《电子能谱学》课程参考资料(Electron Spectroscopy)材料淀积技术 Deposition Techniques

Deposition Techniques: Initial letter of the deposition material A BC D E G H I K LM N O E R S I L Y Y Z Key of Symbols *Cr-plated mod o Temn.(C for Vap.Press (forr) E-Bear Coil Basket Crucible e60 678211010 nBz.w RE.DC Alloys and wets Stranded Wis best 08 43 RE 3.7 ·300 RF 7 2.64 .、0 ninum Carbide 小1400 b2.36· -800F RE 0=27 m.2%Copp A12%Cu 640 2.82 RF,DC um Fluoride 1291 82.88410490700P Mo.W.Ta AIN >2200 s 326 卜1750F RF.RF-R um Oxide 3.97 ·150e RF-R mohom 2000 22 um.2%Silicon 640 260 1010 TIB-BN RF,DC 630 s6.68279345425p Mo."Ta Mo,Ta Mo.Ta BN.C.Al,O RF,DC 66 ·3006 Pt BN.AlO RF-R Toxk.Decomposes on W.n.09
Material Symbol MP (°C) S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given Vap. Press. (Torr) Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments 10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam Thermal Sources Boat Coil Basket Crucible Aluminum Al 660 2.70 677 821 1010 Ex TiB2 ,W W W TiB2 -BN, ZrB2 , BN RF, DC Alloys and wets. Stranded W is best. Aluminum Antimonide AlSb 1080 4.3 - - - - - - - - RF - Aluminum Arsenide AlAs 1600 3.7 - - ~ 1300 - - - - - RF - Aluminum Bromide AlBr3 97 2.64 - - ~ 50 - Mo - - Gr RF - Aluminum Carbide Al4C3 ~1400 D 2.36 - - ~ 800 F - - - - RF n = 2.7 Aluminum, 2% Copper Al2%Cu 640 2.82 - - - - - - - - RF, DC Wire feed and flash. Difficult from dual sources. Aluminum Fluoride AlF3 1291 S 2.88 410 490 700 P Mo, W, Ta - - Gr RF - Aluminum Nitride AlN >2200 S 3.26 - - ~1750 F - - - - RF, RF-R Decomposes. Reactive evap in 10-3 T N2 with glow discharge. Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 2072 3.97 - - 1550 Ex W - W - RF-R Sapphire excellent in E-beam; forms smooth, hard films. n = 1.66 Aluminum Phosphide AlP 2000 2.42 - - - - - - - - RF - Aluminum, 2% Silicon Al2%Si 640 2.69 - - 1010 - - - - TiB2 -BN RF, DC Wire feed and flash. Difficult from dual sources. Antimony Sb 630 S 6.68 279 345 425 P Mo,*** Ta*** Mo, Ta Mo, Ta BN, C, Al2O3 RF, DC Toxic. Evaporates well. Antimony Oxide Sb2O3 656 S 5.2 - - ~300 G Pt - Pt BN, Al2O3 RF-R Toxic. Decomposes on W. n = 2.09, Deposition Techniques: Initial letter of the deposition material A B C D E G H I K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z Key of Symbols * influenced by composition ** Cr-plated rod or strip ***All metals alumina coated C = carbon Gr = graphite Q = quartz Incl = Inconel VC = vitreous carbon SS = stainless steel Ex = excellent G = good F = fair P = poor S = sublimes D = decomposes RF = RF sputtering is effective RF-R = reactive RF sputter is effective DC = DC sputtering is effective DC-R = reactive DC sputtering is effective

| Antimony Selenide s0Se3611 Ta RF Stoichlometry variable. Antimony Sulfide SD2Sa 550 4.64 ··-200G Mo,Ta Mo.Ta Al2O3 No decomposition.n-3.19, Antmony Telluride 629 6.50 600 RF Decomposes over 750C. Arsenic As 817 s 5.73 107150210 c nes rapidly at low Arsenic Oxide 312 3.74 Arsenic Selenide As2Se3 -360 4.75 Al2O3. RF Arsenic Sulfide A32S3 300 3.43 -400F Mo A203,Q RF n= Arsenic Telluride As2Te3 362 Flash JVW5T.1973:10:748. Barium Ba 725 3.51 545627735F W.Ta,Mo w Metals RF ogea Barlum Chlonide BaCl, 963 3.92 650· Ta,Mo RF Preheat gently to outgas.n1.73 Barlum Fluoride BaF2 1355 s4.89 -7006 Mo RF n=1.47 Barium Oxide Bao 1918 5.72 -1300P Pt A203 RF,RF-R Decomposes slightly.n=1.98 Barlum Sulfide BaS 1200 4.25 1100 Mo RF n=2.16 Barlum Titanate BaTiO3 、 D6.02 、 Be 1278 1.85 710 8781000 E W.Ta Beo.C.VC RF,DC Berylium Carbide Be,C ≥2100 D1.90 Beryllum Chloride BeCl2 405 1.90 -150 RF Beryllum Fluoride BeF2 800 s1.99 -200G Toxic.n =c1.33 Beryllium Oxide 2530 3.01 1900 RF,RF-R Bismuth 年 271 9.80 330 410520Ex W.Mo.Ta w Al2Og.VC DC.RF Toxic vapor.Resistivity high.No shorting of baskets. Bismuth Fluoride BF3 727 s5.32 300 Gr RF n=1.74 Bismuth Oxide Bi203 8G0 8.55 -1400P Pt Pt RF,RF-R Toxic vapor.n=1.91 Bismuth Selenide Bi2Sea 710 D6.82 650G Gr,0 R Bismuth Sulfide BS3 685 D7.39 RF n=1.34,1.46 Bismuth Telluride B2Te3 573 7.7 600 W.Mo RF Bismuth Titanate B2T207 RF Sputter or co-evaporate from two sources in 102 Torr oxygen. Boron B 2300 2.34 1278 15481797 Ex C.vC Boron Carbide B4C 2350 2.52 2500 25802650Ex RF Similar to chromium. Boron Nitride BN 3000 2.25 1600 RF,RF-R
2.18, 2.35 Antimony Selenide Sb2Se3 611 - - - - - Ta - - C RF Stoichiometry variable. Antimony Sulfide Sb2S3 550 4.64 - - ~200 G Mo, Ta - Mo, Ta Al2O3 - No decomposition. n=3.19, 4.06, 4.3 Antimony Telluride Sb2Te3 629 6.50 - - 600 - - - - C RF Decomposes over 750°C. Arsenic As 817 S 5.73 107 150 210 P C - - Al2O3 , BeO, VC - Toxic. Sublimes rapidly at low temperature. Arsenic Oxide As2O3 312 3.74 - - - - - - - - - - Arsenic Selenide As2Se3 ~360 4.75 - - - - - - - Al2O3 , Q RF - Arsenic Sulfide As2S3 300 3.43 - - ~400 F Mo - - Al2O3 , Q RF n = 2.4, 2.81, 3.02 Arsenic Telluride As2Te3 362 - - - - - Flash - - - - JVST. 1973;10:748. Barium Ba 725 3.51 545 627 735 F W, Ta, Mo W W Metals RF Wets without alloying reacts with ceramics. Barium Chloride BaCl2 963 3.92 - - ~650 - Ta, Mo - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.73 Barium Fluoride BaF2 1355 S 4.89 - - ~700 