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西安电子科技大学:《接入网技术及其应用》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第6章 接入网应用(徐展琦)

⚫6.2 行业应用 ⚫6.1 IP分组多媒体通信

第6章接入网应用 ●6.1IP分组多媒体通信 ●62行业应用 Dr Zhanqi Xu, access to him at: 202l/1/27 cn/zqxu, Xidian University

2021/1/27 1 第6章 接入网应用 ⚫6.2 行业应用 ⚫6.1 IP分组多媒体通信 Dr. Zhanqi XU, access to him at :, Xidian University

Multimedia communication Based on packet Network Architecture, Protocols, Progress O Overview ● Protocols(H.323&SP IP Telephone Architecture 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2 ⚫ Overview ⚫ Protocols (H.323 & SIP) ⚫ IP Telephone Architecture MultiMedia Communication Based on Packet Network Architecture, Protocols, Progress

Overview ● Features Multimedia Communication(MMC)means more than one set of forms comprising still moving images, graphic, text, and sound are reproduced on an intelligent terminal iMplementation of MMC Transmission media Wireless( Radio, Microwave, Satellite, optical, .. Wired( Twisted Pair, Cable, Optic Fiber,) 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 3 ⚫Features Multimedia Communication (MMC) means more than one set of forms comprising still/moving images, graphic, text, and sound are reproduced on an intelligent terminal ⚫Implementation of MMC –Transmission media • Wireless ( Radio, Microwave, Satellite, optical, …) • Wired ( Twisted Pair, Cable, Optic Fiber,…) Overview

-Switching Circuit-switched( traditional CS, fast CS,...) Packet-switched (ATM, MPLS, Ethernet, FR oken ring, Token bus), X25,.) -Media processing Sampling(8Khz, 16Khz Coding( G.711 A/u-law for voice, Compressing /Decompressing(G723.1, G729A, for voice: H 261/H 263, JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group), MPEG-4(Motion Picture Experts Group) for Video Storing, editing, 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 4 –Switching • Circuit-switched ( traditional CS, fast CS,…) • Packet-switched (ATM,MPLS , Ethernet, FR , Token ring, Token bus), X.25,…) –Media processing • Sampling ( 8Khz, 16Khz, …) • Coding( G.711 A/-law for voice, …) • Compressing / Decompressing ( G723.1, G729A, for voice; H.261/H.263, JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) , MPEG-4 (Motion Picture Experts Group) for Video • Storing , editing,…

OMMC network architecture PSTN Computer 5/N0.7,N0.1 PSTN Integrated CATV Telephone Access Fiber/ Cable modem Cable XDSL CO Coppey/optical LyLu PSTN Tel Cable moder 會 Cable tel IP Tel IP Tel LAN LAN LAN 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 5 ⚫MMC network architecture Integrated Access Computer Net CATV Modem V5/ No.7, No.1 PSTN xDSL CO. LAN LAN Copper/Optical LAN PSTN Telephone Fiber/ Cable Cable IP Tel Cable Tel Cable Modem IP Tel PSTN Tel

● applications A reas Examples Education Distance teaching/learning interac U tively, examination on-network K.‖ Entertainment oD (video on demand), Live picture, on-line game/Chat, A Electronic Trading, shopping, stock exchange, it Commerce banking, fs Public Info nfo. News, magazine, forum. E-mail 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 6 ⚫ Applications Distance teaching/learning interac￾tively, examination on-network,… VoD (video on demand), Live picture, on-line game/Chat, … Trading, shopping, stock exchange, banking, … News, magazine, forum, E-mail,… Areas Examples Education Entertainment Electronic Commerce Public Info

Protocols Generally speaking, MMC includes almost all techniques in info. processing, transmission, and switching, the limited-space makes our discussion to packet-based network √H323 Specified by ITU in 1996 (V2, 1998) Describes the protocols stacks of terminal equipments and services for multimedia communication over LAN and IP networks These networks don't provide guaranteed QoS(Quality of Services) 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 7 Protocols ✓H.323 • Specified by ITU in 1996 ( V2, 1998) • Describes the protocols stacks of terminal equipments, and services for multimedia communication over LAN and IP networks • These networks don’t provide guaranteed QoS (Quality of Services). Generally speaking,MMC includes almost all techniques in info. processing, transmission, and switching, the limited-space makes our discussion to packet-based network

√H.323 Architecture Control and management 皇脚 Video cro- lone Application Video Coding Audio Coding H225.0H225.0 H245(Sig. Ch)(RAS) RTCE P RTP TCP UDP NIC( Network Interface Controller) Gateway PBⅩ 4 Backbar Client Gatekeeper 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 8 IP Backbone RTCP H.225.0 (Sig. Ch.) H.245 Control and management IP Video Coding Audio Coding Gatekeeper Gateway Client Terminal ✓ H.323 Architecture NIC ( Network Interface Controller) TCP PBX Application UDP RTP H.225.0 (RAS)

√ Main components in h323 Terminal; media processing and call control PC, Video/TV, Telephone, Fax H.323-compliant( multimedia-PC, Telephone,) Other terminals H 320 terminal on N ISDN H 310/H321 terminal on B_ISDN using ATM H. 324 terminal on PStn Gateway: translation of call signaling ng, media format, multiplexing, etc Gatekeeper网闸: providing administration of access. bandwidth address translation etc 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 9 ✓ Main Components in H.323 – Terminal: media processing and call control • PC, Video/TV, Telephone, Fax, …. • H.323-compliant ( multimedia-PC,Telephone,…) • Other terminals: – H.320 terminal on N_ISDN – H.310/H.321 terminal on B_ISDN using ATM – H.324 terminal on PSTN – Gateway: translation of call signaling, media format, multiplexing , etc. – Gatekeeper网闸: providing administration of access, bandwidth, address translation, etc

√H323 Protocols stack Items Protocols or Function Audio Coding G711G.722,G.723.1,G.726,G.728,G.729 Video Coding H.261,H.263 RTP(Real-Time Trans. Prot. Processing related to sequencing, sync, payload type, source identification RTCP Additional info to session participants: QoS feedback, identification, session control RAS: Registration, Admission, Status RAS(H.225.0) Conveying the registration, admissions, bandwidth, status Sign. Ch (H 225.0) setup or release of call connection based on Q931 ChCTRL(H245)Capability Negotiation, coding, conference req. UDP Efficient but unreliable transport of packets TCP Conn.-oriented, reliable transport of packets 202l/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi Xu, National Key lab on Isn, Xidian University 10

2021/1/27 Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 10 ✓ H.323 Protocols Stack Audio Coding G.711, G.722, G.723.1, G.726, G.728, G.729 Video Coding H.261, H.263 RTP(Real-Time Trans. Prot.) Processing related to sequencing, sync., payload type, source identification,… RTCP Additional info. to session participants: QoS feedback, identification, session control,… RAS (H.225.0) RAS: Registration, Admission, Status Conveying the registration, admissions, bandwidth, status, … UDP Efficient but unreliable transport of packets Ch. CTRL (H.245) Capability Negotiation, coding, conference req.,… Sign. Ch. (H.225.0) setup or release of call connection based on Q.931 TCP Conn.-oriented , reliable transport of packets Items Protocols or Function
