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《C语言程序设计》课程教学资源:(英文版)FILES ON DISKS

INSTALL EXE - Installation program UNZIP EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files README COM - Reads the readme file CLIBSRC ZIP - RTL source files ABS CAS - Source file for the C++ Library ASSERT C - Source file for the C++ Library

FILES ON DISKS NSTALL EXE-Installation program UNZIP EXE- Program to unzip the. ZIP files README COM- Reads the readme file CLIBSR ZIP -RTL source files CAS- Source file for the C++ Library ASSERT C- Source file for the C++ library CPP- Source file for the C++ library BDOS AS-Source file for the C++ Library BIOSCOM CAS- Source file for the C++ Library BIOSPRIN CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CHDIR CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CLEARERR C-Source file for the C++ Library CLIB MAK- Makefile for the C++ Library CLIBOBJ MAK- Makefile for the C++ Library CLREOL C-Source file for the C++ Library LRSCR C- Source file for the C++ Library CONSTREA CPP- Source file for the C++ Library CPUTS C- Source file for the C++ Library CURSOR C-Source file for the C++ Library CPP- Source file for the C++ Library CPP- Source file for the C++ Library ERRORMSG C- Source file for the C++ Library EXECLPE C- Source file for the C++ library EXECVE C-Source file for the C++ Library F PCME Source file for the C++ Library F SCOPY ASM-Source file for the C++ Library FARFUNCS MAK- Makefile for the C++ Library FDDVT ASM- Source file for the C++ Library FDOPEN C- Source file for the C++ Library FFMALLOC C- Source file for the C++ Library FGETPOS C-Source file for the C++ Library FILES C- Source file for the C++ library C- Source file for the C++ Library INTE C- Source file for the C++ Library FPSTKLEn C- Source file for the C++ Library FREEMEM CAS- Source file for the C++ Library FREOPEN C- Source file for the C++ Library FSETPOS C-Source file for the C++ Library GETPSP C- Source file for the C++ Library

FILES ON DISKS -------------- DISK 1 ------ INSTALL EXE - Installation program UNZIP EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files README COM - Reads the readme file CLIBSRC ZIP - RTL source files ABS CAS - Source file for the C++ Library ASSERT C - Source file for the C++ Library BCD2 CPP - Source file for the C++ Library BDOS CAS - Source file for the C++ Library BIOSCOM CAS - Source file for the C++ Library BIOSPRIN CAS - Source file for the C++ Library CHDIR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library CLEARERR C - Source file for the C++ Library CLIB MAK - Makefile for the C++ Library CLIBOBJ MAK - Makefile for the C++ Library CLREOL C - Source file for the C++ Library CLRSCR C - Source file for the C++ Library CONSTREA CPP - Source file for the C++ Library CPUTS C - Source file for the C++ Library CURSOR C - Source file for the C++ Library DEL CPP - Source file for the C++ Library DELF CPP - Source file for the C++ Library ERRORMSG C - Source file for the C++ Library EXECLPE C - Source file for the C++ Library EXECVE C - Source file for the C++ Library F_PCMP ASM - Source file for the C++ Library F_SCOPY ASM - Source file for the C++ Library FARFUNCS MAK - Makefile for the C++ Library FDDVT ASM - Source file for the C++ Library FDOPEN C - Source file for the C++ Library FFMALLOC C - Source file for the C++ Library FGETPOS C - Source file for the C++ Library FILES2 C - Source file for the C++ Library FMODE C - Source file for the C++ Library FPRINTF C - Source file for the C++ Library FPSTKLEN C - Source file for the C++ Library FREEMEM CAS - Source file for the C++ Library FREOPEN C - Source file for the C++ Library FSETPOS C - Source file for the C++ Library GETPSP C - Source file for the C++ Library

