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➢Anterior mediastinuum 前纵隔 ➢Middle mediastinum 中纵隔 ➢Posterior mediastinum 后纵隔 • Mediastinal space 纵隔间隙 • Mediastinal lymph nodes 纵隔淋巴结 • Diaphragm 膈

局部解剖学(十三) 胸部的局部解剖与操作(2)

局部解剖学(十三) ➢ 胸部的局部解剖与操作(2)

主要内容 Main contents · Inferior mediastinum下纵隔 > Anterior mediastinum前纵隔 Middle mediastinum中纵隔 > Posterior mediastinum后纵隔 Mediastinal space纵隔间隙 ° Mediastinal lymph nodes纵隔淋巴结 Diaphragm膈

主要内容 Main Contents • Inferior mediastinum 下纵隔 ➢Anterior mediastinuum 前纵隔 ➢Middle mediastinum 中纵隔 ➢Posterior mediastinum 后纵隔 • Mediastinal space 纵隔间隙 • Mediastinal lymph nodes 纵隔淋巴结 • Diaphragm 膈

前纵隔 Anterior Mediastinum 位置 Position ·内容 Contents

一、前 纵 隔 Anterior Mediastinum • 位置 Position • 内容 Contents

Superior Ante- rior Middle 5678 Poste rior MziPosition: This is a narrow space between the sternum and the anterior wall of pericardium.位于胸骨与心包前壁之间

• 位置Position::This is a narrow space between the sternum and the anterior wall of pericardium. 位于胸骨与心包前壁之间

la cava o Body of sternum Internal thoracic artery o ● Ascending aorta Right superior pulmonary vein e Left atrium phrenic nerve Transverse pencardial sinus Pectoralis major o 3rd rib Middle lobar bronchus Left phrenic nerve Right lung, middle lobe Left auricle Left lung, superior lobe Middle lobar bronchus Mammary gland Inferor lobar bronchus Long thoracic nerve Bronchopulmonary Inferior lobar arteries o- Oblique fissure Pleural cavity or lobe Posterior basal Serratus anterior一 Latissimus dorsi垂 ● Left interior pulmonary vein Right interior pulmonary vein e Contents FE: It contains the rudiment of the lower part of the thymus, the internal thoracic vessels and their branches, a part of the anterior mediastinal lymph nodes and some loose connective tissue.内有胸腺下部、胸廓内血 管及其分支、纵隔前淋巴结和疏松结缔组织

• Contents 内容:It contains the rudiment of the lower part of the thymus, the internal thoracic vessels and their branches, a part of the anterior mediastinal lymph nodes and some loose connective tissue.内有胸腺下部、胸廓内血 管及其分支、纵隔前淋巴结和疏松结缔组织

二、中纵隔 Middle Mediastinum · Position位置 Contents内容

二、中纵隔 Middle Mediastinum • Position 位置 • Contents 内容

Superior Ante rior 6 Middle 8 Poste rior Position位置: It lies between the anterior and posterior wall! of pericardium.位于心包前、后壁之间

• Position 位置:It lies between the anterior and posterior wall of pericardium. 位于心包前、后壁之间

Heart Contents内容 Anterior Exposure It contains the pericardium the heart and the root part of great blood vessels passing into and from the heart( the pulmonary trunk, ascending aorta, superior vena cava inferior vena cava, pulmonary veins), the arch of azygos vein, phrenic nerves 米来 pericardiacophrenic vessels cardiac plexus and lymph nodes.内有心包、心、 出入心的大血管根部、 奇静脉弓、膈神经、 心包膈血管、心丛和 淋巴结等

﹡ ﹡ ﹡ • Contents 内容: It contains the pericardium, the heart and the root part of great blood vessels passing into and from the heart (the pulmonary trunk, ascending aorta, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, pulmonary veins), the arch of azygos vein, phrenic nerves pericardiacophrenic vessels, cardiac plexus and lymph nodes. 内有心包、心、 出入心的大血管根部、 奇静脉弓、膈神经、 心包膈血管、心丛和 淋巴结等

Fibrous Fibrous Serous erous Developing eart CAVITY HEART 包 Pericardial cavity Figure 1. 25. Invagination of developing heart into layers of pericardium


Thyroid cartilage (Pyramidal lobe, var) e Thyrohyoid s Omohyoid, superior belly ● Superior thyroid artery e Superior thyroid vein Thyroid gland Left lobe Cervical fascia, investing layer (superficial layerl Inferior thyroid veins e e Sternocleidomastoid Jugular venous arch e e Common carotid artery Common carotid plexus Phrenic nerve Scalenus anterior ● Intemal jugular vein Subclavius e o Intemal thoracic 包 o Pectoralis major costal part 裸 Left lung. superior lobe Right lung anterior border 区 Supenor c Inferior Lingula of left Panetal pleura. rior lobe Costodiaphragmatic Inferor border