G Mo - - - RF n = 1.47 Barium Oxide BaO 1918 5.72 - - ~1300 P Pt - Pt Al2O3 RF, RF-R Decomposes slightly. n = 1.98 Barium Sulfide BaS 1200 4.25 - - 1100 - Mo - - - RF n = 2.16 Barium Titanate BaTiO3 - D 6.02 - - - - - - - - RF Gives Ba. Co-evap. from 2 sources or sputter. n = 2.40 Beryllium Be 1278 1.85 710 878 1000 Ex W, Ta W W BeO, C, VC RF, DC Wets W/Mo/Ta. Powder and oxides toxic. Evaporates easily. Beryllium Carbide Be2C >2100 D 1.90 - - - - - - - - - - Beryllium Chloride BeCl2 405 1.90 - - ~150 - - - - - RF - Beryllium Fluoride BeF2 800 S 1.99 - - ~200 G - - - - - Toxic. n = <1.33 Beryllium Oxide BeO 2530 3.01 - - 1900 G - - W - RF, RF-R Toxic. No decomposition from Ebeam guns. n=1.72 Bismuth Bi 271 9.80 330 410 520 Ex W, Mo, Ta W W Al2O3 , VC DC, RF Toxic vapor. Resistivity high. No shorting of baskets. Bismuth Fluoride BiF3 727 S 5.32 - - ~300 - - - - Gr RF n = 1.74 Bismuth Oxide Bi2O3 860 8.55 - - ~1400 P Pt - Pt - RF, RF-R Toxic vapor. n = 1.91 Bismuth Selenide Bi2Se3 710 D 6.82 - - ~650 G - - - Gr, Q RF Co-evaporate from two sources or sputter. Bismuth Sulfide Bi2S3 685 D 7.39 - - - - - - - - RF n = 1.34, 1.46 Bismuth Telluride Bi2Te3 573 7.7 - - ~600 - W, Mo - - Gr, Q RF Co-evaporate from two sources or sputter. Bismuth Titanate Bi2Ti2O7 - D - - - - - - - - - RF Sputter or co-evaporate from two sources in 10-2 Torr oxygen. Boron B 2300 2.34 1278 1548 1797 Ex C - - C, VC RF Explodes with rapid cooling. Forms carbide with container. Boron Carbide B4C 2350 2.52 2500 2580 2650 Ex - - - - RF Similar to chromium. Boron Nitride BN ~3000 S 2.25 - - ~1600 P - - - - RF, RF-R Decomposes under sputtering; reactive preferred

Boron Oxide B.O3 -450 1.81 -1400G Pt Mo n=1.48 Boron Sulfide B2Sa 310 1.55 800 Gr RF Cadmium 321 8.64 64 120180p W.Mo.Ta W.Mo.Ta Al2Oa.Q DC,RF .Low Cadmium Antimonide CdaSba 456 6.92 Cadmium Arsenide CdaAs2 721 6.21 Cadmium Bromide CdBr2 567 5.19 -300 Cadmium Chioride 568 4.05 -400 CdF2 1100 6.64 500 RF n=1.56 Cadmlum lodide 387 5.67 小250 Cadmeum Odde Cao >1500 D6.95 -530 RF-R Discrocortionates ne 2.49 Cadmium Selenide Cdse 31350 s5.81 540G Mo,Ta A203.Q RF Evaporates easily.n2.4 Cadmium Sulfide CdS 1750 4.82 550 W.Mo.Ta RF rariable.n #251.253 CdTe 1121 5.85 450 W.Mo.Ta w W.Ta.Mo RF Ca 839 s1.54272357 459P w ALO3.Q Corrodes in air. Calcium Fluoride CaF2 1423 3.18 、 ~1100 W.Mo.Ta W.Mo.Ta w,Mo,Ta Q Rate control important.Preheat gently to outgas.n 1.43 Calcium Oxide Cao 2614 3.3 -1700 W.Mo RF,RF-R Calclum Silicate CaSiOa 1540 2.91 -G RF n= Calcium Sulide Cas D2.5 -1100- Mo RF Decomposes.n2.14 Calclum Ttanate CaTIO3 1975 4.101490 16001690P Calcium Tungstate Cawo4 6.06 RF n=1.92 Carbon 3652 s 1.8-2.1165718672137Ex Poor film adhesion. Cerium Ce 798 6.70 g70 150h380 W.Ta W.Ta B0. DC.RF CeF3 1460 6.16 900G W.Mo.Ta Mo.Ta RF Preheat gently to outgas.n~1.7 Cerium (lll)Oxide 1692 6.86 Cerium (IV)Oxide CeO2 2600 7.13189020002310G w RF,RF-R Very little decomoosition. Ceslum Cs 28 1.88 -16 2280 ss Cesium Bromide CsBr 636 3.04 -400 w RF n=1.70 Cesium Chlonide CsCl 645 3.99 500 w n=1.64 Cesium Fluoride 682 4.12 -500 RF n=1.48 Cesium Hydroxide CsOH 272 3.68 550 Pt Cesium lodide Csl 626 4.51 ..500 RF n=1.79
Boron Oxide B2O3 ~450 1.81 - - ~1400 G Pt, Mo - - - - n = 1.48 Boron Sulfide B2S3 310 1.55 - - 800 - - - - Gr RF - Cadmium Cd 321 8.64 64 120 180 P W, Mo, Ta - W, Mo, Ta Al2O3 , Q DC, RF Bad for vacuum systems. Low sticking coefficient. Cadmium Antimonide Cd3Sb2 456 6.92 - - - - - - - - - - Cadmium Arsenide Cd3As2 721 6.21 - - - - - - - Q RF - Cadmium Bromide CdBr2 567 5.19 - - ~300 - - - - - - - Cadmium Chloride CdCl2 568 4.05 - - ~400 - - - - - - - Cadmium Fluoride CdF2 1100 6.64 - - ~500 - - - - - RF n = 1.56 Cadmium Iodide CdI2 387 5.67 - - ~250 - - - - - - - Cadmium Oxide CdO >1500 D 6.95 - - ~530 - - - - - RF-R Disproportionates. n = 2.49 Cadmium Selenide CdSe >1350 S 5.81 - - 540 G Mo, Ta - - Al2O3 , Q RF Evaporates easily. n = 2.4 Cadmium Sulfide CdS 1750 S 4.82 - - 550 F W, Mo, Ta - W Al2O3 , Q RF Sticking coefficient affected by substrate temperature. Stoichiometry variable. n = 2.51, 2.53 Cadmium Telluride CdTe 1121 5.85 - - 450 - W, Mo, Ta W W, Ta, Mo - RF Stoichiometry depends on substrate temperature. n~ 2.6 Calcium Ca 839 S 1.54 272 357 459 P W W W Al2O3 , Q - Corrodes in air. Calcium Fluoride CaF2 1423 3.18 - - ~1100 - W, Mo, Ta W, Mo, Ta W, Mo, Ta Q RF Rate control important. Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.43 Calcium Oxide CaO 2614 ~3.3 - - ~1700 - W, Mo - - ZrO2 RF, RF-R Forms volatile oxides with tungsten and molybdenum. n = 1.84 Calcium Silicate CaSiO3 1540 2.91 - - - G - - - Q RF n = 1.61, 1.66 Calcium Sulfide CaS - D 2.5 - - 1100 - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.14 Calcium Titanate CaTiO3 1975 4.10 1490 1600 1690 P - - - - RF Disproportionates except in sputtering. n = 2.34 Calcium Tungstate CaWO4 - 6.06 - - - G W - - - RF n = 1.92 Carbon C ~3652 S 1.8-2.1 1657 1867 2137 Ex - - - - RF E-beam preferred. Arc evaporation. Poor film adhesion. Cerium Ce 798 ~6.70 970 1150 1380 G W, Ta W W, Ta Al2O3 , BeO, VC DC, RF - Cerium Fluoride CeF3 1460 6.16 - - ~900 G W, Mo, Ta - Mo, Ta - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n ~ 1.7 Cerium (III) Oxide Ce2O3 1692 6.86 - - - F W - - - - Alloys with source. Use 0.015"-0.020" tungsten boat. n = 1.95 Cerium (IV) Oxide CeO2 ~2600 7.13 1890 2000 2310 G W - - - RF, RF-R Very little decomposition. Cesium Cs 28 1.88 -16 22 80 - SS - - Q - - Cesium Bromide CsBr 636 3.04 - - ~400 - W - - - RF n = 1.70 Cesium Chloride CsCl 645 3.99 - - ~500 - W - - - RF n = 1.64 Cesium Fluoride CsF 682 4.12 - - ~500 - W - - - RF n = 1.48 Cesium Hydroxide CsOH 272 3.68 - - 550 - Pt - - - - - Cesium Iodide CsI 626 4.51 - - ~500 - W - - Pt, Q RF n = 1.79