GET C- Source file for the C++ Library GEXIT C- Source file for the C++ library C-Source file for the C++ Library C-Source file for the C++ Library GOTOXY C- Source file for the C++ Library H LLSH ASM- Source file for the C++ Library H LRSH ASM- Source file for the C++ Library H LURSH ASM- Source file for the C++ Library H PSBH ASM- Source file for the C++ Library HEaPLEn C- Source file for the C++ Library SATTY CAS- Source file for the C++ Library C-Source file for the C++ Library C- Source file for the C++ Library LOCALE C- Source file for the C++ Library LROTL CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CAS- Source file for the C++ Library N PCMP ASM- Source file for the C++ Library N SCOPY ASM- Source file for the C++ Library CPP- Source file for the C++ Library NeWF CPP- Source file for the C++ Library PRINTE C- Source file for the C++ Library PUREERR CPP- Source file for the C++ Library PUTCH C- Source file for the C++ Library ASM- Source file for the C++ Library REALCVT ASM- Source file for the C++ Library REWIND C- Source file for the C++ Library ROTL CAS- Source file for the C++ Library ROTR CAS- Source file for the C++ Library SCANTOD ASM- Source file for the C++ Library SETDTA CAS- Source file for the C++ Library SETFTIME CAS- Source file for the C++ Library SETUPIo C-Source file for the C++ Library SIGDATA C-Source file for the C++ Library SRCHPATH C- Source file for the C++ Library STKLEN C- Source file for the C++ Library STRCOLL C-Source file for the C++ Library TRSET C- Source file for the C++ Library STRXFRM C- Source file for the C++ Library CFG- Config file for the C++ Library C-Source file for the C++ Library TMPNAM C- Source file for the C++ Library TURBOC CFG- Config file for the C++ Library VFPRINTF C-Source file for the C++ Library VFSCANF C-Source file for the C++ Library

GETW C - Source file for the C++ Library GEXIT C - Source file for the C++ Library GFREEMEM C - Source file for the C++ Library GGETMEM C - Source file for the C++ Library GOTOXY C - Source file for the C++ Library H_LLSH ASM - Source file for the C++ Library H_LRSH ASM - Source file for the C++ Library H_LURSH ASM - Source file for the C++ Library H_PSBH ASM - Source file for the C++ Library HEAPLEN C - Source file for the C++ Library ISATTY CAS - Source file for the C++ Library KEEP C - Source file for the C++ Library LABS C - Source file for the C++ Library LOCALE C - Source file for the C++ Library LROTL CAS - Source file for the C++ Library LROTR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library N_PCMP ASM - Source file for the C++ Library N_SCOPY ASM - Source file for the C++ Library NEW CPP - Source file for the C++ Library NEWF CPP - Source file for the C++ Library PRINTF C - Source file for the C++ Library PUREERR CPP - Source file for the C++ Library PUTCH C - Source file for the C++ Library READU ASM - Source file for the C++ Library REALCVT ASM - Source file for the C++ Library REWIND C - Source file for the C++ Library ROTL CAS - Source file for the C++ Library ROTR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SCANTOD ASM - Source file for the C++ Library SETDTA CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SETFTIME CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SETUPIO C - Source file for the C++ Library SIGDATA C - Source file for the C++ Library SRCHPATH C - Source file for the C++ Library STKLEN C - Source file for the C++ Library STRCOLL C - Source file for the C++ Library STRSET C - Source file for the C++ Library STRXFRM C - Source file for the C++ Library TASM CFG - Config file for the C++ Library TELL C - Source file for the C++ Library TMPNAM C - Source file for the C++ Library TURBOC CFG - Config file for the C++ Library VFPRINTF C - Source file for the C++ Library VFSCANF C - Source file for the C++ Library

VNEWVF CPP-Source file for the C++ Library CPP- Source file for the C++ Library VPRINTF C- Source file for the C++ Library C-Source file for the C++ Library WILD Source file for the C++ Library WILDARGS Source file for the C++ Library WRITEU ASM-Source file for the C++ Library WSCROLL C-Source file for the C++ Library XCLOSE C- Source file for the C++ Library XFCLOSE C- Source file for the C++ Library XFFLUSH C- Source file for the C++ Library CLIBSRCI ZIP -RTL source files FSOPEN C- Source file for the C++ Library STPCPY C- Source file for the C++ Library ACCESS C- Source file for the C++ Library ALLOCMEM CAS- Source file for the C++ Library ATEXIT C- Source file for the C++ Library BDOSPTR CAS- Source file for the C++ Library BIOS COM ource file for the C++ Library BIOS DSK CAS -Source file for the C++ Library BIOS PRN CAS- Source file for the C++ Library BIOSDISK CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CALLOC C-Source file for the C++ Library CHDRIVE C- Source file for the C++ Library CHMOD C- Source file for the C++ Library CHMODA CAS- Source file for the C++ Library C-Source file for the C++ Library CLOSEA CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CLOSEALL C- Source file for the C++ Library CORELEFT CAS- Source file for the C++ Library COUNTRY CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CSCANF C- Source file for the C++ Library DIVt CAS- Source file for the C++ Library DOSALLoc C- Source file for the C++ Library DOSCLOSE C-Source file for the C++ Library DOSDFREE C- Source file for the C++ Library DOSEXT CAS- Source file for the C++ Library DOSFREE C- Source file for the C++ Library DOSGDRIV C-Source file for the C++ Library DOSGFTIM C-Source file for the C++ Library DOSKEI C- Source file for the C++ Library DOSREAD CAS -Source file for the C++ Library DOSSETBL C-Source file for the C++ Library

