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哈尔滨工业大学:《IT Project Management》课程教学资源(PPT课件)07 Project Communication Management

◼ Importance of a good communication ◼ Project Communication Management Process ◼ Communication Planning (沟通计划编制) ◼ Information Distribution (信息发送) ◼ Performance Reporting (绩效报告) ◼ Administrative Closure (管理收尾) ◼ Suggestions for improving project communications

IT Project managemEnt Topic: Project Communication Management INSTRUCTOR: SHU LIU HIIT SCHOOL OF SOFTWARE Fa12005 All rights reserved

Topic: Project Communication Management IT Project Management INSTRUCTOR: SHU LIU HIT SCHOOL OF SOFTWARE Fall 2005 All rights reserved

IT rojsek management Outline a Importance of a good communication Project Communication Management Process Communication Planning(约沟通计划编制) Information distribution(信息发送) Performance reporting(绩效报告) Administrative Closure(管理收尾) Suggestions for improving project communications Project Time Management

Project Time Management 2 Outline ◼ Importance of a good communication ◼ Project Communication Management Process ◼ Communication Planning (沟通计划编制) ◼ Information Distribution (信息发送) ◼ Performance Reporting (绩效报告) ◼ Administrative Closure (管理收尾) ◼ Suggestions for improving project communications IT Project Management

mportance of Good Communications The greatest threat to many projects is a failure to communicate Our culture does not portray it professionals as being good communicators Research shows that It professionals must be able to communicate effectively to succeed in their positions a Strong verbal skills are a key factor in career advancement for IT professionals Project Time Management

Project Time Management 3 Importance of Good Communications ◼ The greatest threat to many projects is a failure to communicate ◼ Our culture does not portray IT professionals as being good communicators ◼ Research shows that IT professionals must be able to communicate effectively to succeed in their positions ◼ Strong verbal skills are a key factor in career advancement for IT professionals

Project Communications Management Processes Communications planning(沟通计划编制 determining the information and communications needs of the stakeholders Information distribution(信息发送) s making needed information avallable in a timely manner ■ Performance reporting(绩效报告) a collecting and disseminating performance information Administrative closure(管理收尾) generating, gathering, and disseminating information to formalize phase or project completion Project Time Management

Project Time Management 4 ◼ Communications planning (沟通计划编制) ◼ determining the information and communications needs of the stakeholders ◼ Information distribution (信息发送) ◼ making needed information available in a timely manner ◼ Performance reporting (绩效报告) ◼ collecting and disseminating performance information ◼ Administrative closure (管理收尾) ◼ generating, gathering, and disseminating information to formalize phase or project completion Project Communications Management Processes

IT Project management Communications Planning(沟通计划编制) a Every project should include some type of communications management plan a document that guides project communications a Creating a stakeholder analysis for project communications also aids in communications planning Project Time Management

Project Time Management 5 Communications Planning (沟通计划编制) ◼ Every project should include some type of communications management plan ◼ a document that guides project communications ◼ Creating a stakeholder analysis for project communications also aids in communications planning IT Project Management

IT Project management Communications Management Plan Contents a description of a collection and filing structure for gathering and storing various types of information a distribution structure describing what information goes to whom, when, and how A format for communicating key project information a project schedule for producing the information Access methods for obtaining the information a method for updating the communications management plans as the project progresses and develops a stakeholder communications analysis Project Time Management

Project Time Management 6 Communications Management Plan Contents ◼ A description of a collection and filing structure for gathering and storing various types of information ◼ A distribution structure describing what information goes to whom, when, and how ◼ A format for communicating key project information ◼ A project schedule for producing the information ◼ Access methods for obtaining the information ◼ A method for updating the communications management plans as the project progresses and develops ◼ A stakeholder communications analysis IT Project Management

Sample Stakeholder Analysis for Project Communications 项目沟通干系人分析举例 Stakeholders Document Name Document Contact Person Due Format Customer Monthly Status Hard copy Gail Feldman, First of month Management Report Tony silva Customer Monthly Status Hard copy Julie Grant First of month Business Staff Report Jeff martin Customer Monthly status E-mail Evan Dodge, First of month Technical Staff Report Nancy michaels Internal Monthly Status Hard copy Bob Thomson First of month Management Report Internal Monthly status Intranet Angie Liu First of month Business and Report Technical Staff Training Training plan Hard Copy Jonathan Kraus 11/1/1999 Subcontractor Software Software E-mail Barbara Gates 6/1/2000 Subcontractor Implementation Plan

Project Time Management 7 Sample Stakeholder Analysis for Project Communications 项目沟通干系人分析举例 Stakeholders Document Name Document Format Contact Person Due Customer Management Monthly Status Report Hard copy Gail Feldman, Tony Silva First of month Customer Business Staff Monthly Status Report Hard copy Julie Grant, Jeff Martin First of month Customer Technical Staff Monthly Status Report E-mail Evan Dodge, Nancy Michaels First of month Internal Management Monthly Status Report Hard copy Bob Thomson First of month Internal Business and Technical Staff Monthly Status Report Intranet Angie Liu First of month Training Subcontractor Training Plan Hard Copy Jonathan Kraus 11/1/1999 Software Subcontractor Software Implementation Plan E-mail Barbara Gates 6/1/2000

IT Project management Information distribution(信息发送) Getting the right information to the right people at the right time and in a right format is just as important as developing the information in the first place a Important considerations include using technology to enhance information distribution formal and informal methods for distributing information Project Time Management

Project Time Management 8 Information Distribution (信息发送) ◼ Getting the right information to the right people at the right time and in a right format is just as important as developing the information in the first place ◼ Important considerations include ◼ using technology to enhance information distribution ◼ formal and informal methods for distributing information IT Project Management

IT Project management Information distribution methods Telling in public/private a Hard copy Telephone call a Voice mail E-Mail Meeting Web site Project Time Management

Project Time Management 9 Information Distribution Methods ◼ Telling in public/private ◼ Hard copy ◼ Telephone call ◼ Voice mail ◼ E-Mail ◼ Meeting ◼ Web site ◼ … IT Project Management

The Impact of the Number of People on Communications Channels number of communications channels n(n-1) co 2 people, 1 communications channel 4 people, 6 communications channels, etc 3 people, 3 communications channels Project Time Management

Project Time Management 10 The Impact of the Number of People on Communications Channels
