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2016/4/12 杂谈功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)和心理学研究 Renmin University of China Xiaotong Wen(温晓通),Associate Professor About me 2008.Graduated from Nation lab of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University,China 2008-2013,Worked in Biomedical Engineering Department,University of Florida,USA 2013-now,Associate Professor, Psychology Department,Renmin University of China. 1

2016/4/12 1 杂谈功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)和心理学研究 Renmin University of China Xiaotong Wen (温晓通), Associate Professor About me • 2008, Graduated from Nation lab of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China • 2008-2013, Worked in Biomedical Engineering Department,University of Florida,USA • 2013-now, Associate Professor, Psychology Department, Renmin University of China

2016/4/12 与本课程其他讲座的关系 技术维度 行为观测 EEG 神经网络研究 韩鑫翠 心理语言学 了解MRI的意义 per year orse of brai EEG or MEG MRI publications by subiect: 2

2016/4/12 2 与本课程其他讲座的关系 神经网络研究 社会认知 神经科学 心理语言学 情绪 行为观测 EEG fMRI 技术维度 问题维度 了解fMRI的意义 Brain imaging: fMRI 2.0 Functional magnetic resonance imaging is growing from showy adolescence into a workhorse of brain imaging. •Kerri Smith 04 April 2012

2016/4/12 内容 ·历史和背景 ·MRI/MRI基本原理 ·MRI的神经解释 ·MRI的基本分析方法 ·基于MR的心理学实验设计的演变 ·前沿问题 ·基于MR的大脑功能网络分析拓展 ·fMRI的未来 历史和背景 3

2016/4/12 3 内容 • 历史和背景 • MRI/fMRI基本原理 • fMRI的神经解释 • fMRI的基本分析方法 • 基于fMRI的心理学实验设计的演变 • 前沿问题 • 基于fMRI的大脑功能网络分析拓展 • fMRI的未来 历史和背景

2016/4/12 心智的生物学基础:脑损伤研究 heeahahpeCtonioe Case of Pineas Gage.In1848 动物和侵入性研究 4

2016/4/12 4 心智的生物学基础:脑损伤研究 the first area of the brain to be associated with a specific function Case of Pineas Gage. In 1848 动物和侵入性研究

2016/4/12 用非损伤的方法研究心智的脑基础: EEG 用非损伤的方法研究心智的脑基础: 脑血流研究 Around 1884 Angelo Mosso

2016/4/12 5 用非损伤的方法研究心智的脑基础: EEG FCZ 用非损伤的方法研究心智的脑基础: 脑血流研究 Angelo Mosso Around 1884

2016/4/12 功能磁共振成像MR! ·功能磁共振成像:Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI的历史 mcneeo cne absorbing or emitting radio waves when exposed to a sufficiently strong magnetic field. 10656a8ctremna8e1dsoe 1950s Herman Carr creates a one-dimensional MR 6

2016/4/12 6 功能磁共振成像fMRI • 功能磁共振成像: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI的历史 • 1882 Nikola Tesla discovered the Rotating Magnetic Field in Budapest, Hungary. This was a fundamental discovery in physics. • 1937 Columbia University Professor Isidor I. Rabi working in the Pupin Physic Laboratory in New York City, observed the quantum phenomenon dubbed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). He recognized that the atomic nuclei show their presence by absorbing or emitting radio waves when exposed to a sufficiently strong magnetic field. • 1946 Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell discover magnetic resonance phenomenon. • 1950s Herman Carr creates a one-dimensional MR image

2016/4/12 1971 Raymond Damadaphysicianmnte us t e is differe vater means more 二会 1974 Paul Lauterbur,a chemist and an NMR pioneer at the State University of New York.Stony Brook.produced the first NMR image.It was of a test tube. 3 1975 Richard Ernst proposes using phase and fr ransform for acquisition of MR images