VNEWVF CPP - Source file for the C++ Library VNEWVN CPP - Source file for the C++ Library VPRINTF C - Source file for the C++ Library VSCANF C - Source file for the C++ Library WILD ASM - Source file for the C++ Library WILDARGS ASM - Source file for the C++ Library WRITEU ASM - Source file for the C++ Library WSCROLL C - Source file for the C++ Library XCLOSE C - Source file for the C++ Library XFCLOSE C - Source file for the C++ Library XFFLUSH C - Source file for the C++ Library CLIBSRC1 ZIP - RTL source files _FSOPEN C - Source file for the C++ Library _STPCPY C - Source file for the C++ Library ACCESS C - Source file for the C++ Library ALLOCMEM CAS - Source file for the C++ Library ATEXIT C - Source file for the C++ Library BDOSPTR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library BIOS_COM CAS - Source file for the C++ Library BIOS_DSK CAS - Source file for the C++ Library BIOS_PRN CAS - Source file for the C++ Library BIOSDISK CAS - Source file for the C++ Library CALLOC C - Source file for the C++ Library CHDRIVE C - Source file for the C++ Library CHMOD C - Source file for the C++ Library CHMODA CAS - Source file for the C++ Library CLOSE C - Source file for the C++ Library CLOSEA CAS - Source file for the C++ Library CLOSEALL C - Source file for the C++ Library CORELEFT CAS - Source file for the C++ Library COUNTRY CAS - Source file for the C++ Library CSCANF C - Source file for the C++ Library DIVT CAS - Source file for the C++ Library DOSALLOC C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSCLOSE C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSDFREE C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSEXT CAS - Source file for the C++ Library DOSFREE C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSGDRIV C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSGFTIM C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSKEEP C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSREAD CAS - Source file for the C++ Library DOSSETBL C - Source file for the C++ Library

DOSSFTIM C-Source file for the C++ Library DOSWRITE CAS- Source file for the C++ Library F ASM- Source file for the C++ library C-Source file for the C++ Library FCORELFT C-Source file for the C++ Library FFLUSH C- Source file for the C++ Library FGETS C- Source file for the C++ Library FILES C- Source file for the C++ Library FLENGTH CAS- Source file for the C++ Library FLUSHALL C-Source file for the C++ Library FPUTS C- Source file for the C++ library FSCANF C- Source file for the C++ library GETCBR C- Source file for the C++ Library GETCURDI CAS- Source file for the C++ Library GETDISK C-Source file for the C++ Library GETDTA CAS- Source file for the C++ Library C- Source file for the C++ Library GETSWIT C- Source file for the C++ Library GREGISTR C-Source file for the C++ Library H PADD ASM-Source file for the C++ Library H PSBP ASM- Source file for the C++ Library H SPUSH ASM- Source file for the C++ Library INSLINE C- Source file for the C++ Library CAS- Source file for the C++ Library LOCK CAS- Source file for the C++ Library MEMCHR CAS- Source file for the C++ Library MEMCMP CAS- Source file for the C++ library MEMCPY CAS- Source file for the C++ Library EMICMP C- Source file for the C++ Library MEMSET CAS- Source file for the C++ Library MKDIR CAS- Source file for the C++ Library MOVEDATA CAS-Source file for the C++ Library MOVETEXT C-Source file for the C++ Library MULTBYTE C- Source file for the C++ Library N LXMUL ASM- Source file for the C++ Library OPENA CAS- Source file for the C++ Library C- Source file for the C++ Library C- Source file for the C++ Library PUTW C- Source file for the C++ Library RAND C- Source file for the C++ Library REMOVE CAS- Source file for the C++ Library RENAME CAS- Source file for the C++ Library RMDIR CAS -Source file for the C++ Library RMTMP C- Source file for the C++ Library