Chiolote 2.9 -800· Mo.W RF n=1.33 Chromium 1857 s7.20 8379771157G RF,DC E0gteyadherentHghrates Chromium Boride CrB 2760(2) 6.17 RF.DC Chromium Bromide CrBr2 842 4.36 550 RF 1980 6.68 -2000F RF.DC Chromium Chloride 824 2.88 550 Fe.Iincl RF Chromium Oxide Cr203 2266 5.21 -2000G W.Mo RF,RF-R oportionates to lower oxides: reoxidizes at 600C in air.n2.55 Chromium Sillcide 5.5 RF,DC oie-sacon Cr-SiO 、 人 w DC.RF Flash. Cobalt Co 1495 8.98509901200Ex w.Nb Al203.BeO IDC.RF Alloys with refractory metals. Cobalt Bromide CoBr2 678 D4.91 、 400 Iincl RF Cobalt Chloride CoCk 724 D3.36 472 RF Cobalt Oxide 1795 6.45 、 DC-R.RF. Sputter preferred. Copper Cu 1083 8.92 727 857 1017e Mo Al2Og.Mo.Ta DC.RF Copper Chloride CuCI 430 4.14 -600 RF n=1.93 Copper Oxide Cu2O 1235 s 6.0 600G Ta DC-R,RF- n=2.71 Copper Sulfide Cu2S 1100 5.6 Cryollte 1000 2.91020h2601480 w.Mo.Ta w.Mo.TavC RE egengonsnreduceptang.Lne Dysprosium Dy 1412 8.55625750900G Ta RF.DC Dysprosium Fluoride DyF3 1360 s -800G Ta RF Dysproslum Oxide Dy203 2340 7.81 -1400 RF,RF-R Loses oxygen. Erblum 1529 s9.07 650775930G w.Ta DC,RF Erblum Fluorde ErF3 1350 750 IMo RF VsT1g85:A362320 Erbium Oxide E03 Infus. 8.64 .-1600 RF.RF-R Loses oxygen. Europlum Eu 822 s5.24280360480F w.Ta A203 RF,DC Low tantalum solubility. Europlum Fluoride EuF? 1380 6.50 950 o RE Europlum Oxide Eu203 7.42 1600G ir.Ta.W ThO2 RF,RF-R Loses oxygen.Films clear and hard. 5.75 RF Material S/D Temp.(C)for Given Evaporation Techniques Sputter Commen本 Vap.Press.(Torr)
Chiolote Na5Al3F14 - 2.9 - - ~800 - Mo, W - - - RF n = 1.33 Chromium Cr 1857 S 7.20 837 977 1157 G ** W W VC RF, DC Films very adherent. High rates possible. Chromium Boride CrB 2760(?) 6.17 - - - - - - - - RF, DC - Chromium Bromide CrBr2 842 4.36 - - 550 - Incl - - - RF - Chromium Carbide Cr3C2 1980 6.68 - - ~2000 F W - - - RF, DC - Chromium Chloride CrCl2 824 2.88 - - 550 - Fe, Incl - - - RF - Chromium Oxide Cr2O3 2266 5.21 - - ~2000 G W, Mo - W - RF, RF-R Disproportionates to lower oxides; reoxidizes at 600°C in air.n = 2.55 Chromium Silicide Cr3Si2 - 5.5 - - - - - - - - RF, DC - Chromium-Silicon Monoxide Cr-SiO - S * * * * G W - W - DC, RF Flash. Cobalt Co 1495 8.9 850 990 1200 Ex W, Nb - W Al2O3 , BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Cobalt Bromide CoBr2 678 D 4.91 - - 400 - Incl - - - RF - Cobalt Chloride CoCl2 724 D 3.36 - - 472 - Incl - - - RF - Cobalt Oxide CoO 1795 6.45 - - - - - - - - DC-R, RFR Sputter preferred. Copper Cu 1083 8.92 727 857 1017 Ex Mo W W Al2O3 , Mo, Ta DC, RF Adhesion poor. Use interlayer (Cr). Evaporates using any source material. Copper Chloride CuCl 430 4.14 - - ~600 - - - - - RF n = 1.93 Copper Oxide Cu2O 1235 S 6.0 - - ~600 G Ta - - Al2O3 DC-R, RFR n = 2.71 Copper Sulfide Cu2S 1100 5.6 - - - - - - - - - - Cryolite Na3AlF6 1000 2.9 1020 1260 1480 Ex W, Mo, Ta - W, Mo, Ta VC RF Large chunks reduce spitting. Little decomposition. Dysprosium Dy 1412 8.55 625 750 900 G Ta - - - RF, DC - Dysprosium Fluoride DyF3 1360 S - - - ~800 G Ta - - - RF - Dysprosium Oxide Dy2O3 2340 7.81 - - ~1400 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Erbium Er 1529 S 9.07 650 775 930 G W, Ta - - - DC, RF - Erbium Fluoride ErF3 1350 - - - ~750 - Mo - - - RF JVST. 1985;A3(6):2320. Erbium Oxide Er2O3 Infus. 8.64 - - ~1600 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Europium Eu 822 S 5.24 280 360 480 F W, Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC Low tantalum solubility. Europium Fluoride EuF2 1380 6.50 - - ~950 - Mo - - - RF - Europium Oxide Eu2O3 - 7.42 - - ~1600 G Ir, Ta, W - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Films clear and hard. Europium Sulfide EuS - 5.75 - - - G - - - - RF - Material Symbol MP (°C) S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given Vap. Press. (Torr) Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments

E-Beam Thermal Sources Boat C Basket Crucible 1313 7.90 760 900 1175 A203 RF.DC High tantalum solubility. Gadolinium Carbide 1500 RF Decomposes under sputtering. Gadolnium Oxide 2330 7.41 RF.RF-R Loses oxygen. 30 5.90 619 742 907 、 Alloys with refractory metals.UseE heam oun. Galllum Antimonide GaSb 710 5.6 W.Ta RF Flash evaporate. Gallium Arsenide GaAs 1238 5.3 w.Ta RF Flash evaporate. Galllum Nitride GaN 800 s 6.1 -200 AM203 RF.RF-R Evaporates gallilum in 10-3 Tomr nitrogen. Galllum Oxide Ga203 1900 6.44 Pr.W RF Loses oxygen.n 1.92 Galllum Phosphide GaP 1540 770. 920 W.Ta 6 Does not decompose.Rate control Germanlum Ge 937 5.35 812 9571167 Ex w.C.Ta DC.RF Excellent films from E-beam guns. Germanium Nitride 450 s 5.2 -650 RF-R Sputtering preferred. Germanium (ln Oxide Geo 710 500 RF n=161 Germanium (lll)Oxide Geo. 1086 624 -625G Ta,Mo W.Mo Q.Al2O3 RF-R Simlar to SiO:tim predominantly GeO. Germanium Telluride GeTe 725 6.20 381 W.Mo w RF Glass.Schott 8329 2.20 Ex 、 RF adihgasaMenat Gold 1064 19.32807 947 1132 w WMo*+ Al2O3.BN. vc w DC.RF,Films soft,not very adherent. H 2227 13.312160 22503090 DC.RF Hafnium Boride HrB2 3250 10.5 DC.RF Hafnium Carbide HIC -3890 s 12.20 -2600 DC.RE Hatnium Nitride HIN 3305 RF.RF-R Hafnium Oxide 2758 9.68 2500 CR际R Film HfO. 1750 72 RF Ho 1474 8.B0 650 770 950 G W.Ta Holmium Fluoride HoF3 1143 -800 DC.RF Holmium Oide Ho203 2370 8.41 ir RF.RF-R Loses oxygen. Ni/CrFe 1425 8.5 G DC.RF Use fine wire wrapped on tungsten.Low rate requred for smooth films. indium in 151 7.30 487 597 742 W.Mo Gr.ALO3 DC.RF ndium Antimonide InSb 535 5.8 RF Indium Arsenide InAs 943 5.7 780 870 970 RF indium Nitride InN 1200 7.0
10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam Thermal Sources Boat Coil Basket Crucible Gadolinium Gd 1313 7.90 760 900 1175 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC High tantalum solubility. Gadolinium Carbide GdC2 - - - - 1500 - - - - C RF Decomposes under sputtering. Gadolinium Oxide Gd2O3 2330 7.41 - - - F Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Gallium Ga 30 5.90 619 742 907 G - - - Al2O3 , BeO, Q - Alloys with refractory metals. Use Ebeam gun. Gallium Antimonide GaSb 710 5.6 - - - F W, Ta - - - RF Flash evaporate. Gallium Arsenide GaAs 1238 5.3 - - - G W, Ta - - C RF Flash evaporate. Gallium Nitride GaN 800 S 6.1 - - ~200 - - - - Al2O3 RF, RF-R Evaporates gallium in 10-3 Torr nitrogen. Gallium Oxide Ga2O3 1900 6.44 - - - - Pr, W - - - RF Loses oxygen. n = 1.92 Gallium Phosphide GaP 1540 4.1 - 770 920 - W, Ta - W Q RF Does not decompose. Rate control important. Germanium Ge 937 5.35 812 957 1167 Ex W, C, Ta - - Q, Al2O3 DC, RF Excellent films from E-beam guns. Germanium Nitride Ge3N2 450 S 5.2 - - ~650 - - - - - RF-R Sputtering preferred. Germanium (II) Oxide GeO 710 S - - - 500 - - - - Q RF n = 1.61 Germanium (III) Oxide GeO2 1086 6.24 - - ~625 G Ta, Mo - W, Mo Q, Al2O3 RF-R Similar to SiO; film predominantly GeO. Germanium Telluride GeTe 725 6.20 - - 381 - W, Mo - W Q, Al2O3 RF - Glass, Schott 8329 - - 2.20 - - - Ex - - - - RF Evaporable alkali glass. Melt in air before evaporating. Gold Au 1064 19.32 807 947 1132 Ex W W W*** Mo*** Al2O3 , BN, VC W DC, RF, Films soft, not very adherent. Hafnium Hf 2227 13.31 2160 2250 3090 G - - - - DC, RF - Hafnium Boride HfB2 3250 10.5 - - - - - - - - DC, RF - Hafnium Carbide HfC ~3890 S 12.20 - - ~2600 - - - - - DC, RF - Hafnium Nitride HfN 3305 - - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R - Hafnium Oxide HfO2 2758 9.68 - - ~2500 F W - - - DC, RF, RFR Film HfO. Hafnium Silicide HfSi2 1750 7.2 - - - - - - - - RF - Holmium Ho 1474 8.80 650 770 950 G W, Ta W W - - - Holmium Fluoride HoF3 1143 - - - ~800 - - - - Q DC, RF - Holmium Oxide Ho2O3 2370 8.41 - - - - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Inconel Ni/Cr/Fe 1425 8.5 - - - G W W W - DC, RF Use fine wire wrapped on tungsten. Low rate required for smooth films. Indium In 157 7.30 487 597 742 Ex W, Mo - W Gr, Al2O3 DC, RF Wets tungsten and copper. Use molybdenum liner. Indium Antimonide InSb 535 5.8 - - - - W - - - RF Decomposes; sputter preferred; or coevaporate Indium Arsenide InAs 943 5.7 780 870 970 - W - - - RF - Indium Nitride InN 1200 7.0 - - - - - - - - - -

Indium (l)Oxide n20 -600 s 6.99 650 RF Decomposes under sputtering. Indium (lll)Oxide 850 7.18 1200G w.Pt indium Phosphide InP 1070 4.8 630 730 W.Ta RF Deposits are phosphorus rich. Indium Selenide In2Se3 890 5.67 RF Sputtering preferred;or co-evaporate from two sources;flash. Indium(1)Sufide In2S 653 5.87 650 Gr RF Indium (1)Sulfide InS 692 5.18 650 Gr RF Indium (III)Sutfide In2S3 1050 4.90 850 Gr RF Film In,S. Indium (I)Telluride Infe 696 6.29 ndium (Il)Telluride 667 578 RF Indium Tin Oxide In203-SnO2 1800 s Iridium 2410 22.421850 2080 2380 ThO2 DC.RF Fe 1535 7.86 858 996 1180 E Al2O3.Beo DC.RF ns hard,smooth Iron Bromide FeBr2 684 D 4.64 561 Fe RF Iron Chloride FeCh 670 3.16 300 Fe RF n=1.57 Iron lodide Fel 5.32 400 Fe RF ron (ll)Oxide 1369 5.7 RF.RF-R Iron(Ill)Oxide Fe203 1565 5.24 Disproportionates to FeaO at 1530*C.n =3.01 Iron Sulfide FeS 1193 4.74 Al2O3 RF Decomposes. Kanthal FeCrAl 7.1 DC.RF Lanthanum La 921 6.15g90 12121388E× W.Ta A203 RF Films will burn in air if scraped. Lanthanum Boride LaBs 2210 D 2.61 RF Lanthanum Bromide LaBr3 783 5.06 RF n=1.94.Hygroscopic. Lanthanum Fluoride LaF3 1490 6.0 900G Ta,Mo RF No decomposition.n-1.6 Lanthanum Oxide L8203 2307 6.51 1400G w.Ta RF Loses oxygen.n~1.73 Lead Pb 328 11.34342 427 497 Ex W.Mo W.Ta Al2O3.Q DC.RF Toxic. Lead Bromide PbBr2 373 6.66 -300 Lead Chloride 501 5.85 325 Al2O3 RF Little decomposition. Lead Fluoride 85 8.24 400 W.Pt,Mo BeO RF n=1.75 Lead lodide 402 6.16 500 Pt Lead Oxde 88 9.53 -550 Q.Al2O3 RE-R No decomposition.n~2.6 Lead Selenide PbSe 1055 s 8.10 -500 W.Mo w Gr.AL2O3 RF Lead Stannate PbSnO3 1115 8.1 670 780 905 Pt Pt Al2O3 RF Leed Sulfide PbS 1114 s 7.5 500 W.Mo Q.Al2O3 RF Little decomposition.n3.92