2016/4/12 7 • 1956 The "Tesla Unit" was proclaimed in the Rathaus of Munich, Germany by the International Electro-technical Commission￾Committee of Action. All MRI machines are calibrated in "Tesla Units". The strength of a magnetic field is measured in Tesla or Gauss Units. The stronger the magnetic field, the stronger the amount of radio signals which can be elicited from the body's atoms and therefore the higher the quality of MRI images. • 1971 Raymond Damadian, a physician and experimenter working at Brooklyn's Downstate Medical Center discovered that hydrogen signal in cancerous tissue is different from that of healthy tissue because tumors contain more water. More water means more hydrogen atoms. When the NMR machine was switched off, the bath of radio waves from cancerous tissue will linger longer then those from the healthy tissue. • 1972 Raymond Damadian applies for a patent, which describes the concept of NMR being used for above purpose. He illustrates major parts of MRI machine in his patent application. • 1974 Paul Lauterbur, a chemist and an NMR pioneer at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, produced the first NMR image. It was of a test tube. • 1975 Richard Ernst proposes using phase and frequency encoding and Fourier transform for acquisition of MR images

2016/4/12 ech ar tec which allo 319 nearly five hours after the start of the first dinwith the 1987Real time MR imaging of the heart is developed. neural tracts of the brain is introduced. 1990s In addition to of f g MRI enters, MR nners significantly increase 8

2016/4/12 8 • 1977 Raymond Damadian produces MR image of the whole body. Peter Mansfield improves mathematics behind MRI and develops echo-planar technique, which allows images to be produces in seconds and later becomes the basis for fast MR imaging. • On July 3, 1977, nearly five hours after the start of the first MRI test, the first human scan was made as the first MRI prototype. The image above is of Dr. Damadian with the history-making prototype of his MRI scanner. • 1983 Ljunggren and Tweig introduce k-space. • 1986 Le Bihan publishes an article in Radiology, which describes diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). • 1987 Real time MR imaging of the heart is developed. • 1991 Filler and colleagues describe imaging of axonal transport of supermagnetic metal oxide particles, a technique, which later becomes important in imaging of neural tracts. • 1993 Functional MR imaging of the brain is introduced. • 1994 The first intraoperative MR unit developed by GE and Harvard is installed in the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. • 1990s In addition to research centers and large hospitals, small remote hospitals and imaging centers begin to utilize MRI predominantly for neuroimaging and musculoskeletal imaging. • 2000s Cardiac MRI, Body MRI, fetal imaging, functional MR imaging are further developed and become routine in many imaging centers. Research centers make significant strides forward in imaging cartilage on high field scanners. The number of free standing MRI centers, most of which utilize low or moderate field MR scanners significantly increases

2016/4/12 MRI科学家的成就 Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield won Nobel Price in 2003 MRI/fMRI基本原理 9

2016/4/12 9 MRI科学家的成就 • Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield won Nobel Price in 2003 MRI/fMRI基本原理

2016/4/12 Magnetization and precessing:分子(磁极) 在静磁场B0中会绕静磁场方向进动 Normal State na magnetic field 6 600 Amagnetic dipole Resonance with RF:外加磁场B1(和B0垂直) 变化频率(RF)如果和磁极进动频率相同,则 发生共振,磁极吸收RF能量,自身能量升高 以 包aerpa0nerwi5ekMeneYpneandnsietetas in Figure(b),is induced in the receiver coil. 10

2016/4/12 10 Magnetization and precessing:分子(磁极) 在静磁场B0中会绕静磁场方向进动 A magnetic dipole Normal State In a magnetic field Resonance with RF:外加磁场B1(和B0垂直) 变化频率(RF)如果和磁极进动频率相同,则 发生共振,磁极吸收RF能量,自身能量升高 (a) After a 90 degrees RF pulse, M lies in the x‐y plane and rotates about the z‐axis. The component of M in the x‐y plane decays over time. An alternating current, shown in Figure (b), is induced in the receiver coil