DOSSFTIM C - Source file for the C++ Library DOSWRITE CAS - Source file for the C++ Library F_LXMUL ASM - Source file for the C++ Library FCLOSE C - Source file for the C++ Library FCORELFT C - Source file for the C++ Library FFLUSH C - Source file for the C++ Library FGETS C - Source file for the C++ Library FILES C - Source file for the C++ Library FLENGTH CAS - Source file for the C++ Library FLUSHALL C - Source file for the C++ Library FPUTS C - Source file for the C++ Library FSCANF C - Source file for the C++ Library GETCBRK C - Source file for the C++ Library GETCURDI CAS - Source file for the C++ Library GETDISK C - Source file for the C++ Library GETDTA CAS - Source file for the C++ Library GETS C - Source file for the C++ Library GETSWIT C - Source file for the C++ Library GREGISTR C - Source file for the C++ Library H_PADD ASM - Source file for the C++ Library H_PSBP ASM - Source file for the C++ Library H_SPUSH ASM - Source file for the C++ Library INSLINE C - Source file for the C++ Library KBHIT CAS - Source file for the C++ Library LOCK CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MEMCHR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MEMCMP CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MEMCPY CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MEMICMP C - Source file for the C++ Library MEMSET CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MKDIR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MOVEDATA CAS - Source file for the C++ Library MOVETEXT C - Source file for the C++ Library MULTBYTE C - Source file for the C++ Library N_LXMUL ASM - Source file for the C++ Library OPENA CAS - Source file for the C++ Library PEEK C - Source file for the C++ Library PUTS C - Source file for the C++ Library PUTW C - Source file for the C++ Library RAND C - Source file for the C++ Library REMOVE CAS - Source file for the C++ Library RENAME CAS - Source file for the C++ Library RMDIR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library RMTMP C - Source file for the C++ Library

SCANF C- Source file for the C++ Library SEGREAD CAS- Source file for the C++ Library ETBLOCK Source file for the C++ Library SETDATE Source file for the C++ library SETMODE C- Source file for the C++ Library LEEP C- Source file for the C++ Library SOPEN C- Source file for the C++ Library SOUND CAS- Source file for the C++ Library STACK ASM- Source file for the C++ Library STIME C- Source file for the C++ Library STPCPY C- Source file for the C++ library STRCPY CAS- Source file for the C++ Library STRCSPN C- Source file for the C++ Library STRDUP C- Source file for the C++ Library STRLEN CAS- Source file for the C++ Library STRLWR CAS-Source file for the C++ Library STRNCAT C-Source file for the C++ Library STRNSET C- Source file for the C++ Library STRPBRK C- Source file for the C++ Library STRRCHR C-Source file for the C++ Library STRSPN C- Source file for the C++ Library STRUPR CAS- Source file for the C++ Library CAS- Source file for the C++ Library TMPFILE C-Source file for the C++ Library TOLOWER C- Source file for the C++ Library TOUPPER C- Source file for the C++ Library UMASK C- Source file for the C++ library UNLINK CAS- Source file for the C++ Library VIDINFO C-Source file for the C++ Library CMDLG31 ZIP CMDLG C- Windows 3. 1 example file CMDLG DEF- Windows 3. 1 example file CMDLG H-Windows 3 1 example file CMDLG PRJ-Windows 3 1 example file CMDLG RC -Windows 3. 1 example file CMDLGR H -Windows 3. 1 example file FiLeliSt DOC File list INCLUDE ZIP- Borland C++ Header files H- Definitions of Far, Cdecl, CType, CLASSTYPE NFILE H- Borland c++ rtl Header file NULL H- Definition of null ALLOC H- Borland c++ rtl Header file