Indium (I) Oxide In2O ~600 S 6.99 - - 650 - - - - - RF Decomposes under sputtering. Indium (III) Oxide In2O3 850 7.18 - - ~1200 G W, Pt - - Al2O3 - - Indium Phosphide InP 1070 4.8 - 630 730 - W, Ta - W, Ta Gr RF Deposits are phosphorus rich. Indium Selenide In2Se3 890 5.67 - - - - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources; flash. Indium (I) Sulfide In2S 653 5.87 - - 650 - - - - Gr RF - Indium (II) Sulfide InS 692 S 5.18 - - 650 - - - - Gr RF - Indium (III) Sulfide In2S3 1050 S 4.90 - - 850 - - - - Gr RF Film In2S. Indium (II) Telluride InTe 696 6.29 - - - - - - - - - - Indium (III) Telluride In2Te3 667 5.78 - - - - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources; flash. Indium Tin Oxide In2O3 -SnO2 1800 S - - - - - - - - - - - Iridium Ir 2410 22.42 1850 2080 2380 F - - - ThO2 DC, RF - Iron Fe 1535 7.86 858 998 1180 Ex W W W Al2O3 , BeO DC, RF Attacks tungsten. Films hard, smooth. Preheat gently to outgas. Iron Bromide FeBr2 684 D 4.64 - - 561 - - - - Fe RF - Iron Chloride FeCl2 670 S 3.16 - - 300 - - - - Fe RF n = 1.57 Iron Iodide FeI2 - 5.32 - - 400 - - - - Fe RF - Iron (II) Oxide FeO 1369 5.7 - - - P - - - - RF, RF-R Decomposes; sputtering preferred. n=2.32 Iron (III) Oxide Fe2O3 1565 5.24 - - - G W - W - - Disproportionates to Fe3O4 at 1530°C. n = 3.01 Iron Sulfide FeS 1193 D 4.74 - - - - - - - Al2O3 RF Decomposes. Kanthal FeCrAl - 7.1 - - - - W W W - DC, RF - Lanthanum La 921 6.15 990 1212 1388 Ex W, Ta - - Al2O3 RF Films will burn in air if scraped. Lanthanum Boride LaB6 2210 D 2.61 - - - G - - - - RF - Lanthanum Bromide LaBr3 783 5.06 - - - - - - Ta - RF n=1.94. Hygroscopic. Lanthanum Fluoride LaF3 1490 S ~6.0 - - 900 G Ta, Mo - Ta - RF No decomposition. n ~1.6 Lanthanum Oxide La2O3 2307 6.51 - - 1400 G W, Ta - - - RF Loses oxygen. n~1.73 Lead Pb 328 11.34 342 427 497 Ex W, Mo W W, Ta Al2O3 , Q DC, RF Toxic. Lead Bromide PbBr2 373 6.66 - - ~300 - - - - - - - Lead Chloride PbCl2 501 5.85 - - ~325 - Pt - - Al2O3 RF Little decomposition. Lead Fluoride PbF2 855 S 8.24 - - ~400 - W, Pt, Mo - - BeO RF n = 1.75 Lead Iodide PbI2 402 6.16 - - ~500 - Pt - - Q - - Lead Oxide PbO 886 9.53 - - ~550 - Pt - - Q, Al2O3 RF-R No decomposition. n ~2.6 Lead Selenide PbSe 1065 S 8.10 - - ~500 - W, Mo - W Gr, Al2O3 RF - Lead Stannate PbSnO3 1115 8.1 670 780 905 P Pt - Pt Al2O3 RF Disproportionates. Lead Sulfide PbS 1114 S 7.5 - - 500 - W - W, Mo Q, Al2O3 RF Little decomposition. n = 3.92

Lead TeRuride PbTe 8.16 910 1050 Mo,Pt,Ta AlzO3.Gr RE Lead Titanate 7.52 Ta RF Lithium 181 0.53227 307 407 G Ta,SS Metal reacts quickly in air. Lithum Bromide 550 3.46 500 RF n=1.78 Lithaum Chloride LICI 605 2.07 400 RF Preheat gently to outgas.n=1.66 Lithium Fluoride UF 845 2.64 875 1020 1180 G Ni,Ta.Mo,W RF Lithium lodide 449 4.08 400 Mo,W RF n=1.g6 Lithium Oxide >1700 2.01 850 Pt.Ir RF n=1.6d Lutetium Lu 1633 9.84 1300 E Ta Al2O3 RF.DC Lutetium Oxide Lu203 9.42 1400 RF Decomposes. Temp("C)for Given MP Vap.Press.(Torr) Evaporation Techniques Material Symbol S/D (CI /em E,Bent Thermal Sources Sputter Comments 10 1 Cail Basket Crucible Magnesium Mg 649 1.74 185247327 W,Mo.Ta.Cb Al2O3 VC DC.RF Extremely high rates possible. Magnesium Aluminate MgAl2O 2135 3.6 G RF Natural spinel.n1.72 Magnesium Bromide MgBr2 700 3.72 450 Decomposes. 714 2.32 400 M RF Decomposes.n=1.67 Magneslum Fluoride MgFz 1261 2.93.2 1000 Mo,Ta A203 Magnesium lodide Mgl2 c637 4.43 200 RE Magnesium Oxide Mgo 2852 3.58 1300 C.Al2O3 RF,RF-R oxides.n~1.7 Manganese Mn 1244 s 7.20 507 572647 W.Ta.Mo Al2O Beo DC.RF Manganese Bromide MnBr2 4.39 500 RF Manganese Chloride 650 2.98 450 RF Manganese(ll)Oxide 1080 4.50 Manganese (IV)Ode MnO2 535 5.03 RE-R Loses oxygen at 535'C. Manganese Suffide MnS D 3.99 1300 Mo RE Decomposes.ns 2.70 Mercury Hg -39 13.55 -68 -42 6 Mercury Sulfide HgS 584 s 8.10 250 RF Decomposes.n=2.85,3.20 Molybdenum Mo 2610 10.2 159218222117 Ex DC.RF Films smooth,hard.Careful degas Molybdenum Boride MoB2 2100 7.12 P RF.DC
Lead Telluride PbTe 917 8.16 780 910 1050 - Mo, Pt, Ta - - Al2O3 , Gr RF Vapors toxic. Deposits aretellurium rich. Sputtering preferred or co-evaporate from two sources. Lead Titanate PbTiO3 - 7.52 - - - - Ta - - - RF - Lithium Li 181 0.53 227 307 407 G Ta, SS - - Al2O3 , BeO - Metal reacts quickly in air. Lithium Bromide LiBr 550 3.46 - - ~500 - Ni - - - RF n = 1.78 Lithium Chloride LiCl 605 2.07 - - 400 - Ni - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.66 Lithium Fluoride LiF 845 2.64 875 1020 1180 G Ni, Ta, Mo, W - - Al2O3 RF Rate control important for optical films. Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.39 Lithium Iodide LiI 449 4.08 - - 400 - Mo, W - - - RF n = 1.96 Lithium Oxide Li2O >1700 2.01 - - 850 - Pt, Ir - - - RF n = 1.64 Lutetium Lu 1663 9.84 - - 1300 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC - Lutetium Oxide Lu2O3 - 9.42 - - 1400 - Ir - - - RF Decomposes. Material Symbol MP (°C) S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given Vap. Press. (Torr) Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments 10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam Thermal Sources Boat Coil Basket Crucible Magnesium Mg 649 S 1.74 185 247 327 G W, Mo, Ta, Cb W W Al2O3 , VC DC, RF Extremely high rates possible. Magnesium Aluminate MgAl2O4 2135 3.6 - - - G - - - - RF Natural spinel. n = 1.72 Magnesium Bromide MgBr2 700 3.72 - - ~450 - Ni - - - RF Decomposes. Magnesium Chloride MgCl2 714 2.32 - - 400 - Ni - - - RF Decomposes. n = 1.67 Magnesium Fluoride MgF2 1261 2.9-3.2 - - 1000 Ex Mo, Ta - - Al2O3 RF Rate control and substrate heat important for optical films. Reacts with tungsten. Excellent with molybdenum. n = 1.38 Magnesium Iodide MgI2 <637 D 4.43 - - 200 - Ir - - - RF - Magnesium Oxide MgO 2852 3.58 - - 1300 G - - - C, Al2O3 RF, RF-R Evaporates in 10-3 Torr oxygen for stoichiometry. Tungsten gives volatile oxides. n~1.7 Manganese Mn 1244 S 7.20 507 572 647 G W, Ta, Mo W W Al2O3 , BeO DC, RF - Manganese Bromide MnBr2 - D 4.39 - - 500 - Incl - - - RF - Manganese Chloride MnCl2 650 2.98 - - 450 - Incl - - - RF - Manganese (III) Oxide Mn2O3 1080 4.50 - - - - - - - - - - Manganese (IV) Oxide MnO2 535 5.03 - - - P W - W - RF-R Loses oxygen at 535°C. Manganese Sulfide MnS - D 3.99 - - 1300 - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.70 Mercury Hg -39 13.55 -68 -42 -6 - - - - - - - Mercury Sulfide HgS 584 S 8.10 - - 250 - - - - Al2O3 RF Decomposes. n = 2.85, 3.20 Molybdenum Mo 2610 10.2 1592 1822 2117 Ex - - - - DC, RF Films smooth, hard. Careful degas required. Molybdenum Boride MoB2 2100 7.12 - - - P - - - - RF, DC -

Molybdenum Carbide Mo,C 2687 8.9 RF,DC Evaporation of Mo(CO)s yields MoC. Molybdenum Disulfide MoS2 1185 4.80 50 RF Molybdenum Oxide MoO3 795 s 4.69 g00 Mo,Pt Mo Al203-BN RF Slight oxygen loss.n1.9 Molybdenum Silicide 2050 6.31 Decomposes. Nd 1021 7.01 731 871 1062 Ex Ta N203 DC.RF Low tantalum solubility. NdF3 1410 6.5 900G Mo.W Mo,Ta AH203 RF Very little decomposition.n-1.6 Neodymium Oxide Nd2O3 1900 724 1400G Ta,W ThO2 RF,RF-R films clear.E-beam Nichrome IV Ni/Cr 1395 8.50 847 9871217 Ex W.Ta DC.RF Nickel 1455 8.90 927 10721262 Ex Alloys with refractory metals.Forms Beo.VC DC.RF smooth adherent films. Nickel Bromide NiBr2 963 5.10 362 Indl RF Nickel Chloride 1001 s 3.55 444 Incl RF Nickel Oxide NIO 1984 6.67 ~1470 Al2O3 RF-R Dissodates on heating.n2.18 Nioblum Nb 2468 8.57 17281972287 Ex DC,RF Attacks tungsten source.n1.80 Nioblum Boride NbB. 29002) 6.97 RF,DC Nioblum Carbide NbC 3500 7.6 F RF,DC NbN 2573 8.4 RF,RF-R awegpoanotmh1o Niobium(间Odde Nho 7.30 1100 RF Nioblum (l)Oxide Nb203 1780 7.5 CR Nioblum(V)Oxide Nb2Os 1485 4.47 RF,RF-R n=195 Nioblum Telluride NbTe, 7.6 RF Composition varlable. Niobium-Tin NbaSn Ex RF,DC Co-evaporate from two sources. Osmium Os 2700 22.48 2170 2430 2760 F DC.RF Osmium Oxide 08z03 Deposits osmium in 10 Torr oxyoen. h Pd 1554 s 12.02 842 992 1192 Al2O3 BeO DC.RF Palladum Oxide Pdo 870 9.70 575 203 RF-R Decomposes. Parylene CaHa 300-400 1.1 /apor-depositable plastic. Permalloy NI/Fe 1395 8.7 947 10471307 G W AlO VC DC F,Fillm low in nickel. Phosphorus 44.1 1.82 327 361 402 A203 Material reacts violently in air.n214 Phosphorus Nitride 2.51 RF.RF-R Platinum 1772 2145 1292 1492 1747 C.Tho2 DC.RF Alloys with metals.Films so,poo adhesion. Platinum Oxide PHO与 450 10.2 RF-R Plutonium Pu 641 19.84 Toxic.radioactive
Molybdenum Carbide Mo2C 2687 8.9 - - - F - - - - RF, DC Evaporation of Mo(CO)6 yields Mo2C. Molybdenum Disulfide MoS2 1185 4.80 - - ~50 - - - - - RF - Molybdenum Oxide MoO3 795 S 4.69 - - ~900 - Mo, Pt - Mo Al2O3 , BN RF Slight oxygen loss. n = 1.9 Molybdenum Silicide MoSi2 2050 6.31 - - - - W - - - RF Decomposes. Neodymium Nd 1021 7.01 731 871 1062 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 DC, RF Low tantalum solubility. Neodymium Fluoride NdF3 1410 6.5 - - ~900 G Mo, W - Mo, Ta Al2O3 RF Very little decomposition. n = 1.6 Neodymium Oxide Nd2O3 ~1900 7.24 - - ~1400 G Ta, W - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen, films clear. E-beam preferred. n = 1.79 Nichrome IV Ni/Cr 1395 8.50 847 987 1217 Ex *** W W, Ta Al2O3 , VC, BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Nickel Ni 1455 8.90 927 1072 1262 Ex W W W Al2O3 , BeO, VC DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Forms smooth adherent films. Nickel Bromide NiBr2 963 S 5.10 - - 362 - Incl - - - RF - Nickel Chloride NiCl2 1001 S 3.55 - - 444 - Incl - - - RF - Nickel Oxide NiO 1984 6.67 - - ~1470 - - - - Al2O3 RF-R Dissociates on heating. n = 2.18 Niobium Nb 2468 8.57 1728 1977 2287 Ex W - - - DC, RF Attacks tungsten source. n = 1.80 Niobium Boride NbB2 2900(?) 