation Operator Conclusions

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee C.I. LAB Mof fireworks Algorith From A Novel Swarm Intelligence Algorithm Chao yu Doctor of science 1/29/2021

1 1/29/2021 Mutation Operators of Fireworks Algorithm Chao YU Doctor of Science Email: From A Novel Swarm Intelligence Algorithm

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB OUTLINES ① Introductions 2 Fireworks Algorithm(FWA) 3 Why the Mutation Operator AFWA with Differential Mutation Operator FWA With Covariance Mutation Operator ⑥ Conclusions 1/29/2021

2 1/29/2021 OUTLINES ① Introductions ② Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) ③ Why the Mutation Operator ④ FWA with Differential Mutation Operator ⑤ FWA with Covariance Mutation Operator ⑥ Conclusions

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB 1 Introductions Ant Colony Optimization(Aco) Artificial Immune System(AIs) Bee Colony Optimization( BCO) Bacterial Foraging Optimization(BFO) Fish School Search(FSS Fireworks algorithm(FWA) Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) Water Drop Optimization(WDO) Wild-Weed Optimization(Wwo 1/29/2021

3 1/29/2021 1 Introductions ➢ Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) ➢ Artificial Immune System (AIS) ➢ Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) ➢ Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) ➢ Fish School Search (FSS) ➢ Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) ➢ Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) ➢ Water Drop Optimization (WDO) ➢ Wild-Weed Optimization (WWO) ➢ ……

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB 1 Introductions Fireworks algorithm(FWa)was proposed by Tan and Zhu, k FWa was inspired by the splendid fireworks in the sky Tan, Y,&Zhu, Y (2010). Firew orks algorithm for optimization. In Advances in Swarm intelligence(pp 355-364). Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1/29/2021

4 1/29/2021 * Tan, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2010). Firew orks algorithm for optimization. In Advances in Swarm Intelligence (pp. 355-364). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. • Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) was proposed by Tan and Zhu.* • FWA was inspired by the splendid fireworks in the sky. 1 Introductions

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.L. LAB 1 Introductions The conventional fWa got 525 citations from the google scholar website whereas the water drop algorithm only got 344 citations Fireworks algorithm for optimization Y Tan, Y Zhu-International conference in swarm intelligence, 2010-Springer Inspired by observing fireworks explosion, a novel swarm intelligence algorithm, called Fireworks Algorithm(FA), is proposed for global optimization of complex functions. In the proposed FA, twe of explosion (search) processes are employed, and the mechanisms ☆ Cited bl Related articles All 11 versions [PDF] The intelligent water drops algorithm: a nature-inspired swarm-based optimization algorithm H Shah-Hosseini-International Joumal of Bio-inspired., 2009- pdfs. semanticscholar org A natural river often finds good paths among lots of possible paths in its ways from the source to destination. These near optimal or optimal paths are obtained by the actions and reactions that oc ng the water drops and the water drops with the riverbeds. The *x 99 Cited 344 Related articles All 7 versions Do The numbers are obtained on July 14, 2019 1/29/2021

5 1/29/2021 1 Introductions 5 ➢ The conventional FWA got 525 citations from the google scholar website, whereas the water drop algorithm only got 344 citations*. *The numbers are obtained on July 14, 2019

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB OUTLINES ① Introductions 2 Fireworks Algorithm(FWA) Why the mutation Operator AFWA with Differential Mutation Operator FWA With Covariance Mutation Operator ⑥ Conclusions 1/29/2021

6 1/29/2021 OUTLINES ① Introductions ② Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) ③ Why the Mutation Operator ④ FWA with Differential Mutation Operator ⑤ FWA with Covariance Mutation Operator ⑥ Conclusions

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB 2 Fireworks Algorithm(FWA) Initializatⅰon Explosion Operators Mutation Operators Boundary Check(Mapping Rules) The selection Strategy Terminal Criteria 1/29/2021

7 1/29/2021 ➢ Initialization ➢ Explosion Operators ➢ Mutation Operators ➢ Boundary Check (Mapping Rules) ➢ The Selection Strategy ➢ Terminal Criteria 2 Fireworks Algorithm (FWA)

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB 2 Fireworks Algorithm(FWA) Begin Repeat N Explosion Termination Initia atior Mutation Mapping operators operators rules Selection criterion met End 1/29/2021

8 1/29/2021 Initialization Explosion operators Mutation operators Mapping rules The Selection strategy Termination criterion met? Repeat N Y End 2 Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) Begin

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB 2 Fireworks Algorithm(FWA) The mechanism of the explosion operator ★ 1/29/2021

9 1/29/2021 2 Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) ➢ The mechanism of the explosion operator. o x y

出大学计算智能实验蜜 natonal teingenee e, Peag adversity C.I. LAB 2 Fireworks Algorithm(FWA) The mechanism of the explosion operator 20 (a) Good explosion (b) Bad explosion This figure was taken from the paper named" Fireworks Algorithm for Optimization with slightly modification. 10 1/29/2021

10 1/29/2021 2 Fireworks Algorithm (FWA) ➢ The mechanism of the explosion operator. 20 4 This figure was taken from the paper named “Fireworks Algorithm for Optimization” with slightly modification