SCANF C - Source file for the C++ Library SEGREAD CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SETBLOCK CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SETDATE CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SETMODE C - Source file for the C++ Library SLEEP C - Source file for the C++ Library SOPEN C - Source file for the C++ Library SOUND CAS - Source file for the C++ Library STACK ASM - Source file for the C++ Library STIME C - Source file for the C++ Library STPCPY C - Source file for the C++ Library STRCPY CAS - Source file for the C++ Library STRCSPN C - Source file for the C++ Library STRDUP C - Source file for the C++ Library STRLEN CAS - Source file for the C++ Library STRLWR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library STRNCAT C - Source file for the C++ Library STRNSET C - Source file for the C++ Library STRPBRK C - Source file for the C++ Library STRRCHR C - Source file for the C++ Library STRSPN C - Source file for the C++ Library STRUPR CAS - Source file for the C++ Library SWAB CAS - Source file for the C++ Library TMPFILE C - Source file for the C++ Library TOLOWER C - Source file for the C++ Library TOUPPER C - Source file for the C++ Library UMASK C - Source file for the C++ Library UNLINK CAS - Source file for the C++ Library VIDINFO C - Source file for the C++ Library CMDLG31 ZIP - CMDLG C - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG DEF - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG H - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLG RC - Windows 3.1 example file CMDLGR H - Windows 3.1 example file FILELIST DOC - File List INCLUDE ZIP - Borland C++ Header files _DEFS H - Definitions of _FAR, _Cdecl, _CType, _CLASSTYPE _NFILE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file _NULL H - Definition of NULL ALLOC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file

ASSERT H- Borland c++ rt Header fil BCD H- Borland c++ rtl Header file H- Borland c++ rtl Header file EX H- Borland c++ rt Header file CONIO H- Borland c++ rtl Header file ONSTREA H- Borland C++ rTL Header file CTYPE H- Borland c++ rtl Header fil DIR H- Borland c+t rtl Header file DIRECT H- Borland c++ rt Header fil DIRENT H- Borland c++ rtl Header file DOS H- Borland c++ rtl Header file ERRNO H- Borland c++ rtl Header file FCNTL H- Borland C++ rtl Header file FLOAT H- Borland c++ rtl Header file FSTREAM AM H- Borland C++ rtL Header file GENERIC H- Borland c++ rtL Header file GRAPHICS H- Borland C++ rtl Header file IO H- Borland c++ rtl Header file IOMANIP H- Borland c++ rtl Header file IOSTREAM H- Borland c++ rtl Header file LIMITS H- Borland c++ rtl Header file LOCALE H- Borland C++ rtl Header file LOCKING H- Borland C++ rtL Header file MALLOC land c+t rtl Header file MATH H- Borland c+t rtl Header file H- Borland c++ rtl Header file MEMORY H- Borland c++ rtl Header file NEW H- Borland c++ rtl Header file PROCESS H- Borland c++ rtl Header file SEARCH H- Borland c++ rtl Header file SETJMP H- Borland C++ RTL Header file SHARE H- Borland c++ rtl Header file SIGNAL H- Borland c++ rtl Header file H- Borland c++ rtl Header file STDARG H- Borland c++ rtl Header file STDDEF H- Borland c++ rtl Header file STDIO H- Borland c++ rtl Header file STDIOSTR H- Borland C++ rtl Header file STDLIB H- Borland C++ rtl Header file STRING H -Borland ctt rtl Header file STRSTREA H- Borland C++ rtl Header file TIME H- Borland c++ rtl Header file TIMEB H- Borland c++ rtl Header file TYPES H- Borland c++ rtl Header file

ASSERT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file BCD H - Borland C++ RTL Header file BIOS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file COMPLEX H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CONIO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CONSTREA H - Borland C++ RTL Header file CTYPE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DIR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DIRECT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DIRENT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file DOS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file ERRNO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file FCNTL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file FLOAT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file FSTREAM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file GENERIC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file GRAPHICS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file IO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file IOMANIP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file IOSTREAM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file LIMITS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file LOCALE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file LOCKING H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MALLOC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MATH H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file MEMORY H - Borland C++ RTL Header file NEW H - Borland C++ RTL Header file PROCESS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SEARCH H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SETJMP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SHARE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file SIGNAL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STAT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDARG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDDEF H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDIO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDIOSTR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STDLIB H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STRING H - Borland C++ RTL Header file STRSTREA H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TIME H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TIMEB H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TYPES H - Borland C++ RTL Header file