6.97 - - - - - - - - RF, DC - Niobium Carbide NbC 3500 7.6 - - - F - - - - RF, DC - Niobium Nitride NbN 2573 8.4 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R Reactive. Evaporates niobium in 10-3 Torr nitrogen. Niobium (II) Oxide NbO - 7.30 - - 1100 - Pt - - - RF - Niobium (III) Oxide Nb2O3 1780 7.5 - - - - W - W - RF, DC, RFR - Niobium (V) Oxide Nb2O5 1485 4.47 - - - - W - W - RF, RF-R n = 1.95 Niobium Telluride NbTex - 7.6 - - - - - - - - RF Composition variable. Niobium-Tin Nb3Sn - - - - - Ex - - - - RF, DC Co-evaporate from two sources. Osmium Os 2700 22.48 2170 2430 2760 F - - - - DC, RF - Osmium Oxide Os2O3 - D - - - - - - - - - - Deposits osmium in 10-3 Torr oxygen. Palladium Pd 1554 S 12.02 842 992 1192 Ex W W W Al2O3 , BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Rapid evaporation suggested. Palladium Oxide PdO 870 9.70 - - 575 - - - - Al2O3 RF-R Decomposes. Parylene C8H8 300-400 1.1 - - - - - - - - - Vapor-depositable plastic. Permalloy Ni/Fe 1395 8.7 947 1047 1307 G W - - Al2O3 , VC DC F, Film low in nickel. Phosphorus P 44.1 1.82 327 361 402 - - - - Al2O3 - Material reacts violently in air. n = 2.14 Phosphorus Nitride P3N5 - 2.51 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R - Platinum Pt 1772 21.45 1292 1492 1747 Ex W W W C, ThO2 DC, RF Alloys with metals. Films soft, poor adhesion. Platinum Oxide PtO2 450 10.2 - - - - - - - - RF-R - Plutonium Pu 641 19.84 - - - - W - - - - Toxic, radioactive

Po 254 94 117170244 a Radioactive. 个 0.86 23 60 125 to outoas. Potassium Bromide 734 2.75 450 Ta,Mo 、 Preheat gently to outgas.n1.559 Potassium Chloride KCI T70 Is 1.98 510 Ta,NI RF Preheat gently to outgas.n1.49 Potassium Fluoride KF 858 248 w500 RF Preheat gently to outgas.n1.363 KOH 360 2.04 400 A Preheat gently to outgas. Potassium lodide 681 3.13 -500 Ta RF Preheat gently to outgas.n1.677 Praseodymium Pr 931 6.77 800 950 1150 Ta RF,DC 7.07 1400 G RF.RF-R Loses oxygen. Radium Ra 700 5 246 320416 Rhenium Re 3180 20.53 192822072571 DC.RF Fine wire wll seif-evaporate. D 7 RF Evaporate rhenium in 103 Torr Rhodium 1956 12.4 1277 14721707 G ThO2,VC DC,RF -beam gun preferred. Rubidium Rb 39 1.48 .3 37 111 DC RE Rubidium Chlonide RbCI 718 2.09 -550 0 RF n=14g3 Rubidium lodide Rbl 647 3.55 ~400 n=1.647 Ruthenium Ru 2310 12.3 178019902260P DC.RF emp.(C)for Giver Evaporation Techniques Symbol MP s/D Sputter Comments 10- 10-6 Thermal Sources Boat Coil Basket Crucible Samarium Sm 1074 7.52 373460573G Ta RF,DC Samarlum Oxide Sm20 2350 8.35 G r ThO2 RF,RF-R Loses oxygen.Fims smooth,clear. Samarlum Suffide Sm2S3 1900 5.73 、 Scandium Sc 1541 2.99714837 1002Ex w Al2Og,BeO RF Alovs with tantalm Scandium Oxide Sc203 2300 3.86 ~400 F RF,RF-R Selenium Se 217 4.81 89 125 170G w.Mo W.Mo W.Mo Al2O3.VC RF.DC Toxic.Bad for vacuum systems. 410 2.32 g92 1147 1337 e W.Ta BeO.Ta,VC DC,RF Aloys with tungsten:u neavy tungsten boat.SiC produced above 4x10 Torr.E-beam best Silicon Boride Silicon Carbide -2700 8.D3.22 1000 Sputtering preferred.n-2.654.2.697 Silicon Nitride SaN4 1900 3.44 -800 RF,RF-R Silicon (ll)Oxide 1702 s 2.13 850 Ta Ta RF,RF-R ce evaporation,use bafte box and low Silicon (TV)Oxide S02 1610 2.65 1025Ex RF Quartz excellent in E-beam.n=1.544,1.553 Silicon Selenide sise 550 940 s 1.85 450 RF n=1.853
Polonium Po 254 9.4 117 170 244 - - - - Q - Radioactive. Potassium K 63 0.86 23 60 125 - Mo - - Q - Metal reacts rapidly in air. Preheat gently to outgas. Potassium Bromide KBr 734 2.75 - - ~450 - Ta, Mo - - Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.559 Potassium Chloride KCl 770 S 1.98 - - 510 G Ta, Ni - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.49 Potassium Fluoride KF 858 2.48 - - ~500 - - - - Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.363 Potassium Hydroxide KOH 360 2.04 - - ~400 - Pt - - - - Preheat gently to outgas. Potassium Iodide KI 681 3.13 - - ~500 - Ta - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.677 Praseodymium Pr 931 6.77 800 950 1150 G Ta - - - RF, DC - Praseodymium Oxide Pr2O3 - D 7.07 - - 1400 G Ir - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Radium Ra 700 5 (?) 246 320 416 - - - - - - - Rhenium Re 3180 20.53 1928 2207 2571 P - - - - DC, RF Fine wire will self-evaporate. Rhenium Oxide ReO3 - D ~7 - - - - - - - - RF Evaporate rhenium in 10-3 Torr Rhodium Rh 1966 12.4 1277 1472 1707 G W W W ThO2 , VC DC, RF E-beam gun preferred. Rubidium Rb 39 1.48 -3 37 111 - - - - Q DC, RF - Rubidium Chloride RbCl 718 2.09 - - ~550 - - - - Q RF n = 1.493 Rubidium Iodide RbI 647 3.55 - - ~400 - - - - Q RF n = 1.647 Ruthenium Ru 2310 12.3 1780 1990 2260 P W - - - DC, RF - Material Symbol MP (°C) S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given Vap. Press. (Torr) Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments 10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam Thermal Sources Boat Coil Basket Crucible Samarium Sm 1074 7.52 373 460 573 G Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC - Samarium Oxide Sm2O3 2350 8.35 - - - G Ir - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Films smooth, clear. Samarium Sulfide Sm2S3 1900 5.73 - - - G - - - - - - Scandium Sc 1541 2.99 714 837 1002 Ex W - - Al2O3 , BeO RF Alloys with tantalum. Scandium Oxide Sc2O3 2300 3.86 - - ~400 F - - - - RF, RF-R - Selenium Se 217 4.81 89 125 170 G W, Mo W, Mo W, Mo Al2O3 , VC RF, DC Toxic. Bad for vacuum systems. Silicon Si 1410 2.32 992 1147 1337 F W, Ta - - BeO, Ta, VC DC, RF Alloys with tungsten; use heavy tungsten boat. SiO produced above 4 x 10-6 Torr. E-beam best. Silicon Boride SiB6 - - - - - P - - - - RF - Silicon Carbide SiC ~2700 S, D 3.22 - - 1000 - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred. n = 2.654, 2.697 Silicon Nitride Si3N4 1900 3.44 - - ~800 - - - - - RF, RF-R - Silicon (II) Oxide SiO >1702 S 2.13 - - 850 F Ta W W Ta RF, RF-R For resistance evaporation, use baffle box and low rate. n = 1.6 Silicon (IV) Oxide SiO2 1610 ~2.65 * * 1025* Ex - - - Al2O3 RF Quartz excellent in E-beam. n = 1.544, 1.553 Silicon Selenide SiSe - - - - 550 - - - - Q RF - Silicon Sulfide SiS 940 S 1.85 - - 450 - - - - Q RF n = 1.853

