江汉大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)Chapter 05 肿瘤 Neoplasm, tumor(Cancer,主讲:王成鑫)

Chapter five Neoplasm tumor (Cancer)
Chapter five Neoplasm, tumor (Cancer)

X Introduction Seven million of the population die of cancer in the world every year. Over ten million of the population develop cancer in the world every vear
Introduction *Seven million of the population die of cancer in the world every year. *Over ten million of the population develop cancer in the world every year

The mortality of Almost 1/3 of the cancer population will develop cancer in 13928/100,000, their lifetime is the biggest killer. Almost 4 of the population will die 105.57/100,000, of cancer is the third biggest killer
Introduction • Cancer in China • The mortality of cancer • City: 139.28/100,000, is the biggest killer. • Rural area: 105.57/100,000 , is the third biggest killer. • Cancer in West countries • Almost 1/3 of the population will develop cancer in their lifetime. • Almost ¼ of the population will die of cancer

China肝癌 Comparison between 11% 肺癌 Chinese and americans 胃癌 under 70 who died from 食道癌 smoking 8 其他癌肿 4% TB+肝+胃 其他呼吸系统病 1% 心脏病 9 其他疾病 其他呼吸系统病 27% 其他疾病 肺癌 39% 脏病 36% US 其他盒道癌
Comparison between Chinese and Americans under 70 who died from smoking 肺癌 18% 食道癌 8% 其他癌肿 4% 心脏病 9% 其他疾病 9% 其他呼吸系统病 27% TB 5% 胃癌 9% 肝癌 11% 肺癌 39% 食道癌 2% 其他癌肿 5% 心脏病 36% 其他疾病 5% 其他呼吸系统病 12% TB+肝+胃 1% China US

skin males n females leukaemia cervIx oesophagus ova pancreas rectum rectum andreas colon stomach prostate colon mortality Incidence stomach g breast 010203040 0102 30 percentage of total cancers percentage of total cancers
mortality incidence

The common cancers in China gastric, liver, lung, oesophagus colon, leukemia, lymphoma, cervical nasopharyngeal and breast carcinoma arranged in the order of incidence of cancers
The common cancers in China: gastric, liver, lung, oesophogus, colon, leukoemia, lymphoma, cervical, nasopharyngeal and breast carcinoma arranged in the order of incidence of cancers

Section 1 Concept of Tumor Section 8 Characteristics of benign versus malignant tumor Section 2 Morphology Of tumors Section 9 Precancerous lesion dysplasia and Carcinoma in siti Section 3 Differentiation and Section 10 Molecular basis o Atypia of tumors tumors Section 4 Nomenclature and Section 11 Carcinogenic agents classification of tumors environment Section 5 Growth and spreading of Section 12 Inheritance and tumors tumors Section 6 Grading and staging of Section 13 Tumor immunity tumors Section 7 Effects of tumors to man Section 14 Common tumors
Section 1 Concept of Tumor Section 8 Characteristics of benign versus malignant tumor Section 2 Morphology 0f tumors Section 9 Precancerous lesion, dysplasia and Carcinoma in situ Section 3 Differentiation and Atypia of tumors Section 10 Molecular basis of tumors Section 4 Nomenclature and classification of tumors Section 11 Carcinogenic agents of environment Section 5 Growth and spreading of tumors Section 12 Inheritance and tumors Section 6 Grading and staging of tumors Section 13 Tumor immunity Section 7 Effects of tumors to man Section 14 Common tumors
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