UTIME H- Borland c++ rt Header fil VALUES H- Borland c++ rtl Header file VARAR H- Borland c++ rtl Header file CA2- Split file of TD. ZIP TDW CA2- Split File of TDW. ZIP WHELP2 CAB- Split File of WHELP2 ZIP WINLBSRC ZIP -RTL source files ABORT C-Source file for WINlIB ASMMEM ASM- Source file for WINLIB C- Source file for WINlIB BCRTL DEF-Config file for WINLIB EASYWIN CPP- Source file for WINlIB ErREXIT C- Source file for WINLIB EWCoNIo C-Source file for WINLIB EWINPROC CPP -Source file for WINlIB FARHEAP CPP Source file for WINLIB FHEAP CPP -Source file for WINlIB FPERR ASM- Source file for WINlIB FPINIT ASM- Source file for WINLIB Config file for WINLI H CHKSTK ASM- Source file for WINlIB Source file for WINLIB IMPORT Make file for WInliB MAK -Make file for WINLIB INSTDATA CPP- Source file for WINlIB INT86 CAS- Source file for WINlIB INTDOS CAS Source file for WINLIB INTR AS Source file for WINLIB IOCTL CAS Source file for WINlIB KERNEL DEF- Config file for WINLIB KEYBOARD DEF- Config file for WINLIB NECP C-Source file for WINlIB PROFC ASM- Source file for WINLIB PTABLE ASM- Source file for WINLIB RTLDATA CPP-Source file for WINLIB rTlmainC-Source file for WINlIB ETARGv C- Source file for WINLIB etargvo C- Source file for WINlIB SETENV C- Source file for WINLIB setenvrn C- Source file for WINLIB SETJMP ASM- Source file for WINLIB SIGNAL file for WINLIB SOUND DEF- Config file for WINLIB

UTIME H - Borland C++ RTL Header file VALUES H - Borland C++ RTL Header file VARARGS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file TD CA2 - Split File of TD.ZIP TDW CA2 - Split File of TDW.ZIP WHELP2 CAB - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP WINLBSRC ZIP - RTL source files ABORT C - Source file for WINLIB ASMMEM ASM - Source file for WINLIB ASSERT C - Source file for WINLIB BCRTL DEF - Config file for WINLIB EASYWIN CPP - Source file for WINLIB ERREXIT C - Source file for WINLIB EWCONIO C - Source file for WINLIB EWINPROC CPP - Source file for WINLIB FARHEAP CPP - Source file for WINLIB FHEAP CPP - Source file for WINLIB FPERR ASM - Source file for WINLIB FPINIT ASM - Source file for WINLIB GDI DEF - Config file for WINLIB H_CHKSTK ASM - Source file for WINLIB HEAP CPP - Source file for WINLIB IMPORT MAK - Make file for WINLIB INDEP MAK - Make file for WINLIB INSTDATA CPP - Source file for WINLIB INT86 CAS - Source file for WINLIB INTDOS CAS - Source file for WINLIB INTR CAS - Source file for WINLIB IOCTL CAS - Source file for WINLIB KERNEL DEF - Config file for WINLIB KEYBOARD DEF - Config file for WINLIB NECP C - Source file for WINLIB PROFC ASM - Source file for WINLIB PTABLE ASM - Source file for WINLIB RTLDATA CPP - Source file for WINLIB RTLMAIN C - Source file for WINLIB SETARGV C - Source file for WINLIB SETARGV0 C - Source file for WINLIB SETENV C - Source file for WINLIB SETENVRN C - Source file for WINLIB SETJMP ASM - Source file for WINLIB SIGNAL C - Source file for WINLIB SOUND DEF - Config file for WINLIB

SUBALLOC CPP Source file for WINLIB TASM CFG- Config file for WINLIB Config file for WINLIB Config file for WINLIB USER DEF- Config file for WINL WCFNCPTR CPP-Source file for WINlIB C- Source file for WINLIB WIN31 DEF Source file for WINLIB WIN87EM DEF- Config file for WINLIB WINDLL MAK Make file for WINLIB WINlib MAK - Make file for WINLIB WinMain C- Source file for WINLII WINMEM ASM- Source file for WINlIB WINOBJ MAK- Make file for WINLIB WREALCVT ASM- Source file for WINLIB WSCANTOD ASM- Source file for WINLIB README File contains last minute information ACLOCK ZIP ACLOCK CPP- File for OWL example program ACLOCK H- File for OWL example program ACLOCK PRJ- File for OWL example program ACLOCK RC- File for OWL example program BITMAP H-File for OWL example program CUCK001 BMP- File for OWL example program CUCK002 BMP-File for OWL example program CUCK003 BMP- File for OWL example program CUCK004 File for OWL example program CUCK005 File for OWL example program CUCK006 BMP- File for OWL example program CUCK007 BMP- File for OWL example program CUCK008 BMP- File for OWL example progra FACE BMP BMP File for OWL example program MAKEFILE File for OWL example program BGI ZIP- Graphics drivers BGI- Graphics driver for ATT400 graphics card DEMo C-Graphics demonstration program BGIOBJ EXE- Conversion program for fonts and drivers BOLD CHR- Font for bold char set CGA BGI Graphics driver for CGA

