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Nankaiedu 网络教学的实践与应用 冯大建|

网络教学的实践与应用 冯大建 |

壹、说说网络 网络的前世今生 1969美国第一次实现了计算机之间的通信 1971电子邮件出现了 ·1973美英之间发送了第一封跨越大西洋的电子邮件 1975电子邮件软件有了“回复”与“转发”功

壹、说说网络 • 网络的前世今生I – 1969 美国第一次实现了计算机之间的通信 – 1971 电子邮件出现了。 • 1973 美英之间发送了第一封跨越大西洋的电子邮件 • 1975 电子邮件软件有了“回复”与“转发”功能

壹、说说网络 网络的前世今生1 1978电子公告栏(BBS)问世 1979最早的电子游戏出现(MUD) 1979新闻组( Usenet)出现 1980查询软件出现 1983-1985地址、域名出现 1985虚拟社区( Virtual commnuties)出现 1988RC(互联网中继聊天)出现

壹、说说网络 • 网络的前世今生I – 1978 电子公告栏(BBS)问世 – 1979 最早的电子游戏出现(MUD) – 1979 新闻组(Usenet)出现 – 1980 查询软件出现 – 1983-1985 IP地址、域名出现 – 1985 虚拟社区(Virtual Commnuties)出现 – 1988 IRC(互联网中继聊天)出现

i Telnet british-legends com Path. south of you. To the vest and east are separate gardene north, to a cottage ou are standing on a path which leads off a road to the lower garden ou are in a well-kept garden. There is an unexpectedly sweet snell here and you notice lots of flowers. To the east across a path there is more garden liff ou, are standing on, the edge of, a cliff surrounded by forest to the north and heights. At the base of the cliff you can just make out the shapes of jagged DCS s you approach the edge of the cliff the rock starts to crumble. Hurriedly you retreat as you feel the ground begin to give way under your feet! lea ou The splattered over a very large area, or at least post of you rest of your remains are, even now, being eaten by the seagulls . If you'd have looked properly before you leaped you ight have decided not to jump Persona updated Would you like to play again?

r]erridlio(Log 8)vo re, freer

壹、说说网络 网络的前世今生 1989-1990第一个网页诞生(WWW) 1993第一个供大众使用的图形化浏览器问世 1994 Yahoo问世 1995 Geocities个人主页服务问世

壹、说说网络 • 网络的前世今生II – 1989-1990 第一个网页诞生(WWW) – 1993 第一个供大众使用的图形化浏览器问世 – 1994 Yahoo问世 • 1995 Geocities 个人主页服务问世

World Wide Web The Worldwide Web(W3)is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents Everything there is online about w3 is Inked directy or indirectly to this document, inchding an executive summary of the project, Mailing lists, Policy. Novembers w3 news, Frequently Asked Questions What's out there? Pointers to the world's on mation, subiects. w3 servers, etc. Help on the browser you are using Software products A lst of w3 project components and their current state(e.g. Line Mode Xll Viola, NeXTStep Servers, Tools. Mail robot, Library) Technical Details of protocols, formats, program intemals etc BIDbogrpnY Paper documentation on w3 and references A hst of some people involved in the project History A summary of the history of the project How can I help

网区 回出。图型 区 Session Files Beyond the Web: Excavating the Real World Via Mosaic THE MERCURY PROIEYT 9 KencoMher, Assistant Profersor Computer Scent o Mishar Mascha Assant Prufessce Ardeopelog and Graduae Snider Utmrersty of Dartoand Cermany Nrk Rothenberg PhD Candate, Vin Anthropology o Ca See, Senar Progmermet/Analyn Center far Scholarly Techndogy o Jeff Wiede, PhD Canada, Compser Sciente wormy of Sahen Calferran Los Angeles, CA. (To wpea n the Secand 'rermatna www confess, Chicago, IL, Oct 17-21, 1994) Abstract 7 t papwr dnsonbwt a Afos terr that allaws wten如" ne the web”ana加 et wii the re/ von A systm whch commt ofaro paneling. the operator af the robot neca pommmon an imu The robot tr located owr a d eurh sure allong uer to drect ahart lust ofearenasromto detat aldreaning ennead armes nuce as robot imer this project as a feuabtaty ahly for a brodd raese of www apphcabot Goals of the Project wwwW and M计 res prowde a mnm由mnch学减m可 rpliermt Thoas ndi of nes hawe been:甲 n the pa year Ou goal twa to unle ruu ccir to a teleported rbot, theat adeang users to reach hey L

1994 Ya anoo [Wa: New?i Wh: Cee? I Wh Pedlar IA Randem Lek) I Yade I Upf South I Suggest I Ad I Hebe I Alt /o29)n Business(8346nrwi Computes (255 feel Franey 93 new] Educate(89)(nw nnoanrat and Nara更a6law Frente(G! Govmnanrat(2226 as Health (528 new] Humaities (220newl Law(22)[newi Newy(OJ)neal Polite (84)nw? Referene[n叫 Repeal Iadermatie(439?fnrw Sonate 1280 cewl Sorial Senate(4,aew Sanity amd Cname 33 nrl Tur ar cammy 3/997antrmer in t ladoo databas

壹、说说网络 网络的前世今生Ⅲ 1997“博客”作为一个概念出现了 1998 Google问世 1998P2P(点对点)的文件共享出现 2001维基百科问世 2003 Myspace出现一-2004 FACEBOOK出现 2004WEB2.0概念提出 2006 TWITTER出现(微博) 2007 PHONE推动了“移动”互联网的发展

壹、说说网络 • 网络的前世今生 III – 1997 “博客”作为一个概念出现了 – 1998 Google 问世 – 1998 P2P(点对点)的文件共享出现 – 2001 维基百科问世 – 2003 Myspace出现——2004 FACEBOOK出现 – 2004 WEB2.0概念提出 – 2006 TWITTER出现(微博) – 2007 IPHONE推动了“移动”互联网的发展