4.39 550 RF Silver Ag 962 10.5 847 958 1105Ex w Mo Ta,Mo DC.RF Silver Bromide AgBr 432 6.47 -380 Ta RF n=2.253 Silver Chloride AgCI 455 5.56 -520 Mo,Pt o TRF n=2.07 Silver lodide Agl 558 6.01 500 Ta RF n=2.21 Na 98 0.97 74 124192 Ta,SS e器u Sodium Bromide NaBr 747 3.20 400 RF Preheat gently to outgas.n1.641 Sodium Chloride NaCl 801 2.17 530 6 Ta,W.Mo 0 Sodium Cyanide NaCN 564 550 Ag RF Preheat gently to outgas.n1.452 Sodium Fluoride NaF 993 2.56 -1000G Mo,Ta,W Preheat gently to outgas.No decomposition.n= 1.336 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 318 2.13 470 Pt Preheat gently to outgas.n1.358 Spinel MgO35Al2O3 8.0 G RF 0=172 769 2.6 239 309 403p w.Ta.Mo w RF.DC Wets but does not alloy with refractory metals. May react in air. 875 3.05 n=1.650 SF2 1473 4.24 -1000 RF 01442 Strontum Oxde Sro 2430 4.7 1500 Mo N203 RF Reacts with molybdenum and tungsten.n=1.810 Strontium Sulfide srs 22000 3.70 Mo RF Decomposes.n=2.107 Sulftur Sa 113 2.07 13 19 57 w Bad for vacuum systems.n=1.957 NI/Fe/Mo 1410 8.9 RF.DC Tantalum Ta 2996 16.6196022402590Ex DC.RF Forms good films. Tantalum Boride TaB2 3000(2) 11.15 RF.DC Tantalum Carbide Tac 3880 13.9 2500 RF,DC Tantalum Nitride TaN 3360 16.30 RF.RF-R, Evaporates tantalum in 103 Torr nitrogen. Tantalum Pentoxide 1872 1550 1780 1920G Ta w RF,RF-R Tantalum Sulfide Tas2 >1300 RF Technetium Tc 2200 11.5 1570180020g0 PTFE 330 2.9 Baffied source.Fim structure doubtful. Te 452 6.25 157 207 277 w.Ta w.Ta Al203.Q RF Toxic.Wets without alloying.n1.002 Tb 1356 823 800 950 1150Ex Ta Al2O3 RF Terbium Fluoride TbFa 1172 -800 RF Terblum Oxide Tb2O3 2387 7.87 1300 RF Parially decomposes. Terbium Peroxide Tb4O7 Ta RF Films TbO. Thallium 304 1185 280 360 470 P w.Ta Al2O3,Q Very toxic.Wets freely
Silicon Telluride SiTe2 - 4.39 - - 550 - - - - Q RF - Silver Ag 962 10.5 847 958 1105 Ex W Mo Ta, Mo Al2O3 W DC, RF Silver Bromide AgBr 432 D 6.47 - - ~380 - Ta - - Q RF n = 2.253 Silver Chloride AgCl 455 5.56 - - ~520 - Mo, Pt - Mo Q RF n = 2.07 Silver Iodide AgI 558 6.01 - - ~500 - Ta - - - RF n = 2.21 Sodium Na 98 0.97 74 124 192 - Ta, SS - - Q - Preheat gently to outgas. Metal reacts quickly in air.n = 4.22 Sodium Bromide NaBr 747 3.20 - - ~400 - - - - Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.641 Sodium Chloride NaCl 801 2.17 - - 530 G Ta, W, Mo - - Q RF Copper oven, little decomposition. Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.544 Sodium Cyanide NaCN 564 - - - ~550 - Ag - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.452 Sodium Fluoride NaF 993 2.56 - - ~1000 G Mo, Ta, W - - BeO RF Preheat gently to outgas. No decomposition. n = 1.336 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 318 2.13 - - ~470 - Pt - - - - Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.358 Spinel MgO35Al2O3 - 8.0 - - - G - - - - RF n = 1.72 Strontium Sr 769 2.6 239 309 403 P W, Ta, Mo W W VC RF, DC Wets but does not alloy with refractory metals. May react in air. Strontium Chloride SrCl2 875 3.05 - - - - - - - - - n = 1.650 Strontium Fluoride SrF2 1473 4.24 - - ~1000 - - - - Al2O3 RF n = 1.442 Strontium Oxide SrO 2430 S 4.7 - - 1500 - Mo - - Al2O3 RF Reacts with molybdenum and tungsten. n = 1.810 Strontium Sulfide SrS >2000 3.70 - - - - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.107 Sulfur S8 113 2.07 13 19 57 P W - W Q - Bad for vacuum systems. n = 1.957 Supermalloy Ni/Fe/Mo 1410 8.9 - - - G - - - - RF, DC Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources, permalloy and molybdenum. Tantalum Ta 2996 16.6 1960 2240 2590 Ex - - - - DC, RF Forms good films. Tantalum Boride TaB2 3000(?) 11.15 - - - - - - - - RF, DC - Tantalum Carbide TaC 3880 13.9 - - ~2500 - - - - - RF, DC - Tantalum Nitride TaN 3360 16.30 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R, DC Evaporates tantalum in 10-3 Torr nitrogen. Tantalum Pentoxide Ta2O5 1872 8.2 1550 1780 1920 G Ta W W VC RF, RF-R Slight decomposition.Evaporates in 10-3 Torr oxygen. n = 2.6 Tantalum Sulfide TaS2 >1300 - - - - - - - - - RF - Technetium Tc 2200 11.5 1570 1800 2090 - - - - - - - Teflon PTFE 330 2.9 - - - - W - - - RF Baffled source. Film structure doubtful. Tellurium Te 452 6.25 157 207 277 P W, Ta W W, Ta Al2O3 , Q RF Toxic. Wets without alloying. n =1.002 Terbium Tb 1356 8.23 800 950 1150 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 RF - Terbium Fluoride TbF3 1172 - - - ~800 - - - - - RF - Terbium Oxide Tb2O3 2387 7.87 - - 1300 - Ir - - - RF Partially decomposes. Terbium Peroxide Tb4O7 - D - - - - - Ta - - - RF Films TbO. Thallium Tl 304 11.85 280 360 470 P W, Ta - W Al2O3 , Q DC Very toxic. Wets freely
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