SUBALLOC CPP - Source file for WINLIB TASM CFG - Config file for WINLIB TCDLL CFG - Config file for WINLIB TURBOC CFG - Config file for WINLIB USER DEF - Config file for WINLIB WCFNCPTR CPP - Source file for WINLIB WEP C - Source file for WINLIB WIN31 DEF - Source file for WINLIB WIN87EM DEF - Config file for WINLIB WINDLL MAK - Make file for WINLIB WINLIB MAK - Make file for WINLIB WINMAIN C - Source file for WINLIB WINMEM ASM - Source file for WINLIB WINOBJ MAK - Make file for WINLIB WREALCVT ASM - Source file for WINLIB WSCANTOD ASM - Source file for WINLIB README - File contains last minute information DISK 2 ------ ACLOCK ZIP - ACLOCK CPP - File for OWL example program ACLOCK H - File for OWL example program ACLOCK PRJ - File for OWL example program ACLOCK RC - File for OWL example program BITMAP H - File for OWL example program CUCKOO1 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO2 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO3 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO4 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO5 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO6 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO7 BMP - File for OWL example program CUCKOO8 BMP - File for OWL example program FACE_BMP BMP - File for OWL example program MAKEFILE - File for OWL example program BGI ZIP - Graphics drivers ATT BGI - Graphics driver for ATT400 graphics card BGIDEMO C - Graphics demonstration program BGIOBJ EXE - Conversion program for fonts and drivers BOLD CHR - Font for Bold char set CGA BGI - Graphics driver for CGA

EGAVGa BGI Graphics driver for EGa and VGA EURO CHR- Font for European char set CHR- Font for gothic character set BGI- Graphics driver for Hercules I BM8514 BGI -Graphics driver for IBM 8514 graphics card LITT CHR -Font for small character set PC3270 BGI- Graphics driver for PC3270 SANS CHR- Font for sans serif character set SCRI CHR- Font for script char set CHR- Font for Simplex char set HR-Font for triplex character set CHR- Font for tiny script char set CLASS INC ZIP- Include files for C++ class library ABSTARRY H- Header file for classlibs ARRAY H-Header file for classlibs ARRAYS H- Header file for classlibs ASSOC H- Header file for classlibs BAG H-Header file for classlibs H- Header file for classlibs H- Header file for classlibs CHECKS H- Header file for classlibs LSDEFS H- Header file for classlibs CLSTYPES H- Header file for classlibs COLLECT H- Header file for classlibs CONTAIN H- Header file for classlibs H- Header file for classlibs DEQUE H- Header file for classlibs H- Header file for classlibs DICT H- Header file for classlibs DLISTIMP H- Header file for classlibs HASHTBL H- Header file for classlibs LDATE H- Header file for classlibs LIST H- Header file for classlibs LISTIMP H- Header file for classlibs LTIME H- Header file for classlibs MEMMGR H- Header file for classlibs H- Header file for classlibs PRIORTYQ H- Header file for classlibs QUEUE H- Header file for classlibs QUEUES H- Header file for classlibs RESOURCe H-Header file for classlibs SET H- Header file for classlibs

