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香港浸会大学:Introduction to Linux and PC Cluster

⚫ Introduction to Linux ⚫ History of UNIX and Linux ⚫ Login, logout and changing the password ⚫ Basic Linux command ⚫ Linux hierarchical file system ⚫ Linux shell environment ⚫ Editors: vi, pico, emacs, joe, nano ⚫ Basic shell scripts ⚫ Compiling, link and run C, C++, Fortran programs ⚫ Foreground and Background jobs ⚫ File transfer from other PCs in different platform ⚫ Linux distributions

Introduction to linux and Pc cluster October 5 2010 ●●●●● Morris law,| T Coordinator,。。 Science Faculty, Hong Kong o000 Baptist University 11 iIi IIt

Introduction to Linux and PC Cluster October 5, 2010 Morris Law, IT Coordinator, Science Faculty, Hong Kong Baptist University

●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● Outline- Linux ●●●● ●| ntroduction to linux History of UNIX and Linux Login, logout and changing the password Basic linux command Linux hierarchical file system ● Linux shell environment Editors: vi, pico, emacs, joe, nano Basic shell scripts Compiling, link and run C, C++, Fortran programs e Foreground and background jobs File transfer from other pcs in different platform Linux distributions

Outline - Linux ⚫ Introduction to Linux ⚫ History of UNIX and Linux ⚫ Login, logout and changing the password ⚫ Basic Linux command ⚫ Linux hierarchical file system ⚫ Linux shell environment ⚫ Editors: vi, pico, emacs, joe, nano ⚫ Basic shell scripts ⚫ Compiling, link and run C, C++, Fortran programs ⚫ Foreground and Background jobs ⚫ File transfer from other PCs in different platform ⚫ Linux distributions

●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● Outline- Pc cluster ●●●● ●●●● o Introduction to the pc clusters What is a pc cluster o the different kinds of pc clusters High Performance Computing(HPC)cluster Vs Single System Image(sSi) cluster o How to build your own PC cluster o Introduction to existing HPC cluster in Faculty of science, HKBU

Outline – PC Cluster ⚫ Introduction to the PC Clusters ⚫ What is a PC cluster ⚫ The different kinds of PC clusters ⚫ High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster vs Single System Image (SSI) cluster ⚫ How to build your own PC cluster ⚫ Introduction to existing HPC cluster in Faculty of Science, HKBU

●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● Introduction to un/linux ●●●● ●UNⅨ X/Linux are mult- tasking,mut- user Os. UNIX is originated from UNICS and MULTICS, 1969 o time sharing environment UNIX/Linux commands are reusable and compact hierarchical file systems with easy-to-manage file permission scheme In 1991. Linus torvalds. released the first version of Linux kernel on pcs Linux is an open source system it grew to be a powerful and competitive operating system in PCs MACs and even some brand name workstations

Introduction to UNIX/Linux ⚫ UNIX/Linux are multi-tasking, multi-user OS. ⚫ UNIX is originated from UNICS and MULTICS, 1969. ⚫ time sharing environment ⚫ UNIX/Linux commands are reusable and compact. ⚫ hierarchical file systems with easy-to-manage file permission scheme ⚫ In 1991, Linus Torvalds, released the first version of Linux kernel on PCs. ⚫ Linux is an open source system, it grew to be a powerful and competitive operating system in PCs, MACs and even some brand name workstations

●●● ●●●● History of∪NX/ Linux ●●●●● ●●●● 1969 Unics, by Ken Thompson at Bell Laboratory, runs on Digital Equipment PDP-7 ●●●● Multics, developed by bell, MIT and general electric 1970 Unics moved to PDP-11/20 Ritchie designed and wrote first C compilerfor UNIX 1973 Ritchie and Thompson rewrote UNIX kernel in C 1975 Sixth Edition(V6)was released 1978 first version of BSD was built by Bill Joy, University of California, Berkeley(UCB) 1979 Seventh Edition(V7)was released and implemented on DEC PDP-11, the Interdata 8/32, and the AX. first VAX version of BSD (3BSD)was released 1980 Bill ported the 32V version of UNIX to dEC's vaX machine 4BSD was released 19814.1BSD was released 1983 System V developed by AT&T based on V7 was first released. 4. 2BSD was released 1984 AT&T start market UNIX hardware and software SystemV release 2 X was developed by MIT as part of Project Athena 1986 SystemV release 3 198743BSD was released 1988 BSD Networking Release 1 X Consortium was formed. the aim is to formulate the generally accepted standard in X 1989 System V release 4(SVR4)largely written by SUN Microsystems, included many features in BSD 1990 AT&T established UNIX System Laboratory(USL) for marketing System V and handle license and

