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香港浸会大学:C++ as a Better C; Introducing Object Technology

18.1 Introduction 18.2 C++ 18.3 A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers 18.4 C++ Standard Library 18.5 Header Files 18.6 Inline Functions 18.7 References and Reference Parameters 18.8 Empty Parameter Lists 18.9 Default Arguments 18.10 Unary Scope Resolution Operator 18.11 Function Overloading 18.12 Function Templates 18.13 Introduction to Object Technology and the UML 18.14 Wrap-Up

18 C++ as a Better C Introducing Object Technology o 2007 Pearson education nc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 18 C++ as a Better C; Introducing Object Technology

OBJECTIVES In this chapter you will learn Several C++ enhancements to c The header files of the C++ standard library To use inline functions To create and manipulate references To use default function arguments To use the unary scope resolution operator to access a global variable in a scope that contains a local variable of the same name To overload function definitions To create and use function templates that perform identical operations on many different types o 2007 Pearson education nc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 OBJECTIVES In this chapter you will learn: ▪ Several C++ enhancements to C. ▪ The header files of the C++ Standard Library. ▪ To use inline functions. ▪ To create and manipulate references. ▪ To use default function arguments. ▪ To use the unary scope resolution operator to access a global variable in a scope that contains a local variable of the same name. ▪ To overload function definitions. ▪ To create and use function templates that perform identical operations on many different types

0.1 Introduction 18.2C+ o 18.3 A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers 18.4 C++ Standard Library 18.5 Header files 18.6 nline Functions 18.7 References and Reference Parameters o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 18.1 Introduction 18.2 C++ 18.3 A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers 18.4 C++ Standard Library 18.5 Header Files 18.6 Inline Functions 18.7 References and Reference Parameters

4 g 18.8 Empty Parameter Lists 18.9 Default Arguments o 18.10 Unary Scope Resolution Operator 18.11 Function Overloading 18.12 Function Templates 18.13 Introduction to Object Technology and the UML 18.14 Wrap-Up o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 18.8 Empty Parameter Lists 18.9 Default Arguments 18.10 Unary Scope Resolution Operator 18.11 Function Overloading 18.12 Function Templates 18.13 Introduction to Object Technology and the UML 18.14 Wrap-Up

5 18.1 Introduction The c++ section introduces two additional programming paradigms Object-oriented programming With classes, encapsulation, objects, operator overloading. inheritance and polymorphism Generic programming With function templates and class templates Emphasize crafting valuable classes"'to create reusable software componentry o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 18.1 Introduction • The C++ section introduces two additional programming paradigms – Object-oriented programming • With classes, encapsulation, objects, operator overloading, inheritance and polymorphism – Generic programming • With function templates and class templates • Emphasize “crafting valuable classes” to create reusable software componentry

6 18.2C++ C++ improves on many of Cs features and provides object-oriented-programming(OoP) capabilities Increase software productivity, quality and reusability C++ was developed by bjarne stroustrup at bell Laboratories Originally called" C with classes The name C++ includes Cs increment operator(++) Indicate that C++ is an enhanced version of c C++ standardized in the United states through the American National Standards Institute(ANSD and worldwide through the international standards Organization(Iso) o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 18.2 C++ • C++ improves on many of C’s features and provides object-oriented-programming (OOP) capabilities – Increase software productivity, quality and reusability • C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratories – Originally called “C with classes” – The name C++ includes C’s increment operator (++) • Indicate that C++ is an enhanced version of C • C++ standardized in the United States through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and worldwide through the International Standards Organization (ISO)

// Fig. 18.1: fig18_01. cpp 7 // Addition program that displays the sum of two numbers Outline 3 #include / allows program to perform input and output Include the contents 5 int maino of the iostream 6{ 7 int number1; / first integer to add fig18_01. cpp Declare integer variables 10 std: cin > number1;//read first integer from-user into number1 Use stream extraction 12 int number2; / second integer to add operator with standard input 13 int sum;// sum of number1 and numbe stream to obtain user input 15 std: cout s number2; / read second integer from user into number2 17 sum= number 1 number 2:// add the numbers: store result in sum 18 std: cout < sum is<< sum <<std::end i/ display sum; end line 19 Stream manipulator 20 return 0;// indicate that program ended successfully std: endl outputs a 213// end function main newline, then"flushes output Enter first integer: 45 buffer Enter second integer: 72 sum is 117 Concatenating, chaining or cascading stream insertion operations C 2007 Pearson Education Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 1 // Fig. 18.1: fig18_01.cpp 2 // Addition program that displays the sum of two numbers. 3 #include // allows program to perform input and output 4 5 int main() 6 { 7 int number1; // first integer to add 8 9 std::cout > number1; // read first integer from user into number1 11 12 int number2; // second integer to add 13 int sum; // sum of number1 and number2 14 15 std::cout > number2; // read second integer from user into number2 17 sum = number1 + number2; // add the numbers; store result in sum 18 std::cout << "Sum is " << sum << std::endl; // display sum; end line 19 20 return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully 21 } // end function main Enter first integer: 45 Enter second integer: 72 Sum is 117 Outline fig18_01.cpp Declare integer variables Use stream extraction operator with standard input stream to obtain user input Stream manipulator std::endl outputs a newline, then “flushes output buffer” Concatenating, chaining or cascading stream insertion operations Include the contents of the iostream

18. A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers C++ file names can have one of several extensions Such as: cpp,. cxx or C(uppercase) Commenting A//comment is a maximum of one line long A/... /C-style comments can be more than one line long ·1 ostream Must be included for any program that outputs data to the screen or inputs data from the keyboard using C++-style stream input/output C++ requires you to specify the return type, possibl void. for all functions Specifying a parameter list with empty parentheses is equivalent to specifying a void parameter list in C o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 18.3 A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers • C++ file names can have one of several extensions – Such as: .cpp, .cxx or .C (uppercase) • Commenting – A // comment is a maximum of one line long – A /*…*/ C-style comments can be more than one line long •iostream – Must be included for any program that outputs data to the screen or inputs data from the keyboard using C++-style stream input/output • C++ requires you to specify the return type, possibly void,for all functions – Specifying a parameter list with empty parentheses is equivalent to specifying a voidparameter list in C

9 18. A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers(Cont) Declarations can be placed almost anywhere in a C++ program They must appear before their corresponding variables are used in the program Input stream object std:: cin from Usually connected to keyboard Stream extraction operator >> Waits for user to input value, press Enter(Return) key Stores value in varia ble to the right of operator Converts value to variable data type · Example std: :cin > number 1: Reads an integer typed at the keyboard Stores the integer in variable number1 Just like scanf(%d",&number1) in C o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 18.3 A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers (Cont.) • Declarations can be placed almost anywhere in a C++ program – They must appear before their corresponding variables are used in the program • Input stream object – std::cin from • Usually connected to keyboard • Stream extraction operator >> - Waits for user to input value, press Enter (Return) key - Stores value in variable to the right of operator • Converts value to variable data type • Example - std::cin >> number1; • Reads an integer typed at the keyboard • Stores the integer in variable number1 - Just like scanf(“%d”, &number1) in C

10 18. A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers(Cont) Stream manipulator std: endT Outputs a newline Similar to“n?” Flushes the output buffer The notation std: cout specifies that we are using a name(cout) that belongs to a “ namespace”(std) o 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved

© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 18.3 A Simple Program: Adding Two Integers (Cont.) • Stream manipulator std::endl – Outputs a newline • Similar to “\n” – Flushes the output buffer • The notation std::cout specifies that we are using a name (cout ) that belongs to a “namespace” (std)