EGAVGA BGI - Graphics driver for EGA and VGA EURO CHR - Font for European char set GOTH CHR - Font for gothic character set HERC BGI - Graphics driver for Hercules IBM8514 BGI - Graphics driver for IBM 8514 graphics card LCOM CHR - Complex char font set LITT CHR - Font for small character set PC3270 BGI - Graphics driver for PC3270 SANS CHR - Font for sans serif character set SCRI CHR - Font for script char set SIMP CHR - Font for Simplex char set TRIP CHR - Font for triplex character set TSCR CHR - Font for tiny script char set CLASSINC ZIP - Include files for C++ class library ABSTARRY H - Header file for classlibs ARRAY H - Header file for classlibs ARRAYS H - Header file for classlibs ASSOC H - Header file for classlibs BAG H - Header file for classlibs BAGS H - Header file for classlibs BTREE H - Header file for classlibs CHECKS H - Header file for classlibs CLSDEFS H - Header file for classlibs CLSTYPES H - Header file for classlibs COLLECT H - Header file for classlibs CONTAIN H - Header file for classlibs DBLLIST H - Header file for classlibs DEQUE H - Header file for classlibs DEQUES H - Header file for classlibs DICT H - Header file for classlibs DLISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs HASHTBL H - Header file for classlibs LDATE H - Header file for classlibs LIST H - Header file for classlibs LISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs LTIME H - Header file for classlibs MEMMGR H - Header file for classlibs OBJECT H - Header file for classlibs PRIORTYQ H - Header file for classlibs QUEUE H - Header file for classlibs QUEUES H - Header file for classlibs RESOURCE H - Header file for classlibs SET H - Header file for classlibs

SETS H- Header file for classlibs SHDDEL H- Header file for classlibs H-Header file for classlibs H-Header file for classlibs TACK H- Header file for classlibs STACKS H- Header file for classlibs STDTEMPL H- Header file for classlibs STRNG H- Header file for classlibs TIMER H- Header file for classlibs VECTIMP H- Header file for classlibs CLASSSRC ZIP- Source files to C++ class library ABSTARRY CPP- Abstract array class definitions CPP- Source file for classlibs ASSOC CPP- Association class (used by dictionary class) BABSTARY CPP- Source file for classlibs BDICT CPP Source file for Classlibs BIDS DEF Source file for classlibs BSORTARY CPP- Source file for classlibs CPP -Source file for classlibs btreeinn CPP- Source file for classlibs bTREeLFn CPP- Source file for classlibs CLaSMaIN CPP -Source file for classlibs CoLLECT CPP - Ordered collection class definitions contain CPP- Container class definitions DBLLIST CPP -Doubly linked list class definitions DEQUE CPP - Source file for classlibs DICT CPP - Di lass definiti HASHTBL CPP Hash table class definitions LDATE CPP- Date class definitions LIST CPP List class definitions LTIME CPP Time class definitions MEMMGR CPP- Source file for classlibs OBJECT CPP- Base class for other object. SORTARRY CPP- Sorted array class definitions STACK CPP-Source file for classlibs StrnG CPP String class definitions TCLASS DEF- Definition file for classlibs file for classlib TMPLINST CPP -Source file for classlibs CLIBSRC3 ZIP -RTL source files ABSREAD CAS- Source file for the C++ Library ALLOCa ASM- Source file for the C++ Library

SETS H - Header file for classlibs SHDDEL H - Header file for classlibs SORTABLE H - Header file for classlibs SORTARRY H - Header file for classlibs STACK H - Header file for classlibs STACKS H - Header file for classlibs STDTEMPL H - Header file for classlibs STRNG H - Header file for classlibs TIMER H - Header file for classlibs VECTIMP H - Header file for classlibs CLASSSRC ZIP - Source files to C++ class library ABSTARRY CPP - Abstract array class definitions ARRAY CPP - Source file for classlibs ASSOC CPP - Association class (used by dictionary class) BABSTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs BDICT CPP - Source file for Classlibs BIDS DEF - Source file for classlibs BSORTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREE CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREEINN CPP - Source file for classlibs BTREELFN CPP - Source file for classlibs CLASMAIN CPP - Source file for classlibs COLLECT CPP - Ordered collection class definitions CONTAIN CPP - Container class definitions DBLLIST CPP - Doubly linked list class definitions DEQUE CPP - Source file for classlibs DICT CPP - Dictinary class definitiions HASHTBL CPP - Hash table class definitions LDATE CPP - Date class definitions LIST CPP - List class definitions LTIME CPP - Time class definitions MEMMGR CPP - Source file for classlibs OBJECT CPP - Base class for other objects SORTARRY CPP - Sorted array class definitions STACK CPP - Source file for classlibs STRNG CPP - String class definitions TCLASS DEF - Definition file for classlibs TIMER CPP - Source file for classlibs TMPLINST CPP - Source file for classlibs CLIBSRC3 ZIP - RTL source files ABSREAD CAS - Source file for the C++ Library ALLOCA ASM - Source file for the C++ Library