History of UNIX / Linux 1969 Unics, by Ken Thompson at Bell Laboratory, runs on Digital Equipment PDP-7. Multics, developed by Bell, MIT and General Electric 1970 Unics moved to PDP-11/20 Ritchie designed and wrote first C compiler for UNIX 1973 Ritchie and Thompson rewrote UNIX kernel in C 1975 Sixth Edition (V6) was released 1978 first version of BSD was built by Bill Joy, University of California, Berkeley (UCB). 1979 Seventh Edition (V7) was released and implemented on DEC PDP-11, the Interdata 8/32, and the VAX. first VAX version of BSD (3BSD) was released 1980 Bill ported the 32V version of UNIX to DEC's VAX machine 4BSD was released 1981 4.1BSD was released 1983 System V developed by AT&T based on V7 was first released. 4.2BSD was released 1984 AT&T start market UNIX hardware and software. System V release 2 X was developed by MIT as part of Project Athena 1986 System V release 3 1987 4.3BSD was released 1988 BSD Networking Release 1 X Consortium was formed. The aim is to formulate the generally accepted standard in X 1989 System V release 4 (SVR4) largely written by SUN Microsystems, included many features in BSD 1990 AT&T established UNIX System Laboratory (USL) for marketing System V and handle license and further development

●●● ●●●● istory of UNIX/Linux ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● 1991 BSD Networking Release 2, led to development of 386BSD 1991 Linus torvalds released linuxversion 0.2 1993 USL was acquired by novell. Novell gave the UNIX trademark to X/Open. Novell add NetWare support to System V 1993 Slackware, the oldest linux distribution was first released. Debian project was established 1994 Linux kernel version 1.0 released. Red Hat and SUSE published version 1.0 of their Linux distributions 1995 Linux was ported to dec alpha and to sun SParc 1996 Linux Kernel 2.0 was released. It supported multi-CPU 1998 Major companies like IBM, Compaq and Oracle announce their support to Linux. The Graphical Environment KDE began development 1999 The Graphical Environment GNOME began development 2003 Linux kernel 2.6 released on 18 December, 2003 2004 XFree86 team split up and joined the existing X Windows standards body to form the x Org Foundation 2005 The project Open SUsE began a free distribution from Novell's community The OpenOffice. org project introduced version 2.0

History of UNIX/Linux 1991 BSD Networking Release 2, led to development of 386BSD 1991 Linus Torvalds released Linux version 0.2 1993 USL was acquired by Novell. Novell gave the UNIX trademark to X/Open. Novell add NetWare support to System V 1993 Slackware, the oldest linux distribution was first released. Debian project was established. 1994 Linux kernel version 1.0 released. RedHat and SUSE published version 1.0 of their Linux distributions 1995 Linux was ported to DEC alpha and to Sun SPARC 1996 Linux Kernel 2.0 was released. It supported multi-CPU. 1998 Major companies like IBM, Compaq and Oracle announce their support to Linux. The Graphical Environment KDE began development. 1999 The Graphical Environment GNOME began development. 2003 Linux kernel 2.6 released on 18 December, 2003. 2004 XFree86 team split up and joined the existing X Windows standards body to form the X Org Foundation. 2005 The project OpenSUSE began a free distribution from Novell's community. The OpenOffice.orgproject introduced version 2.0

●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● What is linux ●●●● When Linus Torvalds was still a student in Helsinki University, he developed his hobby to Minix, a small UNIX system and decided to develop a system that exceeded the minix standards. he began his work in 1991 when he released version 0.02 and worked steadily until 1994 when version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel was released The current full-featured version is 2.6 (released 18 December 2003 ) and development continues Since Linus only developed the linux kernel, to make Linux a popular operating system nowadays, the contribution of GNU software paid an important role. The GNU project was started in 1984 by Richard Stallman who would like to develop free software. The decision of Linux development under gnu public license accelerated the growth of GNU project after Linux was released in 1991. Some GNU software even develop on Linux platform first before it will be ported to other platform At the same year, the Internet grew and became a solid ground for collaborating work by volunteers all over the world Many distribution of Linux was released on different hardware such as PCS PowerPC, Macintosh and even brand name UNIX. Though Linux kernel is free and open source, these distribution may not be free since the software packaged may include some commercial software

