江汉大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)Chapter 04 炎症 inflammation

Chapter 4 inflammation Jianghan UnivErsi
Chapter 4 inflammation

Section 1 general consideration Inflammation is the reaction ofa tissue and its microcirculation to a pathogenic insult. It is characterized by the generation of inflammatory mediators and movement offluid and leukocytes from the blood into extravascular tissues department of pathology
Section 1. General consideration Inflammation is the reaction of a tissue and its microcirculation to a pathogenic insult. It is characterized by the generation of inflammatory mediators and movement of fluid and leukocytes from the blood into extravascular tissues. department of pathology

1. Definition Inflammation is the response of living tissues to cellular injury response? local physiological response 还大重
Ⅰ. Definition: Inflammation is the response of living tissues to cellular injury. ‘response’ local physiological response

These include phagocytosis of the injurious agent, entrapment to the irritant by specialized cells(haemocytes) which then ingest it and neutralization of noxious stimuli by hypertrophy of the cell or one of its organelles. department of pathology
These include phagocytosis of the injurious agent; entrapment to the irritant by specialized cells(haemocytes); which then ingest it; and neutralization of noxious stimuli by hypertrophy of the cell or one of its organelles. department of pathology

All these reactions have been retained in other forms of life but what characterizes the inflammatory process in higher forms is the reaction of the blood vessels, leading to the accumulation offluid and blood cels。 department of pathology
All these reactions have been retained in other forms of life,but what characterizes the inflammatory process in higher forms is the reaction of the blood vessels,leading to the accumulation of fluid and blood cells. department of pathology

inflammation with blood vessels of organism i Central link to reaction of the blood vessels 象还该火重 department of pathology
Central link to reaction of the blood vessels inflammation with blood vessels of organism department of pathology

The inflammatory response is closely intertwined with the process of repair. Anti repair inflammatory drug Inlury irritant factors inflammation department of pathology
The inflammatory response is closely intertwined with the process of repair. injury irritant factors inflammation ? Antiinflammatory drug repair department of pathology

It is not, in itself, a disease but is usually a manifestation of disease Inflammation is living creature war in bod department of pathology
It is not, in itself, a disease,but is usually a manifestation of disease. Inflammation is living creature war in body. department of pathology

l. Pathogenesis (1) physiologic factors (2)chemical factors 3)biological factors (4)necrosis tissue (5 abnormal immunoreactions department of pathology
Ⅱ. Pathogenesis (1) physiologic factors (2) chemical factors (3) biological factors (4) necrosis tissue (5) abnormal immunoreactions department of pathology

physiologic factors inflammation
physiologic factors inflammation
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