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广西医科大学:《计算机网络 Computer Networking》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 02 Network Classification

2.1 Introduction 2.2 definition of network 2.4 NETWORKS CLASSIFIED BY TOPOLOGY 2-5 NETWORKS CLASSIFIED BY 2.5.2 Public Networks 2.6 Other Types Of Networks 2.6.3 Backbone Network 2.7 Voice network 2.8 HYBRID NETWORKS 2.9 INTERCONNECTING NETWORKS

A 2 Chapter 2 Network Classification 2。1| ntroduction Many ways that networks can be classified Distinguish among WAN, MAN, and LAN 3> Describe voice network Explain the concept of internetworking WCB/MCGraw-Hill O The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 1998 network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation WCB/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Chapter 2 Network Classification Many ways that networks can be classified 1 2 Distinguish among WAN,MAN,and LAN 3 Describe voice network 4 Explain the concept of internetworking

E Chapter 2 Network Classification 2.2 definition of network a communications network is an interconnected system of computers, terminals, and other hardware established for the purpose of exchanging information or services between individuals. groups. or Institutions PC medium DATA network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation 2.2 definition of network A communications network is an interconnected system of computers, terminals, and other hardware established for the purpose of exchanging information or services between individuals, groups, or institutions. medium DATA 资源 PC Chapter 2 Network Classification

a t chapter 2 Network Classification NODE a node on a network is a point of connection into a network, or a point at which one or more transmission lines (circuits)interconnect, such as Where a router or a switch connects into the network network Management and operation five node

Network Management and Operation NODE A node on a network is a point of connection into a network, or a point at which one or more transmission lines (circuits) interconnect, such as where a router or a switch connects into the network. five node network Chapter 2 Network Classification

A 2 Chapter 2 Network Classification Nodes are points of entry into a network or interconnection within in Node 2 Router 888 Node 4 Server To Another Network Node 3 Node 5 five node network For example computer terminal nodem, hub, bridge or switch Print scanner network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Nodes are points of entry into a network or interconnection within in For example computer terminal modem, hub, bridge or switch Print Scanner five node network Chapter 2 Network Classification

+CHapter 2 Network Classification Topology B Ownership Geography NETWORKS CLASSIFIED Other types of networks Internetworks ransmission mode network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Topology Chapter 2 Network Classification NETWORKS CLASSIFIED B F C D A Geography Topology Ownership Transmission Mode Other types of networks E Internetworks

AY Chapter 2 Network Classification 2.3.1 LAN (Local Area Networks) Networks that cover a small geographic area are called LaNs LAN network could be installed in a home LAN is useful for sharing 集线器/ resources like files, printers, games or交换机 other applications network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation 2-3 NETWORKS CLASSIFIED BY GEOGRAPHY Networks that cover a small geographic area are called LANs. 2.3.1 LAN (Local Area Networks) 集线器/ 交换机 LAN network could be installed in a home. LAN is useful for sharing resources like files, printers, games or other applications. Chapter 2 Network Classification

t Y Chapter 2 Network Classificatie Key attribute of LaN Its limited geographic scope Dont care the number of nodes much higher data-transfer rates LANS are frequently found in business offices and lack of a need for leased telecommunication lines network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Key attribute of LAN Its limited geographic scope. Don`t care the number of nodes. much higher data-transfer rates . LANs are frequently found in business offices. And lack of a need for leased telecommunication lines. Chapter 2 Network Classification

Chapter 2 Network Classification Metropolitan Area Networks MANs) MAN coVers an intermediate area, such as a city and usually links several LANS MAN Standard EEE 802.6 lEEE: Institute of electrical and electronics Engineers, Inc network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) MAN covers an intermediate area, such as a city and usually links several LANS. MAN standard :IEEE.802.6 IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Chapter 2 Network Classification

a t chapter 2 Network Classification MANs normally operate at high speed 曲曲曲曲 口田田 daail Figure 2-2 A MAN network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Figure 2-2 A MAN. MANs normally operate at high speed. Chapter 2 Network Classification

Chapter 2 Network Classification Dark fiber. It is optical fiber that has been installed (typically in the ground)but which does not have the necessary electronics installed at each end to make it usable The term dark fiber refers to fiber that has been manufactured with black pigment to improve its reflectivity. F network Management and operation

Network Management and Operation Dark fiber: *The term dark fiber refers to fiber that has been manufactured with black pigment to improve its reflectivity.F It is optical fiber that has been installed (typically in the ground) but which does not have the necessary electronics installed at each end to make it usable. Chapter 2 Network Classification