What is Linux ⚫ When Linus Torvalds was still a student in Helsinki University, he developed his hobby to Minix, a small UNIX system and decided to develop a system that exceeded the Minix standards. He began his work in 1991 when he released version 0.02 and worked steadily until 1994 when version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel was released. ⚫ The current full-featured version is 2.6 (released 18 December 2003) and development continues. ⚫ Since Linus only developed the Linux kernel, to make Linux a popular operating system nowadays, the contribution of GNU software paid an important role. The GNU project was started in 1984 by Richard Stallman who would like to develop free software. The decision of Linux development under GNU public license accelerated the growth of GNU project after Linux was released in 1991. Some GNU software even develop on Linux platform first before it will be ported to other platform. ⚫ At the same year, the Internet grew and became a solid ground for collaborating work by volunteers all over the world. ⚫ Many distribution of Linux was released on different hardware such as PCs, PowerPC, Macintosh and even brand name UNIX. Though Linux kernel is free and open source, these distribution may not be free since the software packaged may include some commercial software

●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● Login and Logout ●●●● To login to UNIX/LINUX system, you have to find a terminal There are two kinds of terminal, namely asCll terminal and graphical terminal In ASCiI terminal, command-line input are supported while in graphical terminal, users can input their command by mouse and keyboard and it also support graphical display Once you find an ASCII terminal, a login prompt like the following can be found Fedora release 13 Goddard) kerne12.6.33.3-85.fc13.x8664 on an X8664 (tty cf8200-07 login

Login and Logout ⚫ To login to UNIX/LINUX system, you have to find a terminal. ⚫ There are two kinds of terminal, namely ASCII terminal and graphical terminal. ⚫ In ASCII terminal, command-line input are supported while in graphical terminal, users can input their command by mouse and keyboard and it also support graphical display. ⚫ Once you find an ASCII terminal, a login prompt like the following can be found. Fedora release 13 (Goddard) kernel on an x86_64 (tty3) cf8200-07 login:

●●● Basic Linux commands ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● working with files & directories 9:9 cat cat f1 f2 type the content of file f1 and f2 cd cd SHOME change to home directory cp cp f1 f2 dir1 copy file f1 and f2 into directory dir 1 Is Is -a list all files(including hidden) in long format mkdir mkdir abc make new directory more more a1 a2 list out files a1 a2 in pages nv my f1 dir1 move/rename file f1 into dir1 pwd display current working directory rm -rf lab1 delete all files in lab 1 without confirmation rmdir rmdir lab 1 delete an empty directory

Basic Linux commands – working with files & directories cat cat f1 f2 type the content of file f1 and f2 cd cd $HOME change to home directory cp cp f1 f2 dir1 copy file f1 and f2 into directory dir1 ls ls -la list all files (including hidden) in long format mkdir mkdir abc make new directory more more a1 a2 list out files a1, a2 in pages mv mv f1 dir1 move/rename file f1 into dir1 pwd pwd display current working directory rm rm -rf lab1 delete all files in lab1 without confirmation rmdir rmdir lab1 delete an empty directory

●●● Basic Linux commands ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● working in the shell(1/2) ●●●● cal ca112010 display the calendar of November, 2010 compress compress file 1 form a compress file file1.Z date date display the current time and date df List information of space used in the system diff diff f1 f2 compare text between two files du du summarized disk usage of your home directory find find /-name. cshrc-print search and print the file. cshrc grep grep student search all files with the word student history history 50 find the last 50 commands stored in the shell kill ki-92036 terminate the process with pid 2036

Basic Linux commands – working in the shell (1/2) cal cal 11 2010 display the calendar of November, 2010 compress compress file1 form a compress file file1.Z date date display the current time and date df df List information of space used in the system diff diff f1 f2 compare text between two files du du summarized disk usage of your home directory find find ./ -name .cshrc -print search and print the file .cshrc grep grep student * search all files with the word student history history 50 find the last 50 commands stored in the shell kill kill -9 2036 terminate the process with pid 2